Jeremy’s fitness program

chapter 3: the first semester

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The first month or so Jeremy kept up his routine, but kept finding it more, and more difficult to keep up with. Classes were slowly absorbing his two a day workout routine and he limited it to one. Parties were also frequent so his current confidence kept leading him to them.

He kept up his eating habits roughly the same but found himself using less and less of his food scale. “No worries” he thought. He read online that the dip in activity would be good on his central nervous system anyway. And he was told by some friends you need to bulk a little to put on muscle anyway. So his current slight loss of vascularity wasn’t a huge worry.

One morning he checked his weight on the scale. It said one seventy five. “Alright sweet” he thought, putting on a little weight would be good. And he noticed in the gym his lifts were getting a bit better, he could lift a little heavier since he was only going once a day.

Hey Man, I don’t see you as often in the gym.

Oh I’m still coming, class and shit getting in the way, I’m just coming once a day now.

Jesus you were dedicated coming more than that, I only go about 4 times a week.

Yeah I got a little obsessed haha

Understandable, we’ll it’s showing. Glad I could help.

Yeah I really appreciate it. Never thought I’d have arms to show.

Well hey, I’ll see you around. It’s a ways away, but do you know what you’re doing for Thanksgiving?

No idea, parents are actually going out of the country for a work trip anyway.

Oh really, well maybe come chill with us then.

Jeremy was loving this conversation. He was sort of a recluse before, seems the gym has opened new doors, and by thanksgiving. He’s hoping he can impress Tanya a bit more, and maybe some of her friends. Especially it being a couple months away, maybe he can go back to doubling up at the gym.

*a month goes by*
Although his plan was to stay in the gym, and go back to two days. His plan didn’t really last long. Parties increased as the semester went on and his gym time decreased. And of course, his appetite stayed the same. Even got to eating more during the week at each weekend party. The beer munchies are a real thing.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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Jens01 2 years
very hot more please