Courtney’s weight gain

Chapter 16

Courtney awoke on her usual spot in bed. She reached for the tray set beside her. Grabbing a chocolate chip muffin she bit in. She’d been eating for days, probably. She felt her body press against the bed. A light layer of sweat between her and the stained sheets. Her warm sex called for her. Instead she reached her hand up. Grabbing a green tube she put it in her mouth and turned the spicket. A sugary malt beverage poured into her. A few seconds of chugging and she paused to let out a burp. She kept eating, the room was dark, the sun tried to breach the drawn blinds. After another chug Courtney was feeling good, she reached now, for herself. Navigating her hand past the lowest roll of her stomach and past her fatty upper pubic area. The hot hairy damp climate would lead to her fingers becoming crinkly around her third orgasm. Shortly after she was almost asleep. A creak and the door let in the light. Eli came in with her latest meal. Courtney let out a series of oinks.

“It’s time for you to head in for research” Eli said as he placed the pancakes and ice cream sundae on the tray.

Courtney reached for a pancake. Bringing the syrup covered treat to her mouth Eli pulled the chord on the blinds. Courtney’s vision took a moment to readjust to the light. After scarfing down her pancake She brushed her hair aside and scanned her surroundings. The room was messy, her clothes covered the floor. The bed was dirty, most of the area she didn’t take up was either stained by crumbs and oils of past food or sweat. She scanned her own body no doubt she was the biggest she’d ever been. Her legs poured onto the lower part of her bed. Toes to fattened calves to wide thighs. Cellulite speckled from her thighs to her hips. Her legs were spread by her belly, the stretch mark covered organ of gluttony truly was huge to her. Forming one massive globe it divided into 3 wrinkles at each side. Her breasts flopped aside, they were big yet lacked any definitive shape. She looked at the wiggle of her arm as she reached for another pancake.

Not long after and her small breakfast was gone.

“Time to go” Eli said with a smile

She heaved herself out of bed.

Her spot in bed didn’t fully return to its original shape, an oval of sweat, grease and other various juices remained. Some fast food and candy wrappers saw light for the first time in a while.

For a moment Courtney just looked at the patch of bed she’d spent most of the past few weeks occupying. Embarrassment and self doubt boiled in her mind

‘This scene is disgusting’
‘Why do I live like this’

Her feelings lead naturally as always into an intense arousal.

‘I’m just a piggy’

Eli noticed this and grabbed his pig by the shoulders. Courtney leaned back into his arms, turning her head towards the man who got her into this literal mess.

Staring into his beautiful blue eyes she crinkled her nose and breathed in a quiet oink.

Eli leaned in for a passionate kiss. Courtney was wonderfully surprised by this, he hadn’t really done anything physical with her lately, other than rough animalistic sex. Her mind was at ease for that moment. The deeply seeded love she had for her feeder almost brought her to tears. She was in that moment completely satisfied by her utter submission to him. She loved it.

After a much needed shower Courtney felt good. Eli had laid an outfit out for her.

A huge Pink crop top. It did nothing for her stomach but that was the point. It merely held her breasts, keeping her decent. She fumbled as she fit the enormous yet incredibly tight and short pair of cutoff Jean shorts over her ass.

She looked at the mirror. Eli was working on putting her hair into pig tails, aside from him being a smidge taller she entirely eclipsed him. Putting on a smile she felt good about herself. She couldn’t wait to see Nicole.

She was a little embarrassed and a lot tired by the journey to the biomedical science center. Setting down in the waiting room Eli talked to the receptionist.

Finally Nicole called “Eli and Courtney” perking up a smile crossed Courtney’s face.

Stepping on the scale she was not allowed to know the result. She then took a written and verbal quiz during both of which she professed her want to become a piggy. To utterly give in to her cardinal pleasures.

Nicole then lead her to her room. This is where she’d spend most of the next few months. The room was small and windowless. 10x8 feet and mostly covered by a king mattress. Aside the bed was a shelf with a conveyor belt easily accessible at arm height. One wall was a full sized mirror, an other a massive TV monitor. Courtney sat on the mattress, there was even a convenient spot for her to use the facilities.

Courtney hopped onto the bed. It was the most comfortable soft material she’d ever had the chance to sit on. The lighting was intricate not overly bright but she could see everything. A whirring began shortly after she got on the bed that would be her home. The conveyor belt rolled in a vast fast food feast.

“For the first few months of this study we’ll simply be gathering data on what you like. You’ll be given a variety of foods and entertainment options”

Nicole said as she turned the TV on.

Before her a mindless soap opera started to play. Courtney grabbed a mcchicken and got to work on the McDonald’s.

“We’ll take you out every couple weeks to take measurements and get status updates.” Nicole said.

“And I’ll come in when I want and we can have some fun.” Eli said with a smile

Courtney nodded and kept eating

She took a swig of the extra large coke she’d been given and let out a quiet belch. With that Nicole and Eli left. Closing the door and beginning another stage of Courtney’s life.

Courtney just sat there on the comfortable bed eating McDonald’s, watching whatever crap was on. After her large meal was devoured she became characteristically tired. Clutching her belly she smiled as she drifted off.

She awoke some time later. The food had been restocked, a slightly different assortment of fast food. Berger king and Wendy’s. The channel of the television had changed too. The cooking channel instead of a shitty soap. She got to work.

Some 20-40 some minutes later and the meal was finished. Courtney let out a burp and hobbled onto her back. She reached a hand down and got to work touching herself.

Courtney soon completely adapted to this new life. As the winter drew on the food selection and video entertainment varied and shifted. Whatever held her attention and was eaten faster was noted. Her weight and attention span were continuously monitored. As was her sex drive and general mood.

This went on for a few weeks. Christmas passed, as did New Years. Courtney had been in the same room for the entire holiday season. Eating, drinking, watching tv, masturbating and sleeping.

The door opened and Eli reached for his girlfriend’s hand. Courtney blinked as she stood up. Showering for the first time in weeks Courtney was distracted, touching herself and drinking her shower beer. Her body was bigger, pale, hairy and frumpy. She loved every inch.

Eli ate her out when she was returned to the bed. The sheets had been changed. No longer stained. The television displayed weight gain pornography. This had been the case a few days before. Her meal was replenished. Eli entered her and she reached for her food.

She looked around as she chewed. Looking at the mirror was a thrill. She getting fed and fucked. The porn on the tv also bid for her eyes. Bliss.

When they were done, Eli closed the door again leaving Courtney alone with the television and her food.

A while later. Courtney had no idea how many days, the door of her cell opened. Nicole was there, gorgeous as always. Her striking fitness, a well put together outfit, she smelled great. In her hands a large pink dildo. Courtney smiled and reached for her food. Chocolate ice cream on a pile of fried chicken, her face and some of her hair had been covered in chocolate.

“Hands and knees piggy” Nicole said with a smile.

Courtney gladly began sitting up. Her eyes locked on the mirror. She saw her ridiculous self, and Nicole. Her belly hung low, almost reaching the mattress. Her naked sagging breasts, large nipples hung wiggling slightly as she leaned forward to take a bite of her pile of food. Nicole brushed her hand across Courtney’s big jiggling ass. Courtney bent her back pressing her belly into the bed, she relaxed what few muscles remained on her rear. Her cheeks thoroughly spread.
felt the cool air against her wet, sweaty, juicy private area. The dildo was inserted gracefully.

“Keep eating pig”

Courtney obeyed and leaned her head into the chocolaty pile. Delicious. Nicole rhythmically slid the large dildo in and out of her subject. Courtney came shortly and Nicole left the room without a word, leaving the new toy inside the growing girl.

Things continued in this trajectory. The food was slowly being refined. Courtney didn’t consciously realize but her portions were not only bigger, they were also getting more addicting. She was similarly addicted to whatever was on the TV. A lot of porn, fat girls eating in public and footage of actual pigs. The time between Eli and Nicole’s visits was getting longer, not that Courtney really noticed. She was pretty much “satisfied” with the vibrator.

The winter became spring, not that Courtney really knew that. Time was blending together for her. A flurry of food, mindless pornography and masturbation interspersed with unusual sleep. She had no internal clock.

Finally one day both Eli and Nicole came to visit their piggy. Courtney was brought out of the room for the first time in months. Not used to the bright lights and movement she wanted her food back. Eli helped her take a quick shower.

“We’ll get you back to your stall in no time”

Courtney smiled as weeks of food stains were washed away, down her big tummy. She idly started touching herself as Eli wiped her down with a soapy rag.

Courtney was then given clothes for the first time since, wait when did she lose her clothes.

Either way she was a bit nervous putting on the enormous moo-moo. It was hardly an outfit but it did it’s job of covering her.

Courtney wasn’t too happy as Eli and Nicole walked her to a table with a pen and paper.

She was given the same quiz she’d taken before she went in the room. Needless to say her answers were extremely similar in intent but wildly different in complexity and thought.

Finally Nicole slid one last paper over to Courtney. It was a long, boring, complicated document written in legalese.

“I want to take you on as a permanent in-patient test subject. “ Said the beautiful brunette. Courtney felt the almost ever present
twinge of arousal crop up at the word permanent.

“Sign on this line and you don’t have to worry about college or anything ever again. You’ll be able to eat all you want, you’ll be free from any obligations or stress.”

Without thinking Courtney immediately jotted her name down. She’d never have to write again. Incredibly pointed thoughts tried to surface in her mind.

‘What happened to me over the last year that this is what’s happening…’

‘this is who I am’

She looked over at Eli, his smile was perfect.

She was so wet, she was so hungry, and she was so excited.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 11 months
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Mangiam 9 months
story is sad like it was great to chapter 5 or 6 but when she got really depressed her boyfriend did the worst thing he deepend it that story was to sad to find it hot in my opinion
LLP 11 months
Glad your head's better. I loved the story up until the end. Not a fan at all of feedee as a pet. You're talented and I look fwd to your next writing
Hepboq7 1 year
Glad you are in a better place now and that writing this has helped you work through it (in some way). Good luck to you
Gegoat85scvfd 1 year
We need more!
Davidewol 1 year
How big is Courtney as of chapter 13?
Fatpeter 1 year
Can’t wait to see how big Courtney will get. This story just keeps getting better
Aghomg 1 year
this story is great!!
Chrisonradio 1 year
Loving this story so far. I hope she gets addicted and blows up.
FTMfatty 1 year
This is really good. More body descriptions please!
FTMfatty 1 year
Love this! Please write more 😍
Makeme300 1 year
I wish I was Courtney, getting to eat all those fresh pastries
Karenjenk 1 year
5 i love the manipulation.
this is a great story
hope you keep going
Makeme300 1 year
Enjoying this story. Thanks
Davidewol 1 year
This is a fantastic story so far, can't wait for more