Courtney’s weight gain

chapter 8

176 lbs

Courtney was frozen looking down at the scale. Peeking past her belly the number shone brightly. This was bad, worse than she thought. She slowly dragged one hand across her pudgy tummy, a slight twinge between her legs. Looking in the mirror Courtney saw herself. Her face was mostly untouched by her recent gain, however pretty much everywhere else, she was larger. Her belly was a single globe, touting out around her underwear. Her ass was clearly larger, she was developing into a pear. this was bad.

She drove back to Eli, fear, anger, and uncertain arousal.

Stumbling inside Courtney looked at Eli, her eyes open and fixed on his.
"I'm going to move back in with Amanda to try and lose some weight" she said withholding tears, she had no idea how he would react. She didn't want to lose him, she didn't want him to think this was his fault.
"I understand" he said with a smile. "Whatever's best for my baby". An involuntary tear of joy began to flow down Courtney's face.
"I'll still visit often, and when I'm back to my old self we can move back together" she said with optimism.
"I'll be waiting" he said with a grin. She would be back, soon.

"Ok, you're up 47 pounds, you have to lose at least 30 to be back to a healthy weight. At a healthy two pounds a week you'll be looking good in just 3 or 4 months." Amanda said confidently. God 3 or 4 months was a long time Courtney thought.

"Well have you eating light and exercising in no time" Amanda said with excitement. She was going to help her friend get out of this funk.

One week in and Courtney was just starting to feel better. She got up and stepped into the shower, soaping herself she felt better than she had the morning before.
‘I can do this, I’m going to live my best life’ stepping out of the shower she got dressed for school. Wearing a fitting pair of jeans and a large button down blouse, it wasn’t the sexiest outfit but it fit her well. She smiled as she brushed aside her hair. She had gotten it touched up yesterday for the first time in months. Happy with her progress Courtney headed to her first class, grabbing a yogurt on the way out.

Sitting in class she thought about her week. It was really hard at first, her cravings sometimes seemed overwhelming. Yet it was getting easier, soon she'd be back in shape. 'Eli will think I'm so hot' she thought. She hadn't seen her man since starting her diet, she was texting him constantly but was reluctant to see him.

Heading home for the day, Courtney's stomach grumbled lightly. Now she would have to resist eating too much for dinner. Getting home she quickly threw her dinner in the microwave. Grilled chicken, rice and broccoli, but not particularly much food overall. She ate it, slowly enjoying what she could from it. When it was gone, Courtney began to crave sugar. Flipping on the TV to distract herself downstairs the image of a crisp donut shined on screen, it looked immaculate. As her mouth began to water she quickly changed the channel. A while later she decided it was time for her to study. Tv wasn’t helping and she was getting very bored, and hungry. Getting up and going to her room she noticed something odd. On her desk where she was about to go study sat a chocolate frosted doughnut. Courtney’s salivary glands burst into action, the thought of chocolaty goodness began to take hold of her.
‘How did this get here’
‘what about my diet’
‘mmmmmm chocolate’

Reaching down she quickly picked up the delicious dessert and started eating. It was over quickly, Courtney looked around. Slightly ashamed she thought about how good she had done this week. Yeah… she deserved a little cheat didn’t she. Sitting down, feeling relieved she got to studying.

The following week and things were starting to feel a lot better for Courtney. She had kept to her diet (aside from that single donut) and was feeling better and better about herself. She even felt good enough to visit Eli. She wanted to make plans for spring break and she wanted him involved. Stepping in Eli looked on his girlfriend with a huge grin. Running up to her and enveloping her in a hug he felt her back and sides. Things felt wonderful for Courtney.
“Come in let’s watch TV and cuddle I missed your touch” he said with a smile.

Hours later and Courtney was nodding off, she had eaten dinner before coming and was just enjoying the warmth of her boyfriend. Looking at her phone, Courtney realized it was getting very late.
“I really must go to be in bed on time” she said sadly.
“Wish you could stay longer baby, here take some donuts for the road” Eli said. Courtney looked at the counter, a dozen chocolate frosted donuts sat on the counter.
“Ok, I’ll give them to my friends” she said with a smile.
“Can’t wait to see you Friday! Spring breaks going to be a blast this year.” Eli said before bidding Courtney adieu.

Getting home Courtney stuffed the donuts under her bed. She knew Eli wanted the best for her but he should know she was more serious about dieting. She thought angrily at him. Still, those donuts did look pretty good. She retrieved the package from its hiding spot. Taking one out she quietly ate, being careful not to wake Amanda up. She put the rest back, she had to sleep for her run tomorrow.

Two miles was sometimes easy, sometimes incredibly hard. Courtney was struggling this morning, slowing to 13 minute pace she was barely running when she stepped back in her apartment. “Alright girl!” Amanda said with encouragement. Courtney just sighed and headed for her bedroom. Stripping down and preparing to shower she looked under her bed. The tempting donuts once again saw the light of day.
‘I deserve this after that run’ she thought biting in. This time she didn’t stop at one. Three donuts in and she looked down, her belly feeling ever so slightly full for the first in a long time. She quickly put the donuts away before she dared eat any more.

Three days later, all the donuts were gone and it was officially spring break. Amanda left in the morning, eager to get home. She wrote down Courtney’s diet and exercise for the week before leaving. Hopefully Courtney could be trusted to do it without her.

On the first night of break Courtney went right to Eli’s. Feeling good about her (somewhat) successful diet she wanted to take Eli in bed for what would be the first time in months. Dinner tonight was salmon, green beans and some mashed potatoes. Courtney quickly ate one plate, it was delicious but she had to keep up her diet. Later that night her and Eli were getting frisky. Things went well, but Courtney felt something was missing.

The following night Eli made another healthy meal of Brussels sprouts and coconut squash. Afterwards Courtney moved to the couch unsatisfied, she had been so hungry here where she was used to being stuffed. As if on queue Eli emerged with a plate of brownies. “I know you’re on a diet but you looked like you could really use one of these” he said as she took a brownie quickly. Making short work if it she looked at Eli as she reached for another. This continued. Four, five she was slowing down. “Fuck me” she said commenting on both her diet and the wet spot in her pants. Eli smiled and handed her the brownies. As she took another he got to work on her. She came shortly and just as she’d done many times before, she fell asleep on the couch.

Courtney woke up in the morning in an unusual manner, well recently unusual. The smell of breakfast foods roused her back awake. Eli appeared with a TV trey, filled with pancakes, bacon and eggs. Setting it down in front of her. “Eli what about my diet?” She said.

“This food is delicious and you deserve a cheat day” he said. She just looked on at the feast set before her, it had been a long time since she’d had pancakes. Her mouth began to water the smell was becoming too much. She absolutely had to try it.


‘Why are you eating this’
‘the diet is ruined’
‘why do I want more’ these thoughts rushed through Courtney’s mind. Still, she kept eating, syrup was dripping down her chin, she paid no mind.

20 minutes and Courtney was once again rubbing her stomach.
“Mmm… “ a soft moan escaped her lips. Eli moved the empty trey out of the way and slid Courtney’s legs apart. Looking on excitedly, Courtney crossed her eyes as her man entered her. It was the best sex she had ever had.

Despite her efforts she found herself nodding off after her breakfast and romp. She thought about when she’d make it to the gym. Whenever she woke up from this nap was her conclusion.

Steak. Fries. It smelled delicious as Courtney slowly opened her eyes. Checking her phone it was 1:24pm. She had taken quite the nap. Looking down her tummy was smaller but not quite empty yet.
‘I better run soon before dinner’ she got up shakily.
“Eli had just plated a large strip steak with asparagus and truffle oil mashed potatoes.
“I have to go run” she said. Her mind wandered, why was this full meal here at 1:30 in the afternoon, this looked like dinner.
“Here take a box to go, you can eat it across a few days, it’s not unhealthy if you only eat a little at a time” Eli said slyly
“Ok baby “ Courtney said taking the To-go box Eli had filled.

She barely completed her 3 mile run, feeling utterly exhausted she stumbled into her apartment. This weight loss stuff was hard. Taking a quick shower she looked at the steak Eli had given her. It would last two or three days if she kept to her diet. Still, tonight might as well be one of them she thought lifting the steak. Below it she noticed a rectangular thing in the bottom of the bag. A $35 gift card to Dunkin’ Donuts. Strange she thought. After warming up all of the steak Courtney sat down at her table. She started eating as her mind wandered. Time escaped her and soon the entire steak and sides were gone. Hmm, she thought rubbing her stomach as usual. Looking around she got up and stumbled to the couch. Flipping the TV the biggest loser was playing.
“No more large meals, and plenty of exercise” the host said to the chubby, aspiring “losers”. Looking down Courtney felt a familiar twinge in her privates. Slowly she reached her hand under her waist and began to get off. Eyes fixed on the TV women’s bellies, one hand massaging her own. Courtney came quickly.

A moment of post-nut clarity hit her, she’d just eaten the whole steak. Her diet was in jeopardy. She got up and threw out the evidence, she did however, take the gift-card and put it in her wallet.

The next day she was hungry as ever at dinner time. Sticking to her diet today, she was barely holding on. The day after, she got a donut and a chocolate latte from dunkin. Just three donuts the day after that.

Two weeks later and Amanda has been worried about Courtney. She didn’t seem as motivated in the gym and seemed much more relaxed about her diet. She had actually began skipping workouts all together. Running out of eyeshot and then stopping for a soda. She’d been eating more and more chocolate doughnuts a day.

A week from the end of the semester and Amanda walked in on it. Courtney was halfway through a dozen chocolate donuts
“What the fuck is this Courtney” Amanda said angrily.
“We promised we’d work together on this! Stop eating!… let’s get you weighed”. Courtney turned red as a tomato, she knew things weren’t going right but she couldn’t resist. Stepping on the scale Amanda gasped, 181 lbs. in the couple months of dieting, and she had gained 5 pounds.
“I can’t believe you” Amanda said.
“I… I.. I just love it… I love the chocolate” Courtney said aloud, and for the first time accepting her love of food… it felt real. She made her way to the kitchen, grabbing the donuts she looked at Amanda.
“I have to go” Courtney said tears welling in her eyes.

As Courtney drove away, one hand on the wheel the the other bringing the last of the Chocolaty sweets to her tearful face. Why was this so hard, everything seemed so hard. As she ate she drove to the only place that she’d felt good in weeks, Eli’s.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 11 months
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Mangiam 9 months
story is sad like it was great to chapter 5 or 6 but when she got really depressed her boyfriend did the worst thing he deepend it that story was to sad to find it hot in my opinion
LLP 11 months
Glad your head's better. I loved the story up until the end. Not a fan at all of feedee as a pet. You're talented and I look fwd to your next writing
Hepboq7 1 year
Glad you are in a better place now and that writing this has helped you work through it (in some way). Good luck to you
Gegoat85scvfd 1 year
We need more!
Davidewol 1 year
How big is Courtney as of chapter 13?
Fatpeter 1 year
Can’t wait to see how big Courtney will get. This story just keeps getting better
Aghomg 1 year
this story is great!!
Chrisonradio 1 year
Loving this story so far. I hope she gets addicted and blows up.
FTMfatty 1 year
This is really good. More body descriptions please!
FTMfatty 1 year
Love this! Please write more 😍
Makeme300 1 year
I wish I was Courtney, getting to eat all those fresh pastries
Karenjenk 1 year
5 i love the manipulation.
this is a great story
hope you keep going
Makeme300 1 year
Enjoying this story. Thanks
Davidewol 2 years
This is a fantastic story so far, can't wait for more