Jeremy’s fitness program

chapter 7: it’s thanksgiving time

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It’s pretty obvious, Jeremy let go. Sarah hasn’t been the best influence either. After their stuffing session it’s sort of embedded into Jeremy’s brain that food can equal pleasure. Sarah had seduced him a bit and pushed him into her world a bit. One she may have been apart of before Jeremy? We will have to see.

Except right now, Jeremy is getting ready to face his friends he hasn’t seen in a bit. At the student get together with everyone who didn’t go home for thanksgiving. The event was to be a little more formal since they planned all on meeting up at a friends house and then go to a bit of an upscale nightclub.

So here Jeremy is, staring himself in the mirror, looking at his pudge he had engorged from the last couple days of play with Sarah.

Fuck I think I got fatter.

He turns to the side and looks at himself. Yeah, he’s a bit fatter.

Ruffling through his closet he gets to the two suits he brought with him. First thing he pops on are the pants…well, tries to.

Straining to pull them up he gets them to about mid thigh before he realizes it’s a poor effort. He got these suits when he was in the 150s. At a only so slight gain in his mind he weighs now at 245.

Fuck he thinks, and shuffles around till he decides to try on a shirt. He stuffs his arms in one at a time. Hunching forward trying to get the arms to “fit right” in his mind. And it’s very obvious buttoning this shirt isn’t even an option.

He throws the shirt on the ground hoping he can maybe throw on jeans and a blazer. With just the blazer on he sucks in his belly and buttons the front button. Turning to the side he thinks. “Maybe this will work”. Even though it looks as if it was originally cling wrap and is now sticking to every inch of him. He unsucks his gut for a moment and ping. There goes the button, and here comes his gut.

Fuck me, maybe I’ll just leave it open, it is a blazer.

Since he’s still outside the circle of friends at the moment who don’t know about his girth. He consults his advisor, which is of course Sarah.

Hey, are you in town?

At my parents at the moment. Might come back in town later this week.

Alright, cool. Well, im going to this thing Friday and I need some new clothes.

Oh do you now?

Hey ease up.

Well then don’t tell me kinky things like that.

You’re really liking how big I’ve gotten.

Who me, not at all.

Just help me if you don’t mind.

Listen I’ll have suggestions, and then actual contributions so, yeah let’s see what we come up with.

Whatever doesn’t break the bank.

I’m only worried about you breaking chairs.

Jeremy sighed. That kinda turned him on.

Want to see what I’m trying to wear?

Yeah sure send it.

Jeremy sends a picture of him in his unbutton blazer.

I really wish I had an excuse to leave my parents right now.

See you soon.
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Jens01 2 years
very hot more please