Courtney’s weight gain

Chapter 12

“Things are going to be different from now on Piggy” Elijah said to his prize.

Courtney chewed on a thick chunk of steak. Red juices dripped down her face and onto her undersized white blouse, the garment had many red stains on it. Not only from the steaks juices but from the red wine Courtney had been throwing back between bites. The wine paired well with the gigantic tomahawk ribeye she had to herself. The drunker she got the tastier the food. Her entire body felt like it was glowing. She hadn’t felt this good in weeks, her sense pleasures were being throttled. Her privates screamed, a stuffing like this had become deeply linked to sexual satisfaction for Courtney.

“From now on you’ll eat what I want you to eat, when I want you to eat it”

Courtney responded to this by dropping her fork and knife. She finished off her glass of wine and picked the rest of her steak up by the bone. She bit into her cut of meat as her now free hand reached between her legs. This whole situation was so weird, so hopeless, yet oh so hot. Biting into the savory flesh she buckled from her hands movement.

Topping off her wine Eli smiled at her. “Now that’s a good piggy” he said kissing her cheek

A loud moan escaped her lips. Her pace increased, both in eating and in fingering.

In a matter of minutes the picked clean bone was set aside and Courtney’s eyes were growing heavy. 30 oz of steak, 1.5 bottles of wine and an intense orgasm were enough to put the blossoming girl into a hazy comatose state.

Some time later Courtney awoke, still seated at the kitchen table. Her head was throbbing, her stomach no longer totally stuffed pressed heavily on her fat legs. One of her hands was on her crotch, pulling it away from the sweaty, stained area she used it to help heave herself up.

‘What was that’
‘Is this just my life now’

Her stomach churned, still working on her massive feast. Since her McDonald’s relapse she had been eating constantly. She stumbled into the bathroom, relieving herself on the toilet she idly felt her stomach. It was just so large. Her nipples perked up from the stimulus, automatically reaching one hand downward Courtney caught herself. Now was not the time to get off. She finished her business and walked into the kitchen. Opening the fridge Courtney’s eyes widened in the light. Several cartons of heavy cream, many sticks of butter, lots of cheese, and meats of all types. There was also a fairly large stock of beer. All heavy or sugary tall bois, Courtney grabbed herself a lime-a-Rita. Next up was the freezer, unsurprisingly stocked with tons of rich foods. Frozen pizzas, chicken tenders, you name it. There was also, of course, a lot of ice cream. Courtney’s mouth started salivating she grabbed a 48oz tub of peanut-buttercup.

‘Elijah’s asleep why am I even doing this’ she thought for a moment before she grabbed a spoon.

Plopping down on a familiar section of the couch Courtney got to work. Cracking open the beer, she hoped Eli wouldn’t wake up. It occurred to her that she had no idea what time it was, or even what day of the week it was. Taking a sip of the fruity sugary alcoholic beverage she recounted her past few days. She’d practically passed out after all that McDonald’s. Then she made her way with Eli here, then, she ate. And slept. And ate. And got drunk and ate. Then she woke up. It could be any time, the windows were pitch dark so if had to be night. This didn’t really matter to her anyway.

‘mmmm peanutbuttery’
‘This is so sweet and delicious’
She knew Eli was right. She’d done this to herself… and she loved it.

Spoon after spoon, sip after sip. Courtney let out a loud belch. For some reason this prompted a response from her nether region. She ate another spoon full and reached her hand down. Finishing off her beer she began bucking against the slowly melting tub of ice cream, she came.

After finishing off she brought the liquidy remains of the ice cream to her lips. She chugged down the rest.

She leaned back and felt her eyes grow heavy. She slowly rubbed her descended belly. It growled and gargled, slowly working through the massive meal. As she had many times before Courtney drifted off to sleep, stuffed, drunk and sexually satisfied.

Courtney slowly opened her eyes. One of her hands was wedged beneath her belly, close to her exposed and at this point slightly hairy pussy. She was on her bed, hazy memories of being fucked and stuffed fluttered around her head. She licked her lips, Chocolate. Looking out she saw the remains of a tub of chocolate peanut-butter ice cream and a crushed four loko.

She looked down at a grease stained pink pajama shirt straining to contain her breasts. She was wearing nothing else. Her large stomach heaved up and down with her breath, having long ago freed itself from her shirt. Red stretch marks dotted its mass, her skin had been slower than her mouth recently. Her legs form a pillowy blob gently pressing into the mattress. She looked up at Eli. He was holding a funnel and a bucket with a divet for pouring. He came over and gave Courtney the hose. After hesitating for merely a second she stuffed it into her mouth.

Eli began to pour the buckets content into the funnel. It was sweet, incredibly sweet, and buttery. It tasted like nothing she’d eaten, so heavy but so delicious. It was like the savory and sweet receptors in her brain were set to max. She chugged.

“You’re going to class today Piggy”

She quivered and reached her hand down south.

“I packed you lunch, so you can eat in class instead of missing it. Of course after you can head to the cafeteria”

Courtney lowered herself as she reached for Eli’s crotch. Laying flat on her back her hands were both busy kneading at different genitalia.

“Hmmm, that’s a good piggy, drink up”

She chugged the nectar until the funnel was empty. Taking a final slurp and licking the rim she let the tube out of her mouth. She was in a familiar daze. Her stomach felt so good, it was absolutely bloated. Creaking back and forth with her breath. Courtney almost fell asleep but Eli had motivated her. She could still eat like a pig and finish her degree. Lots of obese people still manage to graduate, and it’s not like her mobility was at risk. She heaved out of bed. This was the first time in several hours, and only the fourth or fifth time this week. She made it to the bathroom and hopped in the shower.

Her belly was so huge, she felt her hand press into it. She looked at her flanks, cellulite flowed all around her hips. After washing her hair and looking in the mirror she put on a smile.

Courtney put on a pair of pink yoga pants ,they were from the mall not that long ago yet they were already getting tight. She wanted to wear a flannel but there was no way she could button any of them. She settled for a large red hoodie. Walking out she saw Eli smiling, holding a massive lunch box. Courtney returned the smile and walked out the door.

Walking into class Courtney felt awkward. She’d been there before but something felt… different. She was carrying her lunch box and a backpack she shuffled to her “usual” bench in the back and opened her food. She hadn’t really eaten in class much, usually leaving class to go eat elsewhere. Still she was hungry and she could eat quietly and still pay attention. She munched on Eli’s premade sandwiches and slurped some soda from a two liter she had in the backpack.

Stifling a burp she hoped nobody noticed. She decided to focus on the teacher.

“Addiction is an urge to do something, usually consume something that we could do without and have become habitualized to”

Courtney took another bite. The flavors took up a lot of her attention. She tuned in and out of the lesson about addiction as she slowly chewed through her lunch box.

She looked around once the teacher dismissed the class. Everyone looked so happy, so thin. She looked around and back at herself and her empty lunchbox. She was almost the fattest person in the class.

She hurried to the cafeteria. By a stroke of chance she actually wasn’t the fattest woman there she caught the view of another big girl. After grabbing a large plate, Courtney sat in a booth with a view of the other fat girl. A blonde with a piggish nose and poorly fitting cloths. Courtney couldn’t help but become aroused as she worked her way through her plate. They both ate and ate. Juices ran down the chunky blondes cheek as several plates were stuffed into her. She sat rubbing her stomach. Courtney found this incredible, dinner and a show, but It wasn’t even dinner. Eli would have more for her back at home. Glowing from below Courtney felt the urge for sexual satisfaction. She could just touch herself right there, under the table nobody would notice. She stopped herself.

‘What the hell am I doing’
She got up and walked home immediately. Shame coursing through her mind.

The Half mile walk home was excruciating. She was exhausted and incredibly sexually frustrated. She’d have to have Eli pick her up from now on.

She barged into her apartment.

The table was full. A feast of many, many foods sat before Courtney. Chicken Alfredo, pizzas, Mac and cheese. All the usual greats. On her large wooden chair (had it always been that large?) was a purple plastic vibrating dildo. Courtney put it in immediately and got to work on her meal.

Shoveling pizza and pasta into her mouth was usual to her. She took a sip of what she discovered was a rum and coke. Apparently she was getting drunk too.

Letting out a burp Courtney signaled she was finished. Two large plates, a pitcher of rum, and a dessert trey had disappeared into her gut. She was satisfied.

It was morning. She awoke as usual. On the couch the television playing some commercial reruns. I’m front of her a shot of something brown. It was whiskey but she wasn’t disappointed with the start of her day. She stumbled to class.

Statistical analysis,. BORING. Barely conscious all class the hungover, hungry girl was not having the best experience. She wished she was still in bed eating and drinking. She could be too, no way Eli would stop her. She thought about her future for a moment incredibly bored and full of cravings. What would she actually want to do with her degree anyway? It’s not like she would have to get a job with Eli around.

Then again she liked two of her four classes, and she liked the looks she’d get from people. And the dining hall was a good experience, watching everybody eat while she was eating always got her going. She snapped out of it as the class let out, another lecture she’d hardly paid attention to.

Courtney got up and headed for the vending machines. A can of Pepsi and a can of Coke along with two bags of Doritos and a large Reese’s cup would hold her over in her favorite class “The psychology of food”.

This class class could actually hold Courtney’s attention on occasion. Of course she’d still be paying attention to her snacks. Towards the end of the lecture the professor Mrs Graham introduced the classes new TA: Nicole Valdez.

Nicole could only be described as gorgeous. Thin, tan, lightly, muscled with stunning green eyes. She immediately struck with a confidence. Courtney remembered being hot like that.

“Hello class! I’m Nicole and I’ll be your TA. Feel free to drop by my office hours if there’s anything you need help with for the class every Thursday 3-5pm”

Courtney took a bite of her Reeces, she was getting excited about going home. Just a few minutes left of class and she’d be free. The thought of going to Nicole’s office hours popped into Courtney’s head. How much bigger she was than the gorgeous TA, teaching about the psychology of food.

Eli had driven to pick her up, sure it’s was an on campus apartment but it was a super short drive and she didn’t want to walk. She got in the car and was met with donuts. Delicious. She got to work knowing there was a dinner at home for her as well.

Hurrying into their first floor apartment Courtney sat as she did every evening in her chair and eagerly watched Eli bring out her food. Pot roast tonight drowned in gravy. A mound of mashed potatoes and even a couple carrots along with a huge chunk of meat. Courtney dug her fork into the potatoes. She was once again mindlessly gorging herself, she was in a flow state, this is what she was best at. She felt the meal enter her stomach, it had been stretching increasingly for a while now. Becoming used to not only constant snacking but enormous feasts. Courtney pulled the thick red sweater off of herself, she was starting to sweat and wanted access to her belly. The pale mass quickly sent her grey T-shirt upwards, collecting around her breasts. Red stretch marks were scattered vertically all along her gut. She was practically striped pink and red on a pale globe. Some gravy dripped onto her belly and started running down. She paid no mind to her spill, she just kept eating. She took a sip of the bright green beverage Eli had set out for her. Some appley mixed drink, she could tell it was very strong. She downed as much as she could between bites. Finishing her last forkful of beef Courtney sat back. She’d eaten a lot but for her normal dinner this was fairly light.

“Where’s my dessert” Courtney looked angrily at Eli.

“Right there piggy” he said pointing at the living room floor. In front of the TV was a medium sized store bought round cake with white frosting. A pig drawn poorly on the top in pink frosting. Courtney lurched up. She finished her drink and let out a belch. She knew what Eli wanted, no utensils for this dessert. She was going to be his piggy.

Courtney bent over landing on her hands and knees with a thud. She thought about how this looked, how just over a year ago she was a normal skinny girl. Now she was an extremely obese pig. She shoved her face into the cake. Vanilla Frosting and Chocolate filling. Courtney started eating as quickly as she could. She felt so animal, so free. Eli turned the TV on, she hardly noticed. Continuing to gorge herself she let out a few moans. This cake was great, it was delicious and moist. She looked up at the episode of my 600 lb life Eli had put on. The woman on screen has to weigh well over 700 pounds. She kept eating. Eli practically tore off her stretched pink yoga pants they had been aching for freedom for hours. Courtney had no panties and felt immediately soaking wet from Eli’s exposing her. She continued chowing down on the cake as he entered her. Doggy style with a cake and show in front of her. Courtney was elated. She rhythmically chewed, swallowed, and shoved her face down to the tune of her boyfriends thrusts.

“You’re going to be fatter than she is” Courtney looked up at the screen mouth full of cake. Chocolate and frosting coated her nose and mouth. She looked at the woman on screens big belly, her chins. She looked at herself, she was a lot lighter than the woman. She ate faster, she would catch up.

She came as she thought about her future. She was going to be so fat.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 11 months
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Mangiam 9 months
story is sad like it was great to chapter 5 or 6 but when she got really depressed her boyfriend did the worst thing he deepend it that story was to sad to find it hot in my opinion
LLP 11 months
Glad your head's better. I loved the story up until the end. Not a fan at all of feedee as a pet. You're talented and I look fwd to your next writing
Hepboq7 1 year
Glad you are in a better place now and that writing this has helped you work through it (in some way). Good luck to you
Gegoat85scvfd 1 year
We need more!
Davidewol 1 year
How big is Courtney as of chapter 13?
Fatpeter 1 year
Can’t wait to see how big Courtney will get. This story just keeps getting better
Aghomg 1 year
this story is great!!
Chrisonradio 1 year
Loving this story so far. I hope she gets addicted and blows up.
FTMfatty 1 year
This is really good. More body descriptions please!
FTMfatty 1 year
Love this! Please write more 😍
Makeme300 1 year
I wish I was Courtney, getting to eat all those fresh pastries
Karenjenk 1 year
5 i love the manipulation.
this is a great story
hope you keep going
Makeme300 1 year
Enjoying this story. Thanks
Davidewol 2 years
This is a fantastic story so far, can't wait for more