Settling down

chapter 6

I apologized for picking a fight. She cried on the phone with me and said she missed me. I tried to arrange a time for her and Shawn to come over for a night of home cooking.

But she had become addicted to something else.

The two of them were going away almost every weekend now. Every date I suggested was full in her calendar. They were away that weekend, or at a wedding, or flying down to New York for a few days, or attending some sort of festival. I couldn't keep up with it. I didn't know where she was finding the money.

When we facetimed next, I saw her face was lookin puffy. Like she got stung by a bee. I asked if she was feeling alright, and Dani told me that she has never been happier or healthier. She finally felt good and even.

"Shawn gives me everything I need, mama. He's such a provider."

I smiled. "Don't you run that poor man dry, you hear me?"

"What can I say, I'm a tHIRSTY GIRL!"

I learned from Sasha shortly thereafter that she had quit her job. I didn't ask. I knew what it was. She wanted to be a housewife, a doted on little dolly. I didn't agree with it, but I couldn't risk not talking to her for another month. I bit my tongue and let her live her life.

One day, she asks me if I got any old clothes I want to get rid of. I came suspicious. Dani told me she was donating a bunch of her old shit as she was moving in with Shawn and needed a closet overhaul.

"I need all new clothes anyway."

I hate waste.

"What's wrong with your old stuff?"

There was a pause. "I dunno mama, just not my style anymore. I've moved on."

Had she outgrown her closet?

My mind rushed to the possibilities. Shawn is at work all day, Dani is sitting her ass on the couch and eating, picking out what outfits and trips she wants to go on next.

"You telling me they don't fit?"

"Of course they don't. I'm not a kid anymore. I'm a grown ass woman!"

I left it at that. I knew what she meant by grown ass.

Sasha texted me to ask if everything was okay with her. I didn't know what she was talking about.

Her text read: "JUst wanted to make sure everything was okay with Dani? Saw her yesterday when she picked up some of her mail."

I told her I hadn't heard of anything bad. But I knew I needed to go and see this situation for myself.

I texted Shawn (NOT Dani) to say I missed his beautiful face, but I missed my daughter's more. When would I be seeing them again?

He invited me over for dinner. He said he would cook, repay the favour from last time. We set a date and I said not to tell Dani, that it would be an early birthday surprise.

That Friday night rolled around, and I took the train into the city. I myself was noticing just how much space I occupied in the car. I felt embarrassed. An old fat lady isn't always a humbling experience.

When I made my way up to his condo, I was in perma-brow-raise. It was a bougie-ass building with a door man and a waterfall and all this shit, right downtown. He must be paying a fortune!

My heart was beating loudly when I came to the door. When I knocked, Shawn answered.

There he was in all his glory. Pearly whites, chocolate hue, built like an ox. He was wearing a turtleneck and trousers, his waist popping off. He was so handsome, truly. And he smelled amazing.

When I walked in, his cologne wasn't the only thing that took my attention. Dinner smelled immaculate. Before I could compliment him, I heard Dani's voice.

When she rounded the corner, I beamed. I missed her so much.

I'm glad I had reason to smile, because if I hadn't, I'm sure I would've given up the goose. My girl has always been a big girl, but this was something else.

She wore a two piece dress that exposed her tummy and accentuated her hips. There were a lot of hips to go around. The imprint of her belly was permanently impressed against the fabric, and her squishy face had rounded out into a bulbous watermelon. My girl had a big ol' double chin, and wobbly arms. She must be over 260, 270 now. When she walked towards me, I felt the ground vibrate. Her hips nearly reached either side of the hall.

" look so dang happy."

She smiled and rubbed her belly. She knew.

"Shawn been treating me good."

He laughed in his deep bass. "I'mma treat both of you good tonight. Dinner's in twenty - let's get a bottle of wine going."

Turns out he meant a bottle each. Dani sucked back her own before we even sat down. I noticed when she took her place at the table, her backside barely made it on the spindly little chairs. When she leaned her elbows on the table, the legs groaned. I couldn't stop sneaking peaks at my big, fat baby girl. She didn't talk about it, or even hold herself back. She was carefree!

I, on the other hand, wasn't feeling good in my skin that night. When Shawn brought out the meal, I began to see the culprits of my daughter's ballooning.

Fancy deep fried Italian rice balls. Shrimp. Bruschetta. Then the mains: pasta in pesto, chicken, pork, garlic bread, lasagna.

My girl ate it all. I stuck to a few things, but she sampled the works. When we sat around after dinner, I watched her pull up each serving plate and pick away at it until it was clean.

She had another bottle of wine before she started to get loose. I guess the higher the weight, the higher the tolerance?

I excused myself and headed to the washroom. My stomach was not enjoying all the fried, rich food. He must have loaded up everything with a half pound of butter, each!

I heard the tinkling of plates as they cleaned up. I heard the obnoxious laugh of my girl and the low rumble of Shawn's sexy voice. When I came back out, however, I saw something I had not anticipated.

Dani was standing there, in the kitchen, her belly fully out. She had pulled the waist of her dress down to let it hang in the open air. Shawn had one of his huge hands on it, rubbing it and squeezing it and letting it drop with gravity. Each touch of it caused Dani to close her eyes and whimper.

Was she...? Did she...?

I watched as she let him play with her big gut while she picked at the dessert tray. He touched her arm and said, "Don't finish it off! Leave some for your mama."

She snapped at him. "Give her the ice cream instead. I want this."

She lifted up what looked like a bowl of ganache and scooped it into her mouth.

Shawn breathed like a lion. "Baby...that was..."

"I'll have the other half for breakfast. C'mon. I'm still hungry. I ain't your trophy wife yet...let's work on that."

They went back to the table and I waited. When I came back to the table, all was reset.

They smiled. "Dessert?"

Dani opened another bottle of wine.

Lord, have mercy.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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Sneaks88 1 year
don’t forget about this one! love all your stories
Angelhoney 1 year
love the perspective of this story coming from the mother, it’s so wholesome and sweet. also always enjoy seeing poc main characters, esp carribean ones! my family’s from jamaica and i love 2 see it
Xailius 1 year
Woah awesome start to a very promising story!!! Can't wait to read more