A way to stop hunger — and more…

chapter 2

When Arley woke, it was dark out. Perhaps that nap was a bit longer than intended - he quickly checked his surroundings, ensuring that it was not a dream. Spotting the chip, he grabbed it and pulled it to his face, staring at it. “Cookie,” he said - and upon his chest, it materialized. So it really wasn’t a dream- but just to be sure, Arley consumed it.

It either had to be a really realistic dream, or it was real. Which he figured the latter. Excitement rose in his body. With this chip, he could do almost anything! He was uncertain of the limits of the chip, not exactly wanting to push it too much. But he knew already that this chip created food from thin air at no cost to himself. That? That was great.
But it wasn’t time for eating, he decided. He was time to go out. It was night - at least, almost night. Time to test out more of this chip - he considered his options. Perhaps he could generate himself some gold and buy things he was never able to afford? No- why buy, when you can just make? He shook his head.
Decisions, decisions. Arley sat up and slid off of the windowsill.
An idea - Arley figured now was the time to make friends. He could use this chip to impress someone! Get allies. Putting the chip in one of his pockets, Arley checked his gear then left the room. The cool air hit his face - it wasn’t all that warm to begin with during the day, so it didn’t bother him too much.
He decided to head down to one of the busier taverns. “The Jolly Flame,” was its name - it was one of many taverns in the city, but Arley chose it for its location, as it was the one closest to where he lived.
As he was moving, Arley felt his stomach growl, and with it, he slowed down to a walk. Only now realizing how hungry he was. In the back of his mind Arley thought, there’s no way I should be this hungry. He though he could wait until the tavern (even generating himself some gold in his pockets to prepare) but grew impatient - stopping, Arley slid towards the side of the mostly empty street, and glanced around, ensuring no one was watching. Generating himself a cream filled donut, Arley stuck it in his mouth and ate it while he walked.
He wasn’t wrong - The Jolly Flame wasn’t far from his place. He could’ve waited, but no, he didn’t. He didn’t want to wait- but it was now, and there was no time to think about the past. Arley headed in, greeted by the lights and bustling interior of the tavern. At this hour, it was busy. He wasn’t noticed as he moved in, although his dark clothing did earn him a few glances by some of the more observant folk. He swallowed the rest of his donut as he took in the area, searching, searching…
There! That table in the corner. He recognized a few of the people there - undoubtedly people associated with the thievery side of things, much like himself. There was Celdus, the dragonblood- Sela, the half elf- Tyrell, another thief who he did not know much about. Wordlessly, he sat down at their table - his arrival was not unnoticed, as they all stopped their conversation to look at him. All of them recognized him of course, but they had this guarded look in their eyes - Arley couldn’t blame them.
“Arley. Come unannounced, as always?” Sela said, their tone even, holding no trace of emotion.
“The best do stay hidden,” Arley replied, bringing his hands up to rest on the table. “What were you three discussing?” When he was not answered - which Arley did expect - he sighed.
“I have not heard from you in days.” Tyrell spoke. It was an observation, yet Arley answered, almost eager to brag to the thieves.
“It is because I have performed a daring mission,” Arley said, practically grinning under his mask.
It appeared to catch Celdus’s attention - she paused, lowering her drink. Yellow eyes flashing, she turned to Arley. “Daring? That is unlike you. What exactly have you stolen? Surely we would have heard of it if it is so…daring.” Sela nodded, and although Tyrell did not react, Arley could sense his agreement.
Glancing around, Arley leaned in, lowering his voice. “The storyteller in the slums, that fae? The contraption she spoke of? This morning, I grabbed it.”
“No..impossible,” Celdus said, almost in a state of disbelief. Tyrell’s stony exterior had somewhat been broken, for even he seemed surprised.
“Oh, but it’s true. And I have it with me right now.”
“Right this very second? Can you show it to us?” Sela questioned.
Thinning his lips, Arley paused, uncertain if he wanted to show the chip to the thieves. Looking at the ceiling, Arley leaned back, crossing his arms. “Mmh, if I had some drinks and food, maybe I’d be willing to show it, but…”
Sela seemed eager if anything, immediately calling the server over - Arley hadn’t expected for them to do that so fast, but he kept the surprise from his form. They didn’t ask, just making a general order - not that it bothered Arley, for he was never a picky eater.
Celdus tapped her sharp nails on the table. “Do hurry and eat. I do not have all night, and I would really hope to see this device of yours.”
“If it is even real,” Tyrell gruffly added.
“Oh, it’s real.” Arley bit into some bread. It was warm, freshly baked - the butter practically melted into it. “Just give me a little bit here. I’ll show it after I’ve eaten, yeah?”
Admittedly, the three looked a bit disappointed at that, but there wasn’t much they could do to hurry him up. Not in the crowded tavern at least.
Inwardly, Arley was a bit confused on the fact that no matter how much he ate, he didn’t seem to feel any fuller. In fact, he felt like how he was before, during his walk to the tavern — extremely hungry. The food was delicious. But Arley wanted something more filling, like maybe a royal dinner…

There was a crackle, and Arley almost jumped up, stiffening as he realized he had accidentally activated the chip’s abilities…with his thoughts alone! The others almost moved to back away from the table as a large platter of sauce covered meat appeared, alongside other smaller dishes.
Celdus’s jaw parted. “Was that the…”
Stunned, it took Arley a moment to answer. “Er. Yes, yes it was…” And he couldn’t wait to dig in, but it seemed the others were enthralled with this discovery.
“Where did you find that storyteller?” Tyrell’s silver eyes met his own. He had stood up.
“Can you show the device to us now?” Sela asked. They stared at the meat, pushing a hand forwards and poking the ham with a finger, checking if it was real or not.
“Uhm…Flooded slums, by the docks,” Arley answered Tyrell, then glanced at Sela, watching them touch the food. “You’ve seen how it works? Then you don’t need to see the thing.”
Tyrell had left for reasons Arley was uncertain of.
Sela looked mildly annoyed, but said nothing, sitting back in their chair.
“It’s genuine,” observed Celdus. “Real, genuine, quality food. The storyteller didn’t lie, then. I wonder what else she knows…”
But Arley was more focused on digging in at this point. His stomach demanded to be filled - he didn’t have time to talk! Sela quietly observed from her spot, wary about eating the food - and Celdus had the same idea, it seemed, as she sat back and watched Arley, who didn’t even move to ask if either of them wanted any.

“…I’m not sure if you should be eating this food,” Sela said after a while. Celdus remained silent, looking between the two. With a mouthful, Arley looked up. “Why? There’s nothing wrong with it..?”
“The storyteller said it was worked on by the gods - so what if they did something to it?”
“Like…a security method?” Celdus finished. Arley stopped, if only for a few seconds, taking in their words. But then he resumed eating as though he hadn’t heard what the two had said.
“I’m certain that’s nonsense.” He reasoned. “Most of what those storytellers say is to..mm..deter people.”
Celdus shook her head. When Sela moved to talk, she held up a finger, shaking her head. So Sela didn’t interrupt.

Now this was excellent. ‘Genuine food,’ as Celdus said - Arley could agree. It actually filled him up. But he hadn’t slowed down whatsoever. The food was good! And Arley didn’t want to waste a bit. Even if he was beginning to feel a bit full - undoubtedly, a Arley had survived on small meals for the past few months. His stomach was not used to the onslaught of rich, filling foods. He just managed to get halfway done with the food.
When he was halfway done, Arley stopped and shifted in his seat, lowering his hands to his abdomen.
“Full?” Celdus questioned. She was thinking.
“No,” Arley said. One hand rubbed his stomach while the other moved to resume the feast. “It’s really good.”
“So it is,” Sela mumbled.
But Arley truly was getting full. He had begun to slow at the tail end of things. Each pause was time for him to catch his breath. Although it was not unnoticed by Sela and Celdus, the two hadn’t commented, supposedly having made a silent agreement to not say anything.
On his small frame, his stomach easily stuck out, plenty of food crammed into it. He had both hands dedicated to collecting food. It was tight, and when he finished, he leaned back and quietly groaned, resting his hands on his stomach.
“I really think that food is cursed…” Whispered Sela, too low for Arley to hear, who was more focused on letting the food sit. “Do you think we should tell him?”
A pause. “He won’t listen. He’ll believe it’s nonsense, like he said before.” Celdus replied, keeping her eyes on the bloated abodmen that was Arley’s.
“Okay. Where did Tyrell go?”
“Don’t know. Probably trying to make sense of this whole thing. You know how he is.”

Leaned completely back, Arley closed his eyes, thinking - ‘The only thing that could have made this whole thing better was a small cake.’ Wait…
Sela watched as a small, icing covered cake appeared before their eyes. Mouth slightly parted, as though to say ‘Seriously!?’ Celdus crossed her arms.
Arley glanced up, eyes momentarily maneuvering to himself, then the cake. He didn’t need another bite, did he? He held his arms close to himself, just breathing - thinking - should he? Should he eat it too?
As clever of a thief Arley was, he had terrible self control. He did want something sweet in his mouth right about now. And so, he stood, pulling the plate close to himself and sitting back down to eat the rest of it. The icing was good, and Arley felt tempted to eat all of it first. But he didn’t, holding back surprisingly. Yet his gut began to protest, /finally/ stuffed - he was veering towards his current limits. Between each swallow was a pause, a chorus of heavy breaths. The other two at the table were curious to see if Arley truly could finish it all. The small thief, eating a meal that was far more suitable for two people!
His stomach had begun to ache, and Arley knew he was pushing it, but he couldn’t turn back now. The last bite - it was the last, but it took him a while. When he was done, he finally groaned, and leaned back, his mind no longer concerned with food, but to try and calm his aching belly. Only crumbs were left.
Arley felt the heaviness in his gut, not wanting to get up and go anywhere. But he had to. At the very least, he hoped to sleep in his own bed tonight.
Mildly impressed with the fact that Arley managed to cram the entire course into his stomach, Celdus tilted her head and looked to Arley, who’s eyes were closed as he tried to soothe his stomach by gently rubbing it. “Do you need an escort home?” She asked, a subtle smile poking at the corner of her lips. Sela only glanced at her.
“Oh..oh gods..” Arley managed out. “I think I’ll be fine.” But he felt too heavy to get up.
“Really, I do not mind. The offer is there,” Celdus said again.

“Mmh…” Moaning, his head lolled back. “Sure. Sure, sure…you know where I live, don’t you…” He muttered - he hadn’t ever shown or told Celdus, yet he suspected it, based off his own knowledge.
Celdus only smiled. She turned to Sela. “I suppose we’re heading out for the night. Next week, same time?”
Sela nodded. “Yes. Good time. It was…interesting today.” They stood up, their eyes remaining on Arley, before turning and leaving.
“Okay. Goodnight, Sela!” She called out - the other turned, acknowledging with a lift of the hand, leaving the tavern. “Alright. Let’s get you home.” Turning back to Arley, Celdus stood to her full height - she easily towered over most people, even in her human form. Walking over to Arley, she made no attempt to get him up as she practically scooped him up in her arms. For once, Arley had no protests, although was mildly surprised as identified by the slight grunt - “Mmh?” - and fluttering of his eyes. It wasn’t odd, for people to carry other people out of the building. It was often dismissed as people having drank too much. In his, he…ate too much.
So, it wasn’t odd for the dragonblood to leave the tavern, thief in arms. Arley was silent as she moved. Surely tired. Most definitely going to sleep the moment she put him down.
So when she arrived, she simply climbed on in through the window. Arley’s eyes barely opened, he mumbled “Interesting…” but said nothing more when she laid him down.
It was certainly difficult to breathe, but tiredness was an overpowering thing. Although his eyes had begun to close, Arley could have sworn he saw the chip in Celdus’s hand - she fiddled with it briefly, before setting it down next to him.
“Goodnight, Arley. Don’t eat too much tomorrow, alright?”
Too tired to respond, Arley only closed his eyes, watching the dragonblood leave.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Enas 2 years
This is such a unique and interesting story! And after reading the second chapter im curious about what's gonna happen next!