Settling down

chapter 2

Dani was never a little thing, like I said. She must’ve been about 170-180lbs her whole teenage life. She had curly hair always in an up-do. Big, strong dark arms; her chest wasn’t anything remarkable - mainly cuz God and Genetics shoved all that fat down below the hemisphere. My daughter has always had a badonkadonk, just like the rest of us. Her little waist and phat ass were objectively stunning. I was always proud of my little girl for knowing how to shake what her mama gave her.

She always hated her big tree trunk thighs though. I told her, she can’t have a booty like that without a little extra meat to support it! That never helped.


I remember her heading off to university. She used to live in this one pair of Adidas soccer shorts. They didn’t constrict her legs but let her body breath. I used to have to wash those little things two or three times a week. 

When Dani went off to university, she was only heading about ninety minutes away from home. She could ride the train back on weekends and catch a dinner here or there. But she didn’t, first semester. 

That girl found her party monster. When she came home for Christmas, it was no longer my little girl. It was this wild, energetic, thrill seeking party monster. 

At this point, she hadn’t really put on weight (God bless youth). She was just drinking and smoking to her heart’s content. She put us all on our asses at Christmas. She could pound ‘em back like none I’d ever seen. Booze, smoke, booze, food - and then, she’d shovel down some pre-hangover plates before calling it a night. She was a riot! 

But that lifestyle starts to creep in. 

When she came home for summer, I could tell that she was going wild. I’d seen on her social medias that she was out almost every weekend drinking. I never knew how she could afford it - other than using that charm and big ol’ pearly smile to her advantage. 

When she came home for the following summer, she had grown into a woman. First year had taken this timid, Black Goddess, and turned her into the centre of the universe. But when you’re the centre of the universe, you gotta find a little extra grounding, right? She must’ve put on 30lbs, easy. Her face was puffing up, her arms were a little swollen - her tummy had rounded out, and her ass was widening quickly.

She seemed to enjoy it. I’m sure Dani got a lot of attention, regardless of her size. That whole summer she just lived in that lifestyle - tanning outside, getting drunk off her ass, eating me out of house and home! Then she’d disappear off with her friends for a week and show up looking like she hadn’t slept between “goodbye” and “hello”.

My girl grew up fast. I don’t think she realized it.

There was one day at the end of August (this was going into her last year of school, now) where she came downstairs looking like a right sight. Her bikini barely covered her parts. My girl must have been, I dunno, 240lbs? Her ass was knocking things over when she squeezed through the kitchen; I’d hear her feet hit the floor and knew where she was the whole time. She was getting up, drinking, eating, and laying around like there was no tomorrow.

I told her that we needed to get her some new clothes - not because she was fattening up, but because that bikini was a little ‘high school’ for her. She needed a grown ass woman bikini. 

She also told me that she needed new pants. Now at this point, I’m about…300. My daughter was a bad influence on me. But I know I have all these extra clothes I can give her. 

Would you believe me that I watched that girl barely squeeze into the pants I had after I gave birth to her? Those cheeks were GLOBES. But she made it work!

For her 21st birthday (first day of September), we threw her a real bash with the whole family. Now of course, everyone told her how beautiful she was, how much older she was looking, how grown. And she loved the attention. But my stupid ass mother had to open her mouth and tell her:

“If you don’t slow down girl, you’re gonna outgrow your mama before Christmas.”

I could’ve smacked the shit out of her. Saying something stupid like that on her birthday? I watched the light fade from my girls eyes. The confidence shed like a skin. She barely ate and drank that night. When she sat down at the dinner table, I watched her take her hands and measure just how far her hindquarters hung off the side of the chair. I even noticed a split in the seams of my old dress pants.

And just like that, she fell down the rabbit hole all over again.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Sneaks88 1 year
don’t forget about this one! love all your stories
Angelhoney 1 year
love the perspective of this story coming from the mother, it’s so wholesome and sweet. also always enjoy seeing poc main characters, esp carribean ones! my family’s from jamaica and i love 2 see it
Xailius 1 year
Woah awesome start to a very promising story!!! Can't wait to read more