Courtney’s weight gain

chapter 6

Courtney slowly opened her eyes. She awoke once again on Elijahs couch. Looking down her stomach had returned to its normal size. Well it’s newest normal. She heaved herself up, and set out for the door. ‘What was last night?’ She thought about the cookies. Something wasn’t quite right but she didn’t exactly know what. As she approached the door she saw a plastic bag and an orange sticky note.

“Won’t see you till after thanksgiving, eat this 32 minutes before turkey day dinner, XOXO ~Elijah”

The bag had a big brownie, Courtney smiled thinking what it was.

She made it the next few days without Eli, thinking about that night. Contemplating her relationship. She ate healthily, not wanting to gain more weight. Still when she was awake late at night she thought about those cookies. Why did he have them, why did they taste so good. This was unusual, it was a lot. She wasn’t even sure what was real. Maybe she didn’t even have any cookies and had just dreamed it up.

These thoughts occupied her brain as she traveled home for thanksgiving.

Wednesday was a normal day at home. Nobody had commented about her weight and everybody wanted to hear about Elijah.”he’s great, beautiful, funny and kind”. More confident in her relationship she wondered about Eli’s gift and weather she should go through with it.

Thanksgiving day arrived, she went through with it. Courtney was up in her room daydreaming and thinking about her life. She thought about those weed-adled dinners she’d eaten with Elijah. They were quite yummy, delicious in fact. Her mouth began to water. For the first time that day she grew hungry,. Courtney smiled as she unwrapped the brownie. Dinner would be done in about 33 minutes, perfect time for her to eat her appetizer.

Sitting at the table, Courtney began to feel a glow. Her high set in as she looked at the food. It was numerous and looked delicious, juicy turkey, cheesey mashed potato’s, and many other delicious dishes lined the kitchen ahead of her.

She began eating rather quickly, as soon as grace was over. Tearing into the turkey with gusto as necessary. She was hungry and the food was oh, so, good. Courtney kept eating, plate after plate. “I’ve never seen you eat so much honey, save room for the pie”. Her mother briefly snapped her out of it. “You’re right” she mustered as she put down her fork. The feeling in her tummy was back, full, absolutely full but great. Warm, cozy, she wanted the feeling to last forever. Then before her was set a large slice of French slilk chocolate pie. Her mouth watered, she reached for her fork. The dessert disappeared into her waiting mouth quickly. She leaned back.” Mom can I go up to my room?” She asked pained, breathing heavily. Courtney stumbled up stairs and stripped in her room. She looked at herself in her full sized bedroom mirror.

She was bloated, wider than before. Most of the new fat had landed on her ass. A welcomed location, still her stomach certainly hadn’t gotten smaller. Even though she was stuffed she knew there was a solid more permanent layer of adipose on her tummy. She began to grow ever so slightly wet. An exploratory finger felt down her bloated tummy to her lady lips. She began rubbing herself as she looked in the mirror.
‘What are you becoming’ her mind responding to her own stimulus. Staring at her tummy Courtney brought herself to a climax, after calming down she quietly slipped into bed.

She awoke the next morning and sent Eli a message. “Had fun with your brownie;)”. Eli smiled as he received the text, right on time. He had established the habit in his girlfriend.

Returning to school Courtney pressed on through finals. Finishing with solid grades she had finally decided on a major. Psychology, watching documentaries and listening to Elijahs excited rants got her interested, it was of course his major. She could copy down his notes, plus she’s be done with gen-eds and would be just one semester behind. This excited her a lot. She kissed Elijah goodbye as she took the plastic bag from him, it was full of weed. He had eased on the weed and stuffings for the end of the semester. She hardly remembered the cookie incident. He had given her the bag of weed as an early Christmas present and she graciously accepted.

Courtney arrived home that semester 25 (totaling 154) pounds heavier than when she left at the end of the summer. It seemed the freshman 15 had caught up to her, and then some. Still she would be home, away from all the stress and food. She hopped over the break she would turn her diet situation around.

A week into break and Courtney had settled into a routine. Normal, boring days 6 nights of the week and one night where she smoked some of the weed and lightly stuffed herself watching TV. These nights tended to end with her rubbing herself and thinking of Eli.

She returned to college from break weighing exactly the same. Her habits had become more polarized but neither had been able to tip the scale. Eli was prepared for the next stage, he would tip the scale.

Arriving in her dorm Courtney felt good. Wearing a fitting outfit she had gotten for Christmas, a white dress that held her body perfectly, showcasing her in a stylish manor. She wore it in anticipation waiting to see her boyfriend again after a long absence. Amanda was indifferent, Courtney clearly hadn’t dieted over break but she also wasn’t bigger. “Hope you’re excited for tonight, it’s the second semester you guys are going out, thats when things really get serious” Amanda said with a smile. Blushing Courtney twirled her wavey hair. “I sure hope so, I think he’s gonna ask me to move in with him”. “You still have this lease until June” “I know, I’ll just pay both”. A brief awkward silence and Courtney slowly got up and left, time to see her man.

Stepping into Eli’s apartment Courtney’s nose made a discovery. The place smelled like a bakery. All sorts of pastries piled up on the counter. “I picked up a culinary minor for the fun of it”. Elijah said as Courtney just looked in awe. “I’m full time this semester so I was wondering if you wanted to move here?,… with me! You could eat as many pastries as you want…”

Her cheeks lit up, she had guessed right. The beautiful boy from science class was asking her to move in. She ran to him and gave a big hug, relieved about her future. An honest man who could teach her the world. She grabbed a white powdered doughnut. A few bites and it was gone. She felt a glow and ate another pastry. Hmm she closed her eyes, yummy.
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Mangiam 9 months
story is sad like it was great to chapter 5 or 6 but when she got really depressed her boyfriend did the worst thing he deepend it that story was to sad to find it hot in my opinion
LLP 11 months
Glad your head's better. I loved the story up until the end. Not a fan at all of feedee as a pet. You're talented and I look fwd to your next writing
Hepboq7 1 year
Glad you are in a better place now and that writing this has helped you work through it (in some way). Good luck to you
Gegoat85scvfd 1 year
We need more!
Davidewol 1 year
How big is Courtney as of chapter 13?
Fatpeter 1 year
Can’t wait to see how big Courtney will get. This story just keeps getting better
Aghomg 1 year
this story is great!!
Chrisonradio 1 year
Loving this story so far. I hope she gets addicted and blows up.
FTMfatty 1 year
This is really good. More body descriptions please!
FTMfatty 1 year
Love this! Please write more 😍
Makeme300 1 year
I wish I was Courtney, getting to eat all those fresh pastries
Karenjenk 1 year
5 i love the manipulation.
this is a great story
hope you keep going
Makeme300 1 year
Enjoying this story. Thanks
Davidewol 2 years
This is a fantastic story so far, can't wait for more