(ian’s game) the one that got away

  By Rcti

Chapter 3 - changing up scenary

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As he was flying into Ohio, Ian plotted by making a fake Facebook, Instagram, and pretending to be a girl that looks like a model. He had just enough followers to make it convincing on Instagram and then reached out to Shane.
They spent a while chatting and decided to meet tonight at Ian’s hotel. Ian said things to act like an easy target for Shane. He made it look like a hookup. And Shane infuriated him most of all by including in his bio.

Shane -26
Single Again
No Fat Chicks.

“Let’s figure out how to make you mine, you’re too beautiful to be single. Just looking at your beautiful eyes is mesmerizing. ” Shane said
In his next DM.
Eventually we exchanged numbers and started talking more until 8pm when I heard the knock at the hotel room door.
I was recast, he doesn’t know how much he messed up by hurting my daughter.
I unlocked the door and grabbed the bastard faster than he could react. I held him down with a sheet over his head and sat on his back and handcuffed his hands together and said “ time to see why you shouldn’t mess with my daughter.”
I brought him to a chair and tied him up. I opened the fridge and grabbed a pre made gainer shake and shook it up a bit and came up to poor little Shane and forced his mouth open. “ Who are you and why are you doing this to me?” He cried pleading for a change of heart.

“ I’m Gabby’s Father, and we down in Alabama don’t take too kindly to fat shaming. Especially when it’s a man’s only daughter. You best be prepared for hells wrath. I’m about to make you so big you make my daughter look anorexic in comparison.” I replied grinning ear to ear.

I laughed and pinched his nose as I forced a funnel type contraption to lock in place around his head. He gulped as I poured as fast as I could. I tried to be nice and avoid any signs of going too too fast because I want him alive and to suffer. I poured the entire shake worth around 2,000 calories into the poor suckers mouth. He looked like he just ate the most he’s eaten in twenty years. “ Time for the second shake” I laughed.
He shook his head and muffled cries fell on deaf ears as I poured a bit slower but faster than he could handle. It was probably 5 extra minutes just because he was so full. After that I stopped and let him evaluate the situation for it’s worth. I can’t risk him throwing up so I’m going to let him sit for a while.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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