Breeder feeder

  By Nok

chapters 8-9

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The next day, we fed Sweetcheeks normally, no reduced calories, but she ate slowly anyway, watching the wall we didn't raise. She sat by it all day, and slept by it that night. She could smell him, we knew, and she was already pining.

The next day we got her up and raised the wall, and she shrieked with a huge smile on her face and ran to the cage wall.

"Don't get excited," Carl said to me, "be wary."

I didn't understand, but I paid closer attention.

Dloffic smiled back at her, and put his hands on the wall too. Carl opened his pen and gently led him out. Dloffic looked confused, and Sweetcheeks scowled as they appeared to be leaving, and then Carl brought him around the divide and to the entrance to Sweetcheeks pen. Suddenly, her expression changed, her eyes getting huge, and a look of intense fear coming over her.

"It's okay," I said to her, and went in and stroked down her small narrow back gently, stroking over and over to try to calm her, but she was very tense.

"I'm not sure this is a good idea Carl, she's very uncomfortable."

"Yah, I see that." Carl grimaced and shifted to his weight to his other foot. "Well... frankly speaking, I don't know what's best here, I've never been TRYING to get APs to bond, and I've never seen any get as attached as fast as these two. I don't know, but I think it's worth a shot here. What do you think, she's your sow?"

I shook my head. I knew it was dicey, but I also knew that every day saved was an increase in our odds of survival.

"Yep," I said, "let's do it."

I opened the door, and Sweetcheeks bolted behind me and over to her bedding pile in the corner. Carl nudged Dloffic in by the small of his back - almost shoulder height for us - but Dloffic balked, watching Sweetcheeks, her posture, her look of feigned fierceness over real fear.

"In Dloffic!" said Carl, pushing firmly on the small of the great boar's back, and Dloffic walked in.

Bonding or no bonding, Dloffic knew this was his job, and he knew he was good at it, and like all APs, especially well-trained or well-broken ones, he obeyed.

He looked very uncomfortable though. He just stood there, and I guided him to the middle of the room, and Carl brought in breakfast and set it near Sweetcheeks corner. Her eyes never left Dloffic.

Carl walked back to me. Dloffic turned slightly to us, a strange expression on his face.

"Dloffic, feed Sweetcheeks. Make her fat," I said. And with Carl, I left the cage.

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Dloffic looked at us only a moment over his shoulder, but then he didn't hesitate again. He walked over to Sweetcheeks, not quickly, but with determination, with strength. His massive muscled body arrived in front of her, and she stared up at him, her mouth set in defiance. He smiled gently at her, slowly reached his arm down to make the first physical contact they'd had, to touch her arm.

She stood stock still, watching him intensely, pupils large now again but not with arousal so much as with barely suppressed terror. And then just as his massive firm hand was about to touch her, she bent over in a flash and bit him, hard, on the hand and he yelped and pulled his arm away, and she ducked beneath his arm and ran over to the pen entrance, crying visibly and banging on the door before us.

"She's terrified Carl. This is not going well."

"Look, she is your sow, but this is our problem, my ass is on the fire too. If you call it, fine, but I'm telling you, we don't know what's going to happen, and that really was far from the worst intro I've seen. Just wait, give it a minute, and don't give in to her the first time she makes a face. Remember, she doesn't want to get fat. I mean, she doesn't really understand what that means, but she doesn't want to change, doesn't want anything to change. She owns you right now, she is willful and you give into her will. That is the point of this," Carl pointed over her head, "Dloffic won't."

Dloffic was standing there, watching us for cues, but he didn't look scared anymore. On the contrary, actually, he looked relieved.

I stood, nodding, and Carl took my cue and said, "Dloffic, continue. Feed Sweetcheeks. Make her fat."

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