Courtney’s weight gain

chapter 7

Stumbling in from class was an excited Courtney. “Did you know about normalization” she said as she grabbed a chocolate doughnut, of course he had. He’d taken every class she was in, and was making use of the knowledge already. She took a rip of the bong, it was permanently packed and left in the living room these days.

”I just thought it was interesting how weird normal could be to somebody” Courtney said grabbing another doughnut. This ‘conversation’ of Courtney talking at Eli while eating donuts started to dry up around her 5th pastry. Her tummy soon occupied both her hands, the conversation she was just having evaded her. “hmm,… hmmm, I think I ate too much again” she softly moaned. Elijah stepped over and seated himself next to Courtney. He lifted the hem of her skirt and got to work on her private area, she was already wet. This was normalized behavior.

“The Pavlovian response is easy to understand“. Courtney’s stuffy psych 201 professor stated. Courtney yawned and strained to keep her attention, she was interested in this class but something else occupied the back of her mind. She would be going home soon and seeing her boyfriend, her hungry stomach gurgled. Why was this class so late? “When a stimulus is associated with an action, the brain interprets both the same way, anticipating one when receiving the other.” Courtney couldn’t pay attention like this, she desperately wanted to see Eli.

Finally the class was over, Courtney rushed to her car moving uncharacteristically fast. She drove right home and burst through the door, excited to see her man. “Hey baby, dinners almost ready” he said with a smile. The smells of his delicious cooking lit up Courtney’s nose, tonight was going to be a good night.

Pouring her a steep glass of wine for Courtney, Eli started the usual conversation. “Dinner will be finished in just half an hour, how was your day?”

Taking a sip of her wine Courtney smiled at Eli. “Much better now, I was aching for you my whole last class” Courtney said with a smile. Elijahs food smelled delicious, her stomach ached. Courtney took another sip of wine and made her way to the table. She hadn’t had one of Eli’s dinners in almost a week. Finishing her glass she looked at her man. He set her utensils in front of her and refilled her glass. She got to drinking immediately, she was eager.

Finally her lover appeared with a large plate piled high with chicken Alfredo. Courtney was ecstatic

‘this looks delicious’
‘I can’t wait to eat it’ her thoughts raced, her stomach was emitting a feeling she had to address. She took her first forkful and devoured it. Allowing the fatty flavors a few seconds to sit on her tongue, she quickly swallowed. It was delicious, perhaps the best pasta she had ever eaten. She began what would become a massive meal. Fork after fork, her belly began to swell. Her massive plate was reduced to sauce. Dreamily she looked ahead in a daze, her stomach felt amazing. Pleased with her carbohydrate glut, her overfull stomach groaned. Elijah looked at her and shoveled a bit more pasta onto her plate. “You look like you’re enjoying yourself sweetheart” he said with a smile. Managing a nod Courtney reached for her fork. “Uh… uh .. could you feed me this” she eked out bringing her hand to her wanting tummy. “Of course baby” he said. Bringing the first fork to her mouth Courtney opened wide. Her hands both occupied her descended tummy. Bite after bite she felt another familiar feeling, a dampening of her underwear. One of her hands reached further down, rubbing the bottom of her belly. Another forkful of pasta, bliss. She found herself touching well, herself as he finished feeding her the rest of her plate. She quickly brought herself to orgasm rubbing her belly and thinking about Eli. She passed out at the table, full and satisfied.

10 hours later at 4:00 in the morning Courtney opened her eyes. The table ahead of her is empty. In the darkness she slowly stands up, stifled she quietly made her way to the bedroom, however she noticed a container of chocolate eclairs and a blanket by the TV. She pushed on to bed, slipping off her clothes, she gently tucked herself in. Eli was sound asleep, and Courtney could not get comfortable. Twisting, turning, it’s like she wasn’t tired at all. She thought about it.
‘when did I go to sleep?’…
‘oh my I slept for 8 hours’. No wonder she couldn’t sleep.

She gently got herself out of bed and made her way to the couch. Turning the TV on with very low volume she browsed the channels. There was hardly anything on, finally she found a “normal show” a rerun of an episode of “my 600 pound life”. She watched, it was garbage TV. Bored Courtney began to direct her attention to the eclairs. There were 6 of them, she was getting hungry. A scene of a feast laying in front of the fatty shined on the television. Courtney brought an eclair to her mouth watching the screen. Food, food was good. The second eclair gone. The fatty on screen had stuffed her face again. Three eclairs gone and the TV became irrelevant. After the 6th eclair Courtney had a hand down her pants, this was normal. She came.

This became much more common. Nearly every night Eli made some delicious feast. Courtney gorged, and passed out after being sexually satisfied. She was so focused on classes and Eli that she didn’t notice her body once again beginning to expand. He never said anything about diet or exercise and she never thought about it. This was exactly what Eli was hoping for.

A few weeks later and Courtney was struggling with her pants again. Tugging her jeans with a huff. Her ass was resisting, her ass had taken the brunt of her recent gain, light cellulite speckled her butt. Her hips seemed thicker as well, her tummy pooched forward. Faint Stretch marks seemed to be forming. After one final tug she gave up, it was no use. Slipping on yoga pants instead she sighed and threw on a bra, her breasts hadn’t grown much if at all. Pulling over a large red sweater she was ready for today.

Sitting down in her last class Courtney glanced at the clock. Unwrapping a granola bar, she popped it on her mouth out of boredom. Just 50 more minutes and she could go home. Elijah would be waiting for her, ready for a fun evening. “The dopamine reward system is largely responsible for motivating action” Courtney tried paying attention yet her mind seemed to wonder.
‘You’re getting bigger Courtney’
‘those pants used to fit’
‘I wonder what’s for dinner’.

Finally class was over, Courtney wasted no time. She rushed home. As she entered her apartment the smell of cheese hit her nose. Looking in the table was already set. Eli sat at the far side. “Come eat darling it’s dinner time”. Courtney agreed sitting down in her usual spot, a huge bowl of bacon Mac and Cheese sat before her.
“There’s no way I could eat all this" she said. Still she poked her fork in. It was delicious as ever, cheesey, greasy, her waiting tummy was happy with it.

She continued, shoveling forkload after forkload. It was delicious, eating like this has become all too common. After 24 minutes Courtney set down her fork and began rubbing her tummy. The cheesey, grasey mass had been transferred there. Eli came over a kissed his woman. She moved her hands further South. Eli started slowly rubbing her belly, she kept working on herself downstairs. She was Moaning, he reached at the counter and picked up a chocolate donut. Holding it in front of her open mouth, she was breathing hard. She quickly took a bite and sped up her efforts. The donut found it's way in. She started to cum, buckling up and down in her seat. Satisfied she began to nod off, as usual, Eli kissed her on the cheek as she fell out of consciousness.

Waking again at around 5 in the morning, Courtney groggily opened her eyes. She looked down at her sweater, grease and cheese stains and splotches were abundant, her yoga pants below even seemed like they were straining.
‘Jesus what am I doing’ Courtney got up and headed for the bathroom, she was curious about something. She looked around but could not find a scale
‘who doesn’t have a scale’ she thought , catching herself in the mirror her curiosity was becoming too much to bare. She left the apartment and quietly snuck into her car. She was going to find out, she thought as she started her car.
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Mangiam 9 months
story is sad like it was great to chapter 5 or 6 but when she got really depressed her boyfriend did the worst thing he deepend it that story was to sad to find it hot in my opinion
LLP 11 months
Glad your head's better. I loved the story up until the end. Not a fan at all of feedee as a pet. You're talented and I look fwd to your next writing
Hepboq7 1 year
Glad you are in a better place now and that writing this has helped you work through it (in some way). Good luck to you
Gegoat85scvfd 1 year
We need more!
Davidewol 1 year
How big is Courtney as of chapter 13?
Fatpeter 1 year
Can’t wait to see how big Courtney will get. This story just keeps getting better
Aghomg 1 year
this story is great!!
Chrisonradio 1 year
Loving this story so far. I hope she gets addicted and blows up.
FTMfatty 1 year
This is really good. More body descriptions please!
FTMfatty 1 year
Love this! Please write more 😍
Makeme300 1 year
I wish I was Courtney, getting to eat all those fresh pastries
Karenjenk 1 year
5 i love the manipulation.
this is a great story
hope you keep going
Makeme300 1 year
Enjoying this story. Thanks
Davidewol 1 year
This is a fantastic story so far, can't wait for more