The front desk

chapter 4

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8 Months

“We still on for yoga after work?” Cindy asked Kerry before heading back to her desk.

“Yep I’ll meet you out here at 5.” Kerry replied.

Kerry had recently taken Cindy up on her offer to bring her as a guest to the yoga studio she frequented. Kerry had done yoga in college a few times, but that was several years and many additional pounds ago. While she was a little skeptical at first she ended up agreeing to go with Cindy. She struggled through the first class sweating profusely in the warm studio, but she came out felt very relaxed and content. Kerry went a few more times before she ended up purchasing her own membership and now the two co-workers often met after work to attend a class.

Kerry made her rounds for the end of the day. She made sure the kitchen was cleared up, coffee pots cleaned, conference rooms tidy, and doors closed as people slowly filtered out of the office for the weekend. She made her way back to her desk in the lobby to see John lumbering up at the same time. Another hefty food order sat there waiting to be picked up.

“Oh I’m sorry John. I was closing up the office for the weekend.” Kerry apologized for not receiving the order for him.

“Ah, no worries.” John waved her off as he adjusted his belt under the curve of his large protruding stomach.

He looked exerted having made the trip to the front desk. John had slowly transitioned from always retrieving his lunch at the front to almost never making his way out there before Kerry could bring it to him. She was somewhat surprised to see him out there currently.

John had only continued to expand in recent months and was now looking downright fat these days. He’d finally upsized his clothing at some point, but was quickly filling in whatever extra space he’d bought himself. His face had filled out further with a now constantly bloated look. Softened shoulders and thick arms filled his rolled up sleeves and his chest now supported a full set of moobs, which rested atop his belly. Said belly was just starting to succumb to gravity and slightly covered the belt he was fumbling with uncomfortably. His hips had widened considerably, almost double the space his once lithe frame used to take up, and his thicken legs had caused his gait to become a ponderous lumber.

“Working late again?” Kerry asked after surveying his form.

“As usual, you know how it is.” He lamented as he picked up the plastic bags.

“Aw, sorry John hopefully things ease up soon.” Kerry said with pity.

“Ha, so do I. Once this parks project is finished up I think I’ll finally have some breathing room.” He said before turning and heading back to his desk.

“Hopefully!” She called to his back.

She watched him slowly plod away, his wide posterior shifting from side to side in his tight slacks. She suddenly realized looking down at her own middle that John now appeared larger than her. It had been a slow transition, but at some point he had apparently surpassed her in size. It of course helped that she had continued to slim down, the regular yoga classes only speeding up the process. She had recently had to pick up a new wardrobe for herself, but for all the opposite reasons John had. Her slim fit dark jeans hugged her curvy hips and bum nicely and a loose blouse was front tucked into them. She had lamented having to go down a cup size when she had been refitted at the store, but it was an easy price to pay for the 70 lbs she’d shed. While still on the heavy side of the spectrum she now had the appearance of a firmer 230 lbs woman who regularly got in some physical activity.

She shrugged off the surprising revelation as she gathered her things and waited for Cindy to meet her.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Jackiewaddle... 1 year
Wow I love this story 🥰
AndiFive 2 years
this story is in the wrong genre
Bcain 2 years
Thanks for pointing that out, I missed it when I was doing the set up.