Courtney’s weight gain

Chapter 15

Courtney frowned as she pulled into the driveway of her childhood home. She wiped her McDonald’s stained fingertips on her grey hoodie. She bumbled out of her car, this was the first time she’d driven in months and she was STRESSED. After a knock on her parents door she braved herself for their reaction.

“Courtney! Come in” her mother said with enthusiasm, pulling her in for a hug.

It was immediately quite awkward. Neither Courtney or her mother dared breach the new white elephant, the subject of most of their thoughts, Courtney’s weight.

Settling in Courtney’s parents partially surrounded her on the couch, some nature documentary played as the family watched in silence. Being the only child Courtney’s parents loved their daughter and didn’t want to upset her in any way.

“How’s school baby” Courtney’s dad asked breaking the silence.

“I’m doing ok, I’m actually going to stay the winter to work on research”

There was an awkward silence, the cat was out of the bag.

“What’s your research going to be on honey”

“Food” Courtney said her face turning a hint of red. A twinge of excitement in her loins. She also realized she was HUNGRY. It was around her usual dinner time.

She sniffed the air, huffing the slightest smell of chicken.

“Is that dinner” Courtney said quietly

“Yes, chicken parmigiana with spaghetti, your old favorite”

Courtney thought back to high school. Sure she’d liked chicken parmesan but she didn’t eat it very often back then, it was too fattening.

The dish her parents had made for the three of them was smaller than many single side dishes she ate in an evening.

Her parents divided up the food. Her plate was larger than either of theirs but it would be nowhere near enough food for Courtney.

She tried to eat slow but still finished significantly before her parents. The small amount of food she had only seemed to make her hungrier. She sat waiting for her parents to finish, stomach yearning for more.

Her mother got up to put away her leftovers

“Uhm could I eat that” Courtney said getting red in the cheeks

Her mother fought the urge to roll her eyes, Courtney could tell

“sure” she said putting the plate down

With that she dug her fork in.

“I’m going to bed now ladies have a good night” her father said heading upstairs to play online poker.

Courtney was finished with her seconds in seconds. Still not enough, her tummy grumbled.

After a few minutes she settled on the couch beside her mother. Some old movie played
on the TV.

“How’s things with the boy” Courtneys mother asked sheepishly as if expecting a breakup story.

“Wonderful” Courtney said, she was very happy being his piggy. Still some hesitation weighed in the back of her mind. She hadn’t spoken a real word to Eli in weeks.

She was getting fidgety. Her stomach released an occasional grumble usually being far more stuffed by now. A frown settled on Courtney’s face. She was considering taking her car to a fast food joint when she was surprised by a ring of the doorbell.

Courtney’s mom stood up “I wonder who that might be”

A sweaty teenager with 3 large pizza boxes. “Got a delivery for Courtney Sterner”

Courtney looked up at her name. Her nose was lit by the smell of the greasy pizza. A ding from her phone.

(your welcome piggy)> from Eli

“Did you really order pizza” Courtney’s mom said in a concerned tone.

Courtney looked at the ground her cheeks blazed red.

“Yes” she mumbled.

“Ugh…” her mother rolled her eyes she wanted to hide it from Courtney but she was clearly unhappy with her daughter, at least with her pizza order.

“Thank you” she said taking the pizza and bringing it to the kitchen counter.

Looking back at her overweight daughter

“I’m going to bed try not to eat all this tonight”

It was Courtney’s turn to roll her eyes. Her lips were salivating. She needed this pizza.

As her mother stepped up the stairs she made her way to the pizza one supreme one meat lovers and one that was a large deep dish with nearly every topping. She brought all 3 boxes to the couch. There was a tag on the receipt “for my piggy” hopefully her mom hadn’t noticed. The sting of shame electrified her sex. Courtney was getting both hungry and horny.

Settling down she opened the meat lovers and took her first bite. Heavenly, finally feeling good for the first time since getting home. She ate and started to look for porn with her phone.

“Piggy eats cake and plays with herself”

Watching the video while munching on the pizza was a lot of fun.

After 9 first pizza Courtney reached a hand south and made some quiet oinks for herself.
her face into the deep dish pizza she continued eating on autopilot. 

Hours later.

Courtney hazily perked up. The scene before her is incredibly dirty. Empty pizza boxes and other wrappings. Her sticky fingers would have to do for getting ready for thanksgiving. Slowly she heaved herself up. Grabbing the empty pizza boxed she hobbled to the garbage. Hastily shoving the boxes in she didn’t pay any mind to the fact the garbage can could no longer close. She licked the grease from her fingers as she wandered to her room in a daze.

She hardly slept that night fazing in and out of consciousness.

She awoke at 11 to a text from Eli.

(Good morning piggy, todays a big day for you)

Courtney instinctively threw her other hand south

(You are to eat anything in sight, you will snort when you laugh and you will laugh at many stupid things.)

Her fingering continued

(Finally you must convey to your whole family that you aren’t going to be skinny ever again that you’re a fat pig who wants nothing more than to stuff your mouth)

Still rubbing herself, Courtney considered showering, brushing her teeth and getting dressed. The smells of thanksgiving had made their way to her room. Her stomach growled the shower and teeth could wait, it was a lazy holiday after all. Bringing herself to a mediocre climax, Courtney heaved out of bed and threw on some “fresh” clothes. A just large enough pink shirt with a couple stains and grey sweatpants that stretched over her wide hips.

Slowly making her way down the stairs she noticed a snack plate of meats and cheeses and a case of beer out for the taking. She helped herself and made her way for the couch.

She looked around at her extended family.

Her parents, aunt and uncle, one grandmother and two cousins occupied her livingroom.

She was by far the heaviest there.

Her Aunt Gina and uncle Bret both smiled and nodded at their expanding nephew. Courtney didn’t really interact with them much and certainly didn’t want to hear what they’d have to say about her growth.

She plopped down on her usual spot on the couch next to her cousins Alice and Desmond.

Alice was 17 and Desmond was just 11. Alice glanced at her larger older cousin. She was a lacrosse player and in great shape.

“So how’s college, aren’t you a psychology major or something”

Alice had recently been accepted to Berkeley for biophysics.

Courtney looked at her cousin. She was an attractive, functional and energetic young woman.

“Yeah I’m a psychology major” Courtney replied not willing to say she was doing terribly in school and might drop out soon.

“I’m doing research this winter with my friend who’s a phd student” this wasn’t a lie.

“Do you have a meal plan? or should I avoid something else… I don’t really wanna end up a porker like you”

After a moment of silence Courtney spoke up

“Well my boyfriend really likes to spoil me” Courtney said sipping her beer, her loins burned. She was a pig, that’s all she’d been up to recently.

As the Thanksgiving meal got placed on the table it looked wonderful as always. There was a tremendous amount of food for Courtney to shovel down her face.

She was by far the best eater at thanksgiving. Courtney was so used to stuffing her face today was no different. Her extended family gave her looks but she knew what she was doing. Eating was what mattered to her in that moment.

After two plates she took a look around. Her mother and father looked away talking to grandparents and Alice. Courtney’s 11 year old cousin Desmond watched her eat.

She looked over at the boy. Hardly a teenager he was popular for his age. A wink with a bite was enough to change his worldview forever. Courtney kept stuffing food into herself, fork after fork. She’d done a good job filling herself, 4 beers almost half the turkey, a massive portion of mashed potatoes and more. Courtney couldn’t wait for dessert.

After what felt like an eternity between her last plate and dessert Courtney’s mother delivered the pies. French silk and pumpkin.

Courtney reached out with her fork. She was going to eat directly from the pie.

“Not so fast honey” her mom gave her the evil eye. This halted her reach. She put her fork down and grew immensely red in the face. Her mother shoveled a small slice of each pie onto a plate and placed it in front of her daughter.

Courtney involuntary wrinkled her nose. It was a pitiful amount of pie.

“Let everyone get a slice, then you can take seconds” finally some appeasement.

She made incredibly fast work of the two slices she’d been given. The taste of sugar had her salivating. It was rare she had to limit herself like this. Her eyes darted around as the pies slowly disappeared onto their plates. Jealousy and anger coursed through Courtney. Finally it was time for her to grab seconds.

She greedily dragged the 1/3 of each pie that remained her mother rolled her eyes again at her daughter. Courtney scarfed it down as Alice stifled a giggle.

Finishing the dessert Courtney was satisfied, mostly. Sure it wasn’t as much as she was used to but she felt like quite the pig. Taking another beer she made her way up to her bedroom.

She looked in the mirror. She hardly fit into her stained shirt. Her belly peeked out from the bottom. A year ago she’d gotten off on her chubby image. Today she was much larger. Thinking back to two years ago and she was fit, thin and ambitious. The trend line pointed at obesity. Reaching down Courtney once again started to work on herself.

Quietly oinking she imagined herself bigger. She was probably still less than 300lbs she had a long way to go. She might never sleep in this room again. She imagined her attractive cousin Alice taunting her and Eli feeding her. She shook her flabby body jiggling about. A moment later after a blissful few seconds. She realized how loud she’s been.

She stumbled to her bed, this almost surely being much louder than she’d been. Under the covers she calmed down into yet another state of hornyness. Her family was still downstairs she “quietly” opened her beer and took a sip. Reaching her other hand down she started getting off again. As she worked her way through the beer and towards her third orgasm of the day the blankets came off.

Suddenly a knock on her door. Alice started turning the handle. Courtney realized she was naked above the covers. The lights were on. She was fucked.

The door creaked and Courtney flung her chunky body off her bed away from the door. A massive thud as she hit the floor, Alice threw the door open.

“Are you ok” she said running over to the other side of the bed. Courtney had managed to grab the blanket as she fell but wasn’t entirely covered. Her face was red as could be, her breathing heavy.

“My ass hurts” Courtney said as she felt the pain in her rump.

“I’m uh…”

Alice’s voice trailed off as she looked at her cousin. She’d seen many fatter women but never from so close. To her, Courtney was huge. A look of disgust formed on the 17 year olds face. The smell of beer, sweat and grease hit her nose. Her cousins greasy face had become pimpled, her skin was recognizably sweaty. Looking down one of Courtney’s breasts was exposed. Her nipple large and Not well defined, the opposite of perky. Her breast sagged clearly used to resting on her stomach. This was so much.

“I’ll just go” Alice said

Courtney looked at her beautiful cousin. The look of shock and disgust on the late teens face was priceless.

The young lady practically booked it.

Courtney sat on her floor as her door was closed for good. Stumbling back on her bed, her mind raced.

‘I should change this’
‘I used to look like that’
‘Did I finish my beer’

She took a sip and once again reached a hand south. She thought about how she was only going to get bigger, how she was destined to continuously eat, fuck and sleep in Eli and Nicole’s company. She thought about her successful happy cousin, Courtney imagined Alice getting fat like her. With this she reached for the last of her beer. After her beverage she let out a belch and started to cum. She descended out of consciousness rapidly.

Waking up Courtney saw that it was dawn. She was probably the only person up. Trying her best at quietly descending the stairs she revisited the kitchen. There was one beer left and quite a bit of food. She grabbed the beverage and a plate to throw in the microwave. Eating was automatic she didn’t really think about being at her parents or the guests they had over.

Sipping the beer she made her way to the table. Soon she’d be back with Eli, soon she wouldn’t have to explain or hide. She yearned for that comfort. She kept eating.

Courtney awoke on the couch later that morning. her mother stirred in the kitchen. She’d eaten a large amount of the leftovers and passed out again. She was about ready to go back to west, back to Eli.

Her extended family had left while she was asleep on the couch. It was once again just her and her parents.

“I’m going to head back to west, I need to start my winter study”

“When are we going to see you again” her mother said with fear in her voice.

Courtney felt a twinge if guilt, still she was doing what she needed to do.

“Uuuuhm…” a delicate silence filled the air.

“And what are you going to do about your weight” her father said sternly breaking his silence on the subject sharply.

Courtney turned red, her entire body swelled with emotions. First fear, then shame, then an the incredible feeling of arousal.

“Nothing” she said a tear welled in her eye. With that She turned around and closed the door. She waddled to her car. Turning the ignition Courtney realized she’d done it, nothing would stop her now. She pulled out and made her way to the nearest McDonald’s.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 11 months
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Mangiam 9 months
story is sad like it was great to chapter 5 or 6 but when she got really depressed her boyfriend did the worst thing he deepend it that story was to sad to find it hot in my opinion
LLP 11 months
Glad your head's better. I loved the story up until the end. Not a fan at all of feedee as a pet. You're talented and I look fwd to your next writing
Hepboq7 1 year
Glad you are in a better place now and that writing this has helped you work through it (in some way). Good luck to you
Gegoat85scvfd 1 year
We need more!
Davidewol 1 year
How big is Courtney as of chapter 13?
Fatpeter 1 year
Can’t wait to see how big Courtney will get. This story just keeps getting better
Aghomg 1 year
this story is great!!
Chrisonradio 1 year
Loving this story so far. I hope she gets addicted and blows up.
FTMfatty 1 year
This is really good. More body descriptions please!
FTMfatty 1 year
Love this! Please write more 😍
Makeme300 1 year
I wish I was Courtney, getting to eat all those fresh pastries
Karenjenk 1 year
5 i love the manipulation.
this is a great story
hope you keep going
Makeme300 1 year
Enjoying this story. Thanks
Davidewol 2 years
This is a fantastic story so far, can't wait for more