Courtney’s weight gain

chapter 9

Courtney awoke to the smell of breakfast in bed… again. This was the fourth… or fifth day in a row she’d awoken on Eli’s bed after falling asleep absolutely stuffed, only to wake up and be given a large breakfast immediately.

She slowly opened her eyes to the view of the feast set before her. As usual a tall stack of pancakes, large plate of cheesy scrambled eggs, and several strips of bacon. Her nose was enjoying the familiar smells of syrup and grease. She looking over to Eli. He smiled “I’ve been trying a new mix for the pancakes, I figured you might want some, you don’t have to eat it all” he said happily. A smile formed on Courtney’s face “I’ll give it a try”.

She started to eat, as she did every morning. Any thoughts about what she was doing were forced to the back of her mind as she tasted the savory yet sweet meal. It tasted marvelous, the texture divine. Fork after fork disappeared into her tummy. Any worries disappeared from her thoughts which were focused on how delicious the meal was.

Letting out a small burp Courtney set her fork down on the empty trey. She leaned back in bed, right onto her pillow and started drifting off. She had just woken up from a full nights sleep but the processing of all the fatty food she’d just eaten was enough to make her sleepy. Just another hour or so, she thought as she listened to her body. Her stomach groaned and churned, her breathing slow and shallow. The slightest hints of arousal tingled around her sex. She drifted away.

Waking up a couple of hours later Courtney rolled out of bed feeling fairly refreshed. She made her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As the shower began heating up she glanced at the mirror. She didn’t know it but Eli had installed a thinning mirror, a mirror bent slightly inward such that the onlooker appears slightly slimmer and a bit taller. While it could only do so much the lack of a scale was enough for Courtney to not really think about her weight, glancing at her expanding form in the thinning mirror wasn’t enough to cause her to panic. Getting in the shower she cleaned the syrup from around her lips and got some of the grease out of her hair. She was feeling well today so far.

Throwing on some comfortable grey sweats and a T-shirt with no size tag she walked into the kitchen where Eli was working from home on his computer. He smiled and waved at her. Feeling good Courtney, thought about continuing her job search on her laptop.

“I gotta find a job to justify staying here all summer”. She voiced her concern aloud, even as she headed for the couch. Sitting down she grabbed the bong and took a large rip, she figured some weed would help her de-stress about the job hunt. Turning on the TV she sat back and started to watch. “Could you bring me my laptop and a snack honey?” She said to Eli with an inflection in her tone, “pleeeease”.

Eli as always complied, bringing the laptop and some Doritos over to his growing girl. She was getting greedier, spending much of her time snacking and watching TV, often asking Eli to get her things. She’d already been a little lazy but Eli’s enabling ensured her new habits were set.

Opening her laptop Courtney went to indeed and started looking at postings for internships. Looking through postings Courtney started to get nervous, all the postings called for more experience or didn’t seem like something she’d enjoy. She opened the Doritos and started to graze. Any stress she felt she met with food, or weed. As she scrolled through the forums looking for a good match she munched on the nacho cheese goodness. The more she looked at jobs the more anxious she became. After thirty minutes of stressful scrolling she had only sent out two applications but had finished the Doritos. Slamming her computer closed Courtney felt relieved, searching for a job was stressful even if she just wanted a summer position. Her attention was brought to the television, a commercial for Swiss rolls.

Several weeks later and the job search was over, well unofficially over. It’d been days since she’d looked for postings and nobody had called her back. Taking a sip of an extra large coke and grabbing another handful of fries, Courtney’s eyes were glued to the television yet again. This was the second time that week she was having McDonald’s for lunch. The TV trey set before her was enormous. Eli had gotten it custom ordered, it could hold lots of food and was easy to adjust. Courtney wasn’t really thinking about anything most of the time, just her food or snack. Occasionally she would get off the couch and notice that standing was a bit different now. She might look at herself in the mirror and notice the red angry stretch marks forming on her tummy and ass. Maybe she’d notice the cellulite on her ass was creeping up around her hips and love handles. Whenever this happened before panic could settle in she’d feel a queasy stomach followed by incredible arousal. Eli was often available to satisfy her whenever the layers of denial began to shed. She never thought about her weight when she was eating, which was most of her waking time. She’d be stuffed in bed for breakfast, snack and a beer on the couch around lunchtime. That is until Eli brought over her proper midday meal, usually fast food because of it’s convenience and price. While Courtney had never really loved fast food it was growing on her, and quickly too. Finally after a mid afternoon nap Eli would bring her a massive delicious dinner. She’d eat, be pleasured and fall asleep just about every day.

Weeks became a month… which became two. Soon what barely felt like a week was the whole summer.The Thursday night before school began Eli broke the news to his proper porker of a girlfriend. She was just over halfway through her dinner, a massive barbecue feast. Courtney tore the meat off of another rib. Barbecue sauce stained her lips some of it dripping onto her pink pajamas. They were no stranger to spills, with a layer of oils and crumbs coating much of the garment already. “Mmm, babe this is very good” she said. Most speaking she did nowadays was about food or sex.

“School starts on Monday we need to get you bigger clothes” Eli said bluntly

This made her hungrier, she continued chowing down on the greasy feast. She knew she was bigger, she knew she’d overdone it this summer. She’d hardly gone outside, it barely felt like summer. Just some sort of feast season. Eli had become more blunt talking about her eating and weight. She didn’t really notice this change, at least not consciously. She nodded as she shoveled a forkload of Mac and cheese into her mouth.
“Mmm… mm” she muffled through her meal. Wiping her fingers on her shirt she let out a burp. Not bothering to be embarrassed she quickly grabbed a pulled pork sandwich and brought it to her waiting mouth.
“You’ve been enjoying yourself this summer haven’t you baby” Eli said with a smile.
Courtney let out another belch and kept eating. Finishing her food was the main thing occupying her mind. She hadn’t thought about school in months, not since she’d registered for classes with Eli’s help early in the summer. As she finished what was left of her barbecue feast she lifted her stained shirt up over her belly, then her breasts and finally off. Rubbing her full stomach she let out another burp and sat idle for a moment as if in thought.
“Babe can I have dessert” she said as she did every dinner.
“Of course my princess” Eli said with a smile he went to the kitchen to get the cake for Courtney.

When he returned she was occupied, masturbating and rubbing her engorged gut. He smiled and brought the cake up to her mouth. Taking a bite, waves of pleasure zipped up and down her spine. The sugary goodness and the sexual stimulation paired strongly within her. “We’re going to the mall tomorrow to get you cloths” Eli said as she climaxed. With the entire cake within her she slowly shut her eyes.
17 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 11 months
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Mangiam 9 months
story is sad like it was great to chapter 5 or 6 but when she got really depressed her boyfriend did the worst thing he deepend it that story was to sad to find it hot in my opinion
LLP 11 months
Glad your head's better. I loved the story up until the end. Not a fan at all of feedee as a pet. You're talented and I look fwd to your next writing
Hepboq7 1 year
Glad you are in a better place now and that writing this has helped you work through it (in some way). Good luck to you
Gegoat85scvfd 1 year
We need more!
Davidewol 1 year
How big is Courtney as of chapter 13?
Fatpeter 1 year
Can’t wait to see how big Courtney will get. This story just keeps getting better
Aghomg 1 year
this story is great!!
Chrisonradio 1 year
Loving this story so far. I hope she gets addicted and blows up.
FTMfatty 1 year
This is really good. More body descriptions please!
FTMfatty 1 year
Love this! Please write more 😍
Makeme300 1 year
I wish I was Courtney, getting to eat all those fresh pastries
Karenjenk 1 year
5 i love the manipulation.
this is a great story
hope you keep going
Makeme300 1 year
Enjoying this story. Thanks
Davidewol 2 years
This is a fantastic story so far, can't wait for more