Double the trouble, double the fun

chapter 22 part 4 (end of story)

* *
This current day with giantly fat John Mercer settling himself next to Lou Lick came about 7 months after Tara’s house sold, which was as close as a point of finality as life offered. Mound House (as the remodeled Woodmuntzy home was being called) was finished, occupied by all of them, with all their retained belongings somewhere on the property (or in storage) and their legacy homes and other possessions sold off.

Feeling passions swelling in each of them, John and Lou started making out. Passionate mouth-to-mouth kisses were soon accompanied by fondling the other man’s mighty mound, working their way inside for some spectacular mutual cross-rubbing. John never used to be attracted to men sexually at all, and Lou’s attraction had been experimental and brief. Huge amounts of fat on anyone were just so diggity dog sexy, it changed everything. Never, ever interested in any kind of penis play after a long-ago mutual rubbing event which left him unmoved and uncomfortable not long after he’d joined the poly group, John’s new massive deep-slotted sex organ made it comfortable and pleasurable to take in one or more foreign penises to hang out next to his own, buried inside. He’d gotten into this during the phase where he presented as a woman, as an experiment in the closest he’d ever get to knowing what life with a vulva might be like on the inside.

Concerns about friction from all living together in one big house proved unfounded. For one thing, they truly all loved one another and were close friends—same as the adjacent poly group homes and their successes with everyone getting along. For another, it was a ***big*** house, with plenty of places to go for time and space away, definitely including the purpose-made smaller (relatively!) bedrooms designed with this intent. Nor were they restricted to just this house: other than overnight sleeping hours, any group member living in any of the three houses (as well as those living elsewhere and visiting) were free to roam the public spaces of any of the properties, always at least two living/family-type rooms in each of the houses, other than Mound House, where the Grand Room was truly so grand hotel common area huge that it effectively counted as two rooms.

Perhaps over time some of them might get bored and seek change. Not even a year into living together in this still-new still-fresh sex-positive ultrasized fat person’s dream home, it still felt like a permanent vacation: resting, relaxing, conversing, eating, and having as much or as little sex as any of them wished, of just about any type they may want.

As briefly mentioned, a surprising number of them shared the kink of being highly to extremely turned on by how inescapably, impractically fat they were, how this wasn’t going to change, and all the effort they had to go to in order to simply move around and live. Several of them were too fat to wipe themselves, now in this shared home always having a special friend and lover willing to go with them to help out, often timing their bathroom usage so they could help each other at about the same time. Communal rooms, the huge communal shower… this group was so into each other, even the toilets were communal: all 4 of the “Tara special” ultra-wide double-butt toilets lined up in a well-spaced row next to each other. Only the one on the end had a retractable isolation/privacy panel, which so far none of them used. Many times they carried on conversations seated on their individual porcelain thrones, did breathing exercises together, sometimes even flirted!

* *
The passage of time and other factors meant more of them were retired, or retiring, or changing how they handled their work lives.

The Licks were already retired back when Mound House was remodeled.

Sheila Portola had already been urged into very early retirement. Husband Don, working elsewhere, wasn’t all that much fatter than many men out in the world, and kept working to keep income flowing.

Fat as she’d become, Gretchen was still smaller than Barb had been for many years, carrying on with the contract work to see it through to completion.

Barb was at the point of being so fat with breasts so enormous that moving around was becoming a challenge, and she’d already been unable to reach past herself without someone or something squishing her forward fat parts to allow her to reach. Gretchen took over her remaining consulting contract work which needed to be done physically in the lab, whilst she remained at Mound House. She spent a lot of time sitting at big dining-like tables, her breasts resting and spread out atop them. She set her boobtop computer atop her mighty breasts to work from home (or otherwise use the device). She ate off her breasts. Basically when it came to sitting up and needing a (relatively) horizontal surface in front of her, she **lived** off her breasts!

Work-at-home Jenny still loved cooking and loved Alain on many levels, including cooking and baking with her as a team and trading off the workload. Thing was that Jenny kept getting lazier as she kept getting fatter, spending more time lounging around and having sex most of most days. She felt guilty about it from time to time, despite everyone associated with Mound House enabling/encouraging her behavior. If Alain or anyone else cooking or baking truly had a problem or got overloaded, Jenny could still heft her massively fat self up and go help.

* *
Everyone at Model Magicians was sad when John and Tara announced their retirement, despite it being obvious that both of them were getting so fat and in such a way that moving around was difficult. As one of the first steps from converting Model Magicians from privately held to employee-owned, the employees (not including John or Tara) voted for who would lead them. The elected president was Joni Monds, one of the four long-time senior employees John would have had to choose between at the time of his attempted suicide, had he not left everything to Tara.

It wasn’t at all a clean break, and that’s what everyone wound up preferring. Joni was 95% up to running the business herself, but still very much wanted John’s and Tara’s input. She and the rest of the staff missed them being around, and they missed being there, with nearly every employee being at least somewhat of a friend.

What wound up happening was that Joni drove and parked her car at Mound House, driving John and Tara in to Model Magicians in his built-for-***es sedan. It felt weird at first having someone else driving what had been his car for many decades, until Tara helped him focus on the joys of all his fat sloshing around and how great it was in retirement to be too fat to drive and need to be driven places, “forced” to enjoy his massive corpulence.

Retirement turned out not to actually be correct: it was more like semi-retirement, for both John and Tara. Initially, Joni drove them in two days a week. Wednesday was a working day, where they each helped out with the transition towards the future time they’d no longer be in at all, as well as with things they were especially good at. Friday was the second day, roughly split between work and afternoon socialization throughout the company for anyone interested and not on a hard deadline—a new feature the employees wanted and Joni implemented. Friday afternoons wherever in the building John and Tara were became known as Cuddles with Tara and John. Usually held in the inner office, though sometimes in the break room or elsewhere, it was an opportunity for any interested employee to cuddle up between them (the favorite choice) or with either of them. Equally good was visiting without cuddling. With so many people starved for physical contact, the cuddling was extremely popular.

Being generous people who had known the employees for years and liked them (at least), both Tara and John were very free letting staff members explore their bodies. Many had never in their lives touched a fat person, or if they had, not with explicit consent. As long as it was respectful, nothing apart from actual sex was off limits. Male staff members in particular were fascinated with John’s breast development, asking what it was like and at least one asking if there was a way he could manage it. John happily and regularly removed his shirt (and occasionally bra, the few times he wore one) to let them feel as he explained. All kinds of people wanted to know what was between John’s legs, many of them shocked once they found out. Tara was such a sweetheart, she let people who’d wondered for years what her two vulvas were like to see and, on the outside, touch for themselves. With rare, specific exceptions (such as John baring his breasts), they kept things away from sexually arousing or anything which the poly group would construe as sex (especially risky sex). *Talking* about sex was another matter, which they engaged in freely, when the subject came up.

This semi-retirement pattern worked well for John and Tara, and everyone else. There were times with specific projects where Joni would drive them in every day or nearly every day to help. Their skills and experience were appreciated, and many still working there full-time liked the explicit consent of squishing into them as they all worked.

Joni’s contact with the poly group and especially the residents of Mound House when picking up and dropping off John and Tara profoundly affected her. After a rather mundane, limited sex life and now in her 50s and lustier than ever, she found the idea of polyfidelity compelling. She’d been plump at points in her life and was presently again, so far without experiencing the sensual joys the Mound House residents to a person waxed on about when she met them. Greatly respecting both John’s and Tara’s intellect and tastes, she felt there had to be something spectacular about being fat for them to have gone to such extremes with their bodies.

With unanimous permission of all other employees, Joni sought to try out fatsex, first with John. She went through the poly group’s battery of STI tests first, clearing with no issues.

“You’re so (gasp) *pillowy!*” she exclaimed in the throes of intercourse (yes: John could still penetrate women’s vaginas, with some mutual effort. His very soft mound fat moved out of the way). “*You’re like a warm bed and pillows and blankets and a sexy hard man all rolled into one!*”

“*Thank you*, Joni!” he grinned as they humped. “The feelings living inside this body are indescribably delicious. And you are a quite fine lover, adding to your long list of credentials and positive attributes.”

It was a fascinating experience, leaving her with much to think about. Not attracted to women as far as she knew, given her fascination with what it would be like to live in a truly fat body, she and Tara shared some naked time together, for her to ask questions and explore beyond what happened at the work Cuddles sessions (though along the same lines).

“These big, fat muffs don’t get in the way?”

“Well they *do*, but they feel so nice and give me so much pleasure! It’s not like I have to walk long distances, nor run.”

Very much wanting more sex in her life no matter what her body size and actual attractions turned out to be, she inquired about joining the poly group as a member. John and Tara sponsored her application (and presented her), which was accepted. She was admitted as usual for her probationary half year, immediately able to share sex with any of the other existing members for which there was mutual interest and consent. She was also free to spend as much time as she wanted at any of the three communal group homes (during daytimes in the common areas, or invited to a live-in’s bedroom at night), as opposed to the brief and technically rule-bending if not -breaking visits she’d made when first meeting the denizens of Mound House when making initial arrangements for transporting John and Tara.

Safe, plentiful, free sex within the group proved addicting, ensuring Joni visited often. She spent time at all the houses, enjoying sex with most of the men. Given her closeness to John and Tara and already having met everyone there before she joined, she often spent her visits in the Grand Room of Mound House, when not getting with someone in one of the other houses, or getting to know residents there better. The high and near-omnipresent degree of sexual arousal fascinated her, and drew her in. She spent hours staring at what various residents were doing: Barb enjoying her breasts, John and Lou sharing sex their way, any two of them getting into Tara and getting her off. Then there were all those profoundly fat mounds that gave the house its name, and the amazing things Jenny and Linda did with them—others’ and their own. Clit footsie blew her mind, doubly so with Tara using her middle foot.

For a nominal fee to cover the extra cost of ingredients or pre-made foods, non-live-in members such as Joni could have meals at any of the houses. She started taking meals at Mound House, at first on the days she dropped John and Tara off after work, then weekend days. She found herself fattening naturally, without needing a microbiome-shifting capsule nor DNA signaling biochemicals. Feelings were mixed in the other two homes where many preferred more slender women. At Mound House, the support and joy were almost overwhelming! Over many months and ever-more-frequent meals at the House, she got big all over in a typical female fattening pattern, basically like Barb without her breasts being so extremely huge relative to the rest of her (though they were absolutely getting a *lot* bigger as the rest of her did). She was grateful that her mound fattened, making it easier for everyone to envision her as an eventual resident, even if hers was a typical tennis to baseball size of fat and not massive volleyball- or basketball-sized.

* *
“*Tee* hee hee hee hee!” Joni giggled. She was currently sitting naked on the floor in her new home: Mound House, in the Grand Room, playing fat mound footsie and clit footsie with Jenny, seated across from her. In only about 7 months of eating there regularly then an additional year and a half as a full live-in resident. Joni had blown up well into SSBBW range, and *loved* it! Still fat all over in the typical BBW shape Barb still had at a profoundly larger scale, she now had all kinds of soft, fat flesh to enjoy and share with others. As she and Jenny played, her fat, round buns kept her comfortable sitting on the floor, spreading to the back and pressing into John’s much fatter ass, as her hips spread to the sides and her fat thighs flattened comfortably and so artistic beautifully. Her very big belly was fun to play with, as she was doing now as her right foot remained deeply buried inside Jenny’s huge fat mound. Jenny’s right foot poking into her own cantaloupe-sized fat mound felt excellent: tickly playful stimulation. Average to slightly busty before, Joni quite liked growing fat SSBBW boobs proportionate to the rest of her body. Saggy, yes, but they looked and felt nice, to her as well as her many lovers. Her fat upper arms, her fat face—she loved all the changes.

Many of her many lovers were in the room with her, this weekend day she had off. John was seated on the floor behind her, each of them serving as a very comfortable backrest for the other. Tara was more or less on top of John, sharing make-out kisses fat face-to-fat face, their nearly same-sized breasts and very differently sized and shaped soft fat bellies pressing into one another’s (nude, as was everyone). Linda Lick was trying an experiment: straddling Tara’s middle leg over her huge butt crack, she attempted to rub each of her hugely fat buns against each of Smooth and Furry. It was too soon to tell how well or not this would work for either of them. Edie passed by, grabbing Linda’s right breast and giving it a strong suckle.

“Down below, hun” Linda requested with a grin.

Eager to please and in the mood for some deep labia licking, Edie donned one of the breathing snorkels the group shared when anyone was doing a deep face plant into one of the huger mounds (or any other places where breathing might be difficult) and went in to Linda’s deep, warm darkness.

Deciding he could use some exercise, Lou hefted himself up, waddled slowly and carefully over Edie with his front aimed towards her feet, then used his now-profoundly-strong leg muscles to crouch down and swing his mighty fat mound sack back and forth, rubbing across Edie’s BBW fat buns. Edie immediately spread her legs, hoping his huge mound sack would find bits of her squished-behind-her own. It did, and it was sublime for both of them, with Edie making an OK signal with her hand so she wouldn’t have to pull her face out of Linda.

Fatter and foodier-than-ever Don Portola was helping his mutual crush Alain make and serve lunch, each of them “stealing” (fully consensual and desired) feels and kisses as they worked together in the kitchen. Sheila Portola was seated across two big chairs along with Gretchen and Barb at the big communal table, all of them resting their bare breasts atop the table, sharing conversation, great food, and playing with each other’s bodies (especially their boobs). Gretchen was currently sharing how her young 3-year-old nephew Todd had a very nice nap lying down on her (clothed) thigh and resting his head on her very fat mound when she’d recently visited her sister Gracie.

“He wants to call me Aunt Bed Thighs” she snickered.

“Probably better amongst family than Aunt Pillow Mound!” Barb laughed.

“My young relatives, being older and thinking they’re clever no doubt, would likely name me Chesty Mc Chesterson” noted Sheila.

One of the residents of one of the other houses passed through, dropping off a plate of fresh homemade onion rings on behalf of Alain.

“Nice ass jiggle, Pia” Linda commented.

More plump than she wanted to be, Pia bent over and mooned everyone.

Despite hers being far and away the smallest butt in the room, John couldn’t help notice, starting his instinctual reaction.

With a big smile Tara moved his hands to the juncture of each of their hip fat, squishing herself and him such that his hands would feel some of his own and her outer fat buns. “Stay right here, Sweetie. Between us, we have ***allllll*** the fat ass we need.”
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