Double the trouble, double the fun

chapter 7 part 2

“June, my freshman year roommate was OK, but we didn’t have much in common. Erika, one of my fat foodie friends, and I worked to be able to room together sophomore year. Besides love of food, we were both biology majors, with some of the same classes. She was, and I’m sure still is, sex-positive and active as well. We’d previously discussed self-love with our friends at a small party one weekend night, so it was something she and I could talk about between each other as roommates. We agreed that each of us would be OK with the other doing themselves as long as it was at a time that didn’t wake the one not touching herself up, no one else was over, and especially during quiet hours, muffled.” Barb started to blush, “It worked *really* well. So well in fact that we each did it more often, and started scheduling to do it at the same time. Wasn’t long after that before a moon phase or something had us both so horny, we did it together, as in: in intimate body contact with each other. Then touching each other’s junk rather than our own—same night. Not even half an hour later we were making out and forming a passion love bond with each other. The convenience of living with a lover is something I sometimes miss” she sighed.

“Things got more complicated junior year, when Erika, myself, and several of our other close foodie friends moved out of the dorms into a shared rental house near campus. This was an economizing effort on our part, relative to paying for the dorm room + dining hall privs. We did bulk food buys and took turns with meal prep to keep us all fat and happy and solvent.

“One might have thought that this arrangement might have created our own polyfidelity group, but sadly Katie and Tamara were pure hetero, with Tamara visibly uncomfortable with Erika’s and my IIR. None of us had the space nor money for anything beyond a double bed, which most of us filled or nearly so on our own. The bedrooms were designed small, for one person each for privacy and all that. Katie and Tamara had boyfriends, and wanted us to have a system to have lovers over. Initially Erika and I just used that system with each other as the lover, but then between meeting new interesting people and Tamara being twitchy, each of us used the system for outside lovers, who at the time happened to be male.”

“What was this system?”

“Basically it was a scheduling arrangement so each of us could have our lover over with our housemates out of the house as much as possible. Wasn’t always possible, but it was an attempt to enhance privacy and let everyone get their lovin’.

“Not much else to report for the rest of junior and senior years. We each had plenty of studying to do. Katie and I stayed in the rented house over the summer, to reserve it for senior year as much as anything. Worked locally, dated one guy in her case, and two serially in my case. This was when I really got into feedism for sexual reasons more than foodie sensual reasons. Knew of it from reading, but hadn’t before then clicked with it. It was actually Katie and her feeder boyfriend Evan who led me into it. She was already comfortably supersized, and *really* started to fatten more over that summer. I asked her about it, and she admitted she was a feedee and that Evan feeding her to make her fatter explicitly for both their sexual pleasure got her off like nothing else.

“I came home early from work one time, finding the two of them naked and Katie sitting on Evan’s lap, obviously mounted on him the way she rocked her pelvis back and forth. He was feeding her string cheese as she slowly rolling humped him, caressing the side and part of the front of her belly. They didn’t stop and didn’t seem to notice me, so I quietly stood there and watched. He seemed to be doing a savory-sweet-savory-sweet thing with her, moving from the cheese to chocolates, then lasagne, then donuts. Not a lot of any of those, eaten slowly by her so she could savor them. Several times during the process she caressed her own fat, which **really** turned me on!”

Tara decided to perform a test: she maintained eye contact with Barb, reaching down and caressing her own belly fat through her top.

Barb grew flushed pretty quickly. “Don’t be a tease, Tara. Things might happen which could put both of our futures with the poly group in jeopardy.”

“Just checking how you feel about me.”

“Several forms of attraction I could have never imagined when we were in 5th. grade. What about you towards me?”

“I’m enjoying sitting hip-to-hip with you more than I could have imagined. All sorts of feelings, with a lot of lusty passions. You’d better keep going with your story before either of us gets us into anything troublesome for our goals.”

“I hope there’s some way we can see each other and let feelings flow if they don’t accept me in the group.”

“It’s come up, and yes. Let’s not get into that unless that’s what happens.”

“OK. So I’m watching their ongoing humping and slow build-up from my front-row voyeur position. They get *incredibly* aroused, getting me aroused enough that I have to plant my mouth deep into my fat upper right arm to muffle my own moans and heavy breathing. Katie’s orgasm was so room-filling intense and Evan’s so appealing to me, the combination made me cum, just by watching and listening!

“To my amazement, generally-shy Katie had seen me not long after I came in, smiling at me and welcoming me home once their peak arousal was past and they were sitting still in the same position in afterglow. She used to cover herself up or get twitchy if we came across her naked in the bathroom, or in transition to or from it. Only one bathroom in that house. Not optimal for 4 women, but it was a big, nice one with a big shower any one of us could get into with plenty of room to spare. On this evening, she wasn’t twitchy at all with me seeing her and her boyfriend nude.

“I told them, ‘That looks amazing!’ Evan asked, ‘You’ve never done feedist stuff?’ which I answered ‘No’ and explained I’d read about it, but had never done it. They whispered back and forth, then he offered, ‘Would you like to try it?’. Surprised and taken aback, I asked, ‘Naked and on your lap like that?!’ then monogamous hetero Katie blew me away by saying, ‘If you think you can get him up again so soon, sure. Otherwise yes, but it won’t be quite the same.’

“Turns out Katie was and I’m sure still is a feeder as well as a feedee. She kept her clothes off, working in the kitchen as I stripped and got to know Evan intimately. Katie’s pretty busty but I was a whole level beyond, which helped Evan get hard again sooner than later, and guide himself into me as I sat down on his lap. I felt him get harder when he saw the very big bowl of chocolate pudding she’d brought out. I didn’t truly get how extremely sensual erotic feeding could be until he started spooning this *delicious* pudding slowly into my mouth, allowing me to savor each spoonful, squeezing and groping my various fat parts within reach, growing harder inside me as he did. Rocking humping motions as Katie had done came naturally to me at that point, and we were off to the races, and quite awhile later once the bowl was empty, crossing the finish line.

“True to form, Katie had no intention of sharing Evan with me. Given that my guy of the time Ian wasn’t into feedism and I was still emotionally bonded with him and too busy with work to spend time hunting for a feeder anyway, this rather left me hanging. Katie must’ve been evolving or something about that day changed her, because from that day, she was no longer shy about being nude around me, nor looking at me in the nude. Without explicitly discussing it, we tended to take a *lot* longer to get dressed after showering, on weekends or other days off often not getting dressed for hours if at all, whichever or both of us were staying home. She was far more tease than girlfriend; it never developed between us past that, other than we each spent more time cooking and ensuring we had plenty of delicious food, including snacks. Ian loved the changes, despite not being willing to contribute to their creation.

“Senior year with everyone back, things reverted more as they’d been, other than Katie and I were fatter and she was less uptight with any of us seeing her nude—but not parading around for hours that way as she and I did over the summer. We all had plentiful school work to do, all of us fully intending to graduate on time and get on with our lives.

“We all made it, and all of us sported generous cleavage in our graduation gowns, with me far in the lead.”

Tara huffed a little and looked away again, folding her arms.

“Look, if you’re that envious or jealous or whatever about not having huge boobs, maybe you should do something about it. Far as I know you’re the **only person alive on the *planet*** with two complete, fully functional sets of female genitalia with a third leg spacing them apart. I will* ***still** trade you any time, if one of us figures out a way to do that. Until then, why not be rightfully proud of what you have, and let me be proud of what I have?”

Tara silently agreed with a nod, cheekily sliding closer so her left butt cheek could ride up onto Barb’s right thigh as her middle and right cheeks remained seated normally on the couch.

Barb couldn’t resist caressing Tara’s thigh through her skirt, with occasional brushes onto her bare skin. “You’re such a babe. No wonder you’re the star of the group!”

“So beyond flashing legendary cleavage making all sorts of people whimper in agony who couldn’t get at your girls, what else happened at graduation and beyond?”

“The only other happening around graduation time worth mentioning is sadness at leaving friends behind as we all scattered to the winds for our adult lives. All of us had promising new jobs awaiting us, all in different cities. We had each other’s contact information and promised to stay in touch, but honestly, it didn’t happen.”

“Getting a lab tech job at Bioteronimo straight out of college was an excellent career move for me. A bit daunting given their high profile in biotech, but happily I learned that they’re not as massive a corporation as they seem to the public, and they’re pretty progressive in terms of being a safe workspace for women in general and LGPTQI and non-caucasian people. My body was initially an issue in terms of lab coats and suitably strong chairs, but they did the proper thing and worked out the necessary clothing and furniture. There were at least 10 guys and 5 women I wanted to get with just about as soon as I first saw them. But this was *far* too good of an opportunity to blow, and they made it clear during orientation that sexual harassment worked in every direction, not just superior men to subordinate women, so I stayed focused on actual work. Needed to do that and wasn’t difficult, because especially when everything was brand new, it was challenging and fun.

“I think Gretchen was working in some other Bioteronimo department when I started. She moved into the same department as me, doing similar work on a different, related project. We became good work friends over time the way people who work with each other every work day often do. A lot of my life revolved around work and otherwise adjusting to life as a bona-fide adult, and in some ways still does. Earning enough to rent my own place and still have enough to put some away for savings and have nice foods to eat and meals out has been and remains blissful!

“Not sure if the quality of the people has gone down, or if my standards have gone up. Whatever the case, finding people worth my time to share love and sex with seemed to be getting more difficult over the years, through the present. I’ve obviously got plenty to offer so things haven’t been barren, but there’s been far too much weeding through to find someone. Then, as often, it’s OK for awhile, but doesn’t work out for any sort of long term. So, I’ve had lovers, and some were decent, but none really worth spending the time discussing in any detail. My frustration with this and especially lovers who want to ‘own’ me exclusively eventually led to my discussion with Gretchen quite recently, which led me to the meet-up today where I was ***blown away*** to see sexy adult Tara Pelvig. And here we are” she smiled.

Tension of desire filled the room. Tara had trouble tearing her eyes off Barb, especially Barb’s mega-rack, so huge and so close!

Barb knew the look. She wanted to be studying parts of Tara she liked, but her view was blocked by her own body.

“What’s it like?” Tara near-whispered, “Being so huge-boobed?”

“How am I going to be able to honestly answer that question when so far every time the subject has come up, you’ve gotten upset enough to turn away? Beyond that, isn’t your question rather as fruitless as asking a penis owner what it’s like to have a penis, or me asking you what it’s like to have three legs and two hot pussies?”

“How do you know they’re hot?!”

Barb grinned, “My sources are confidential.”

Tara’s mind flashed back to the time Gretchen had gotten her face down into each side. Wasn’t usually her style and she hadn’t been great at pleasuring Tara, but Tara felt it had been a worthwhile opportunity to give Gretchen the chance when she was psyched up for it. She put her left leg up under Barb’s belly, atop her hidden lap, spreading Furry wide beneath her skirt.

“Is that an invitation?”

“Mayyyyyybe” she replied coyly.

“Honestly, with the boobs, the sensations do change as they get really big—at least they have for me. Best you can do is extrapolate from what you have, which is better than every dude who’s ever asked me the same question can imagine. Wanna play with ’em?”

Tara nodded, biting her lip with a half smile.

Barb pulled her top off, asking as she unfastened her industrial-strength bra, “Does this allow your ‘Mayyyyyybe’ to now be a definitive Yes?”


Tara reached for both of Barb’s truly gigantic breasts soon as Barb had her bra off. They were so blissfully, pillowy soft, with at least salad-plate-sized areolae. Her nips weren’t especially big (and looked smaller with so much areola around each), but were quite responsive. Tara also liked Barb’s now-exposed belly and equally-pillowy soft upper arms.

Barb found quite the surprise once she slid her hand down beneath Tara’s skirt and under her belly. “*You’re* convenient!” she grinned.

“Converting two pairs of normal 2-legged panties into 3-leggers is not my idea of fun, nor wearing them my idea of comfort. Hence usually the only time I’m not commando is when my flow benefits from pads instead of or in addition to tampons. And once in awhile when I’m out somewhere where either I don’t want to mess up their seating or don’t want whatever’s on their seating in touch with my skin.”

“Such as at work.”

“Actually no. There I go commando, like here. In fact, other than some friends’ homes including our group’s communals, work is the most common place for me to leave off the lowers.”

“If your supervisor’s into big women, they must love *you!*”

“I work in the front office with the company owner and president, and yes I think he likes me, but he’s **very** good about sticking to his firm’s own safe, friendly workplace policies, so I can’t be totally sure. *Ullaaaaggh!*” Tara suddenly shuddered in pleasure as Barb touched her just right.

Barb’s arousing touch made Tara get into some serious boob suckling. It wasn’t long before she had Barb gasping and panting, and eventually shuddering with pleasure. It wasn’t a whole lot longer after that before the rest of the clothes came off.

They spent the next roughly hour and 1/2 exploring each other’s bodies, within the limits of wholly safe sex.

Midway through that period, an idea occurred to Barb. “Ever had a breast-equipped lover rub one or both nipples on one or both of your clits?”

“No, actually. Which is weirdly amazing, given all the other things I’ve seen and enjoyed people in the group doing.”

“I’ve got two and you’ve got two, and with no open wounds no fluids getting shared. I’d call that a perfect match.”

Tara was not prepared for how much of a major turn-on this sex act was. It wasn’t just the sensations of Barb’s nips on Tara’s clits, of course. It was as much the sights and sensations of Barb’s **massive** soft breasts rubbing and resting against Tara’s sensitive fat inner thighs, the sensations of Barb’s fat belly lower down on Tara’s 3 legs, and absolutely Barb’s highly aroused expression and non-verbal vocalizations. Also, it took breasts of a certain size of big to have the width span to comfortably reach each of Tara’s clits at the same time and make it into her fat muff mounds. When Barb’s nips were sufficiently aroused to not be quite so small as at rest, she had everything necessary to rub Tara down there with ease.

Even having done this act before with one or sometimes two women at the same time, for Barb it wasn’t *anything* like doing it with childhood friend and now sexy adult brand-new lover Tara Pelvig! Many of the same factors—fat thighs, fat muffs, Tara’s arousal—which made things so exciting for Tara did the same for Barb.

Each at different points experienced different flavors of intense orgasms which at least for brief moments, seemed to take them to higher planes of existence. For awhile neither of them wanted to stop, filling the whole house with their intense sexual joy.

Even ignoring the several other things they shared during their sex adventure time this evening, this act alone was plenty enough of a reason for them to get back together as lovers in the future. It was so obvious to both of them, neither felt the need to discuss it.

* *
Sitting together nude in afterglow and restful renewed friendship, out of nowhere Barb asked, “What do you think your 11-year-old 5th. grade self would say if the you you were then could see us now?”

“My head would explode! I had no context then for so much of what we’ve become, and what we’ve just shared. What about you?”

“The same, pretty much. I wasn’t into you or anyone romantic intimately or sexually then, but I sure am now!”

It was getting late and each of them had work in the morning, meaning it was time to wind things down, for Barb at least to get back into her clothes, and to part ways for at least a few days.
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