Feedist short stoires

Chapter 2 - you horny little pig

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You know you wouldn't be this fat if you didn't have this fetish. Yet you've let your brain become corrupted by lust. You've allowed your body to become corrupted by gluttony. You could have stopped all of this if you had any control. You could have continued to pretend you weren't a horny mess of a pig on the inside, keeping the facade going for those around you.

You couldn't stop yourself, though. You're too weak. You don't have any control of your impulses anymore. So the moment that little twinge of arousal spreads between your legs, you indulge it. You overindulge it. You let your base instincts act, despite you knowing better. You eat. You masturbate. You grow. You Fuck. You cum. The cycle continues until your ability to stop it ceases to exist.

Sometimes you think about regaining control again, but those are only abstract thoughts now. By the next meal, you're already stuffing your fat face again, again, and again. You know how good it feels to feel the new fat get added to your body. You're driven to stuff yourself until you can barely move or breathe, anticipating the extra weight the next day will bring onto your already obese body.

Nobody else's fetish is quite like this. You know that. Other kinks don't do this to those they ensnare. You're wearing your fetish on your body every waking hour/minute/second, and you can't escape how horny that makes you feel. You've let yourself turn into nothing more than a pile of lard triggered by pleasure. Your libido has spiked to its peak, and thoughts of sex and release are always rotting your brains. It never used to be like this, but you let it happen.

What little control you thought you had left, you handed willingly to a feeder. They took care of everything you didn't want to do anymore and gave you everything you wanted. You voluntarily let yourself get lazier and greedier as a result. You handed over the keys to your body, allowing them to use your obesity for both of your pleasures. It's much easier for you not to think about taking back control and getting back in shape. They do the thinking for you while you concentrate on eating and growing for them.

Deep down, this is what you always wanted. You didn't want to admit or embrace it, but it's true. You've always been a Horny Little Pig, and now all you have to do is look in a mirror to see it.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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4funnow 5 months
You make your characters breathe - read it three times - it should be standard reading for any psychologist- your a master.
Jesseyeah 2 years
Chapter 2 is magnificent 🥵
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! These have been fun to write.
AndiFive 2 years
I wanted to see a continuation of the third story
ConJohn 2 years
Yeah, I liked that one in particular. Would be fun to write a scenario where the feedee gets caught.