Making baby happy

chapter 4

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The next morning is our first day back at our respective jobs. I wake up early to make you breakfast, and you inhaled two bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches and guzzled a glass of orange juice before saying good morning to me. “Sorry,” you grunt, “I just woke up so hungry.”

“I know, baby. Keep eating, we have plenty of time. I’ll drop you off on my way to work.”

I was in the shower when I hear you desperately grunting and gasping for air. I quickly turn the water off and rush to your side. I find you flat on your back on the bed, your big gut distended and wobbling out in front of you. You take a deep breath, exhale, and then try to suck in with all of your might. Your chubby hands fight with the button on your work pants, but they're too slow. You let out your gut with a big grunt.

“It’s no use,” you gasp, “These are my fat pants, and even these don’t fit. I have nothing to wear to work. What am I supposed to do? Call out for getting too fat on my honeymoon?”

“Babe, it’s ok. Why don’t you call out? In fact, why don’t you quit?”

“What?” you ask as you struggle to sit back up over your fat gut and tight waistband.

“Yea. You’re my wife now. You don’t need to work. Of course, if you want to, you can. All I’m saying is, you can do whatever makes you happy now.”

“Let me take today to think about it,” you say as you jiggle out of your pants and unhook your bra releasing your floppy tits. You get back in bed and rest a hand on your gut. “Can you leave me some snacks before you go to work?”

“Of course, baby.”

You never went back to work, and six months later you’d barely even left the bed. They say that if you’ve lost a lot of weight, it’s much easier to gain it back plus some. You were around 230 lbs when we got married, and in 6 months you had ballooned to 310 lbs. I wasn’t complaining. I loved coming home from work finding you laid up on the bed or the couch surrounded by empty snack wrappers and fast food bags. When given the option to do anything you wanted in the world, you chose to be a lazy, spoiled, gluttonous pig. And it turned me on so much.
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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AceFA 1 year
I desperately need more of this
VolNov79 1 year
Love this such a cute couple 🥰
Theswordsman 1 year
This is on fire keep it up