Jeremy’s fitness program

chapter 8: time to catch everyone up

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Jeremy had been standing infront of the changing mirror for a minute. Staring at himself in his sweats. In the sweats of course he looked about what he looked like months again except for his face. They were baggy enough to hide his extra poundage kinda. His face started a slight double chin, but if he stuck his chin out enough it sort of hid it he thought.

Sarah knocks at his changing door.

Alright I got several sizes to try, and the clearance rack for button ups was a little light so. Gotta make due with what you got.

Sarah may have a fibbed about the sizes. She’s been taking advantage of Jeremy a bit, getting her kinks taken care of.

Alright we’ll I’ll try the pants first.

He started to go through the pants, starting with the smallest. 34 waist, they made it a good distance up his legs, and up to his waist with a lot of effort. But nope. Couldn’t even zip them up.

Alright he thought, I’ll just try the biggest. He put on the 38 sized ones. Now these fit. Still a bit snug but maneuverable. He didn’t see any problems as long as maybe he had a belt on.

Well are you going to show me?

Hold on at least let me put a shirt on.

The buttons of the button up weren’t straining, but they were still pulling a bit thanks to his latest girth.

When he stepped out of the room you could now see his full gluttony thanks to the outfit. Unlike the sweats of course.

His belly now hung over the pants. The button up was big enough but tucking it in was a bit strained. When he sat and stood up it would come untucked. Sarah being her mischievous self loved this.

You look great.

Are you sure?


I’ll take your word for it, I think tonight I’ll take it easy, just a couple drinks, and a little food. I don’t want to burst out of this.

Oh you won’t burst out of it.


Just throw the jacket on and you’ll look great.

Are you coming with?

Sure I got something I could wear.

That evening Jeremy took his time arriving. The apartment they were all to hang out at was Tanya friend who is another workout aficionado so he was extra worried about seeing everyone there. “Fuck it” he thought. This is what he looks like now, I’ll just stick to my plan. Sarah had already shown up and starting meeting the few people there. She had classes with some so it wasn’t an awkward crashing.

As Jeremy walked in the first two people at the door Mike and Angie took a second to recognize him, not a gasp but a hard looking over happened. He wasn’t to fond of this first interaction.

Yo Jeremy, good to see you man, never seen you dressed up almost didn’t recognize you.

Hahaha, yeah I am always in sweats and what not these days.

Glad you could make it. How’s your semester been?

Not bad, I’ve just been super busy trying to study for finals and what not.

Yeah the stress gets to us in many different ways.

Well let’s get you a beer man.

The party went on. Sarah meandered around and introduced herself as Jeremy’s date. Dressed in a really cute flowy maxi dress she sort of floated around the party.

A few drinks in and everyone’s chatting and snacking, Jeremy just drinking. Finally he got around to Tanya.

So glad you made it, almost thought you’d chicken out, haven’t seen in a bit.

Yeah I’ve just had my head in the books ya know?

Yeah I could tell, hey I gotta ask you something come with me real quick.


Tanya already a little tipsy pulls him into a bedroom.

Cool room, this yours?

Listen, haven’t seen you in a bit, how are you really?

I am doing fine what’s up?

You know what’s up.

I seriously don’t know what you mean.

Seriously man.

Tanya pokes him lightly in the belly.

Oh come on was that necessary.

Dude, did you just keep eating and not working out like we planned?

I mean I indulged a little this semester but nothing I can’t work off after Christmas.

What happened?

I guess I just.

Tanya reaches her hand out again and rubs his belly. Jeremy’s mind is definitely in wtf mode.

I hate to admit it, and I’m a bit drunk. But this isn’t all bad.


You got a nice belly.

Okay stop fucking with me.

I’m not, and you need another drink. And maybe something to eat. God you’re so much bigger in my hand.

Before he could reply they were out the door and she fixed him a plate handing it to him.

Jeremy is confused, I think we all are. Tanya the fitness princess is a chubby chaser, and is everyone this forward at this college.

Sarah saw this interaction, and jealousy hit her a bit. She couldn’t even get him to eat before, but after that first plate of typical thanksgiving nibbles she had another one ready, and handed it to him taking his empty plate away.

Tanya didn’t see this hand off happen but she turned around to see him with another one, and she kept an eye on him as he finished.

This went on a couple more times between the two girls, Sarah watching and Tanya filling up his plate, and for most of the party he had a drink close by, and a plate full of food in his hand.

At one point Jeremy had to pee. He had ate and drank a lot more than he wanted. Looking in the mirror her could see the damage the two girls had done to him. His button up was very taught, the buttons were starting to pull apart a bit, and his pants looked as if they were struggling a bit too.

As he exited the bathroom Tanya was standing at the door.

Hey we are about to leave.

As soon as she said that she looked over her shoulder and pushed Jeremy back in. Locking the door behind her.

Immediately she put her hand on his belly.

How did all this happen Jeremy?

I uh…

You’ve gotten so fat

Yeah I have huh?

She rubs his belly, and goes in for a kiss.

I’ve kinda hoped this would happen to someone I trained.


They kiss again, and she pushes him out the door.

We gotta go party more I’ll see you there.

Jeremy didn’t know what to think at this point. Just that now he didn’t really care about what he ate or drank tonight.

At the club it was a bit of a blur. Dancing, snacking and drinking. That night was almost like a tug of war again between Sarah and Tanya. Each pulling him over for a drink, a shot, a snack and then a dance. All the glutinous activity had taken a toll on his outfit. From the packed crowds he had actually lost a button around his bellybutton. And they both weren’t shy about rubbing it in public.

“Did they know”he thought, “are they both fighting over me, really”. Unfortunately for Tanya she went a bit too hard, and she left with Mike and Angie to go chug some pedia-lite and pass out.

Sarah though, was very much ready for this moment. Dragging him to her apartment she had pulled the rounded Jeremy to a food stop before. Picking up two large plates of chili cheese fries.

Plopping him on the couch, the final jolt had sent his pants button flying. Smiling and grabbing a beer from her fridge she admired his rounded state.

Hungry still?

Oof, yeah I guess I could eat some more.

Giddy she brings her beer over sits next to him. Unbuttoning his shirt.

What are you doing?

You need room.


She starts to rub his tight belly. Playing with his bellybutton.

It’s gotten so fucking deep.

Yeah and it’s all your fault.

He smiles, and she looks up at him. Making her way past his bellybutton she motions him to lean back. His belly poking up more, making his chin push down making his double chin more prominent, and this drove her crazy. He hand went down his busted pants and grabbed him.

Finish it for me.

Jeremy started to eat the two plates of food. As she stroked him.

Are you my piggy?

He moaned as he ate.

That’s right. And look how fat you’re getting.

She said that and started to kiss his belly. It was massive, and throbbing with food. She could tell he was maxing at capacity.

Look at how fat you’re making me.

She loved to hear that.

Those abs are so far gone now. You know this gut was the topic of the night. As I kept handing you plates of food.

He moaned a bit more.

God I’m so big now.

Yes you are, my hefty hog.

She stopped playing with him, he finished his food and they both struggled to get him to stand. They could both see his belly in the mirror.

Look at how large I’m making you.

She walked around behind him and started rubbing his belly with her arms around him. He let out a slight burp.

They laughed.

How full are you?

I can’t eat another bite.


Sarah pulled him into her room. His gut wobbling as she closed the door behind them.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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Jens01 2 years
very hot more please