The front desk

chapter 5

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1 Year

“Hold the door!” A husky voice called out.

Kerry instinctively held out her hand, waiting for the approaching person. Finally, after what felt like minutes John waddled into the elevator, taking up much of the remaining free space. Sweat had formed on his brow and his breathing was heavy.

“Th…thanks.” He huffed to Kerry as he tried to compose himself.

“No problem John.” She said breezily as the doors finally shut.

She shifted against the wall to give John more room. John had grown very large over the past year and even as he upsized his clothes nothing seemed to fit right for long. His gut had continued to balloon and it now hung out heavily in front of him, stuffed into the front of his huge dress pants. The belt he wore cut into his doughy belly as it did its best to keep his pants up and over his wide hips and butt. His button down tucked into the front of his pants and clung to the arching dome of his belly up to his chest where his prominent breasts caused a gap between the buttons. A small patch of pale hairy cleavage could be seen through the gap if one looked. The beard he wore on his face hid his multiple chins well, but his chubby cheeks had given his once sharp features a much softer look. His wide hips and huge butt jutted out at his sides and his trunk like thighs were the cause for his constant waddle theses days. Kerry wondered how much longer it would be before he need assistance getting around. He was nearly twice the size of Kerry now who, while slimmer than she once was, was still on the chubby side of 200 lbs.

Kerry couldn’t help, but smile inwardly at the situation. Just one year ago, she had been the fat one of the two in the elevator, but many delivery meals later John had skyrocketed passed her former weight and showed no signs of slowing down. She actually felt small standing next to him now, which was no easy feat.

The elevator open to the eighth floor and Kerry gestured to John to go first.

“After you.” She offered.

“Uh, thanks.” John said as he slowly shuffled his bulk through the doors in front of her.

She watched his slow ponderous waddle, his massive butt cheeks quaking from side to side as he made the arduous journey to his desk where he would plant himself for the remainder of the day. John had long since stopped even attempting to retrieve his meals from Kerry. She now understood that he expected her to bring them back to him at some point and save him from breaking out into a sweat. It was funny though; even as large as John had grown Kerry still found him very attractive. Maybe it was his warm personality and charm that shined no matter his weight, but she still found him pretty cute even if he was well over 300 lbs.

Lunch time came as did Johns massive order and Kerry hauled back the multiple bags of food to his desk.

“John, foods here.” Kerry said grabbing his attention from his screen.

“Thanks, as always Kerry you’re the best.” He said with a smile as he pushed back from his desk. She could see that his large belly now rested on the desk when he leaned in to type on his keyboard.

“Not a problem.” She replied.

“Hey by the way I wanted to ask about something while I got you here. Is there any chance you could look into a replacement chair for me? Maybe something a little more accommodating? This one’s on its last leg I think.” He said quietly, the chair creaking as if to punctuate his sentence.

“Oh, yes, I can do that for you. I’ll just put it in the overhead budget and get you something ordered.” Kerry answered assuredly.

“Awesome, its been a little uncomfortable the last couple weeks.” He said blushing at the acceptance of his current size.

She was sure it had been uncomfortable for more than just a couple weeks. John was overflowing the chair; his hip rolls encased the armrests, which were moved to their widest positions. She recalled being uncomfortable in the same type of chair on her first day and John was well past her former size at this point. She could barely see the chair beneath his mass and was sure that if he didn’t get something bigger and sturdier soon, it would end up destroyed.

“Yep, that’s what I’m here for.” She replied with a smile.

And then, for some reason, she followed up with another question.

“Hey, do you want to go out some time? Maybe get dinner together?” Kerry asked suddenly.

The thought of asking John out had crossed her mind before, but she just never acted on the impulse. That was until now of course. Here john was, more than double the size he’d been on the day they had first met, but she still found herself very attracted to him. The once lanky boy had blossomed into a lovely rotund man, while still keeping his charming looks and demeanor and she found herself digging the entire package.

“Uhh sure, that’d be nice.” John said somewhat confused and surprised, but happy nonetheless.

“Great how does Friday at 7 sound? Think you can get out early for once?” Kerry teased him.

“Ha yeah, for you? Of course. That sounds great, I’ll pick you up at 8.” He said still dazed by the prospect of taking his attractive co-worker out.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Jackiewaddle... 1 year
Wow I love this story 🥰
AndiFive 2 years
this story is in the wrong genre
Bcain 2 years
Thanks for pointing that out, I missed it when I was doing the set up.