Courtney’s weight gain

Chapter 13

Courtney awoke to the gentle cold feeling of the plastic funnel around her mouth. She opened her crusted eyes and through hazy visibility saw the green stem leading to her pink plastic funnel and Eli’s large red bucket. As usual she just maneuvered her mouth to suck on the tube. As soon as she got it into her mouth he started pouring. The fatty, buttery creamy “nutrition shake” flowed into her oversized stomach. She idly rubbed her belly with a free hand. Stretch marks took up much of the surface area. She had grown a lot in the past month and a half. She gulped the fatty liquid down. Feeling the weight in her distended tummy with her chubby fingers she sat up. This was a normal day so far.

“You’re going to school today” Eli said tugging on the black leather collar she wore.

Courtney followed to the shower. Before the water was warm Eli cracked open a green apple four loko. She started to drink immediately, the sour sugary taste waking her up from the haze of the past few days. Stepping into the shower she felt the water in her skin. She let out a loud burp as he began to clean her folds. Her chubby body being caressed by her masters hands felt immaculate, she wished she could have this forever. He soaped her down, a notable amount of crumby grime fell to the shower floor, this was her first shower in at least a week. Courtney continued drinking her loko as Eli turned off the shower.

Taking a sip she looked at herself in the mirror. She splashed a bit of the sugary malt beverage on her face. She looked at her acne, any skin care routine was a thing of the past. The amount of grease that passed through her lips was more than enough to cause her skin to look disastrous. She was just fully waking up as the last of the four loko went down.

“On your knees” Eli said with a gentle tone as he lightly dragged her down by her collar. Courtney just looked at his arm in the mirror as she fumbled to lower herself to the ground. He was so strong, muscles toned showing immediately apparent fitness. Had he always been this strong or was she only noticing it because of how weak she’d become. She took his cock into her mouth sucking on a tube for the second time that day. She looked up at him. He smiled and held her hair. She was moving very quickly (at least for her) when he started to cum. He gripped her hair and forced her to get a face full of cum. All over her nose, cheeks, and mouth. She licked her lips. Exhausted Courtney sat back breathing heavily. Sex was her only exercise these days and she felt it. Eli brought in her outfit for the day. The same pink yoga pants she’d worn the first day she was a piggy. It became obvious that the pants might not survive the day as she pulled them on. Exerting herself once again. They were certainly stretched, every curve of her widening ass was a test to the fabrics integrity.

She threw on the oversized tee shirt Eli gave her, it fit but maybe not for long at this rate. She wiped the rest of his cum off with the shirt before getting back up to get ready for school. Her hair would remain a bit of a mess but she didn’t really mind.

Before Eli dropped her off at statistical analysis, she took a shot of sugary spiced rum. Stepping into class with 7 drinks and 2105 calories swirling around her stomach she sat in the back of the class and idly watched the lesson. Her mind was as usual elsewhere.

‘This is so boring’
‘I’m starting to get hungry’
‘Why am I even here’

She’d only gone to school about half the days so far that semester. Thanksgiving break was approaching and she had fallen behind in all of her classes. She’d heard maybe 20 words of English in her statistical analysis class when She decided to eat the food she’d brought. She opened the container of Double stuffed Oreos and began munching. She noticed the occasional glance from another classmate. She felt a dull throbbing begin below her stomach, the sugary snack was an entertaining use of her time.

After eating over most of the lecture she’d run out of packed goods. Courtney visited (as usual) the vending machine. She got some more snacks and a soda. Her dining dollars were beginning to deplete and she was thinking about school if she ran out. impossible.

She made it to her second class of the day, the psychology of food. All she could focus on was her snack and boredom. Sure the class was better than statistical analysis but that didn’t mean it wasn’t boredom inducing. She was roused by a tap on the shoulder, the TA, Nicole.

“You should come to my office hours, just half an hour after class. I need to go over the final paper with you because you obviously weren’t paying attention.”

Courtney was stunned. This girl was so beautiful. Fit, slim toned and with a cunning smile. She was everything Courtney was not, at least anymore. Courtney gave a nod and hobbled up and out of the empty classroom.

Entering the dining hall Courtney did as she normally did. Grabbed herself a couple large plates and set up camp so she could see the other fat girl. At this point she normally started digging in and enjoying the show with dinner. Today she had to call Eli.

“I’m going to office hours from 3-5 I’ll need to be picked up at 5 instead”

Eli sounded upset as she said this.

“You will be punished for this piggy” was all he said

Courtney didn’t know what he meant but it was enough to get a curious tickle from her groin. She smelled the food in front of her and got to eating.

Courtney walked into Nicole’s office 32 minutes later. Her stomach groaned despite her recent gorge, it was expecting more. Now was when she usually got home and Eli would give her dinner. Nicole didn’t quite have Elijahs food stock but there was food in the room. A plate of sub sandwich wedges, a trey of little brownie bites and a small(ish) bowl of some sort of pasta sat on the desk on the wall just right of the door. Nicole sat in a black chair that had the vibes of a therapy chair it sat aside a typical therapists couch.

“I knew you’d look right at the food” Nicole was right Courtney hadn’t even looked at her yet and was already eyeing up the food.

“Take what you’d like and bring it over to this couch.”

Courtney grabbed herself a healthy amount of all 3 dishes. Sitting on the couch a moment of self consciousness and reflection hit her. Just over a year ago she’d been roughly as attractive as the stud before her. Now she was a frumpy inflated pig. Her loins began to churn.

“Eli asked me how you were doing in this class” Courtney perked up at the mention of her man. This utterly attractive girl talked to Eli. She began to eat.

“You haven’t handed a single homework in and your grade on the midterm was a measly 63. I can get you an A if you do a few things for me.“
Courtney looked up at the beautiful green eyes staring at her. She slowly swallowed her brownie and opened her mouth.

“What do I have to do?” The porker asked

“Exactly what you are doing, eat and I can gather data. You’ll be technically a lab tech and would need to take a one credit independent study over the winter.”

Courtney was confused, she went for another bite.

“You’d have to stay up at west for winter break”

Courtney nodded, that seemed manageable and she’d get free food.

“There’s nutritional and potentially life saving psychoactive chemicals instilled in this food”

Courtney swallowed, it was delicious

They sat there as Courtney ate. Nicole simply watched and jotted down the occasional note. The food slowly disappeared, when nothing was left Courtney leaned back and felt her tummy. A quiet burp bubbled out.

“Oh excuse me” she said getting red in the face.

“Don’t worry, it’s only natural after all” Nicole said with kindness.

Courtney’s genitalia ached, she’d been in some way turned on since she got came on this morning. Eli was on his way, she wondered what her ‘punishment’ might be.

Her food finished she heard a ping from her phone. It was Eli.

“I’d love to stay for the winter” Courtney said with a smile as she struggled to get up from the couch.

“Excellent, have a great night” Nicole said with a smile.

Excitement glowed within Courtney as she stepped out the door.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 11 months
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Mangiam 9 months
story is sad like it was great to chapter 5 or 6 but when she got really depressed her boyfriend did the worst thing he deepend it that story was to sad to find it hot in my opinion
LLP 11 months
Glad your head's better. I loved the story up until the end. Not a fan at all of feedee as a pet. You're talented and I look fwd to your next writing
Hepboq7 1 year
Glad you are in a better place now and that writing this has helped you work through it (in some way). Good luck to you
Gegoat85scvfd 1 year
We need more!
Davidewol 1 year
How big is Courtney as of chapter 13?
Fatpeter 1 year
Can’t wait to see how big Courtney will get. This story just keeps getting better
Aghomg 1 year
this story is great!!
Chrisonradio 1 year
Loving this story so far. I hope she gets addicted and blows up.
FTMfatty 1 year
This is really good. More body descriptions please!
FTMfatty 1 year
Love this! Please write more 😍
Makeme300 1 year
I wish I was Courtney, getting to eat all those fresh pastries
Karenjenk 1 year
5 i love the manipulation.
this is a great story
hope you keep going
Makeme300 1 year
Enjoying this story. Thanks
Davidewol 1 year
This is a fantastic story so far, can't wait for more