The fattest sister

Chapter 1 - the big sister

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Sammy sat at the kitchen bench, her wide load of an ass spread across two groaning seats. She was eating, of course. It's hard to believe that someone at 22 could be so colossal. Her thighs were so thick that they rubbed bellow the knees. Her belly hung low, always stuffed, always round. Her boobs, perky a fat, bursting from her oh-so-tight bra. Her face was thick, swollen from years of none stop eating, deepening her voice, making it harder to talk every single day.
But her biggest feature, far larger than life, was her gigantic ass. It was unmatched, almost impossible to fit into any jeans. Her hips were so wide that getting stuck in doors was a regular occurrence. Sammy was big. She was bigger than big. She was enormous. She was my sister… my project…
I stared across the room at her in disbelief of just how big I'd made her. In-front of Sammy laid a few empty pizza boxes, packets of chips and empty burger wrappers, licked clean of any cheese or sauce. She was a greedy a girl, all thanks to me.
“Shit I'm stuffed Iz, think I overdid it this time.” Sammy leant back in her creaking chairs, her belly rising up in-front of her. It rumbled and groaned on the brink of bursting.
“Room for a shake?” I asked, a devilish smile slipping out as I headed towards the fridge.
“I shouldn't…”
“They taste good though right?” I tempted, pulling a pre-prepared shake out from the fridge. 2Ls of milk, heavy cream, weight gain powder, cake mix, appetite stimulant, butter and chocolate ice cream… a daily treat for my big sis.
It's hard to remember a time when Sammy was thin, she was a year younger than I am now. She was 17 and starting her final year of school. She surrounded herself with a healthy group of friends, all popular and skinny, exactly the life I'm living now. But back then, at 13, I started to bring her food. I'm not quite sure why, perhaps it was due to our mother being a massive lady and the apparent satisfaction that our dad got from bringing her food. It started slow at first, a few snacks here and there, but the snacks very quickly grew in size, turning into full meals, multiple times a day. I'd spend my pocket money on take away for her and very quickly, she started to blow up. I got satisfaction watching her outgrow a new school dress once a month, sometimes twice. It encouraged me to feed her more, to increase her portions and get even more inventive with my meals. Finding some appetite stimulants in the pantry, I began to squeeze them into her meals. I found a special milkshake recipe online, a more basic version of the shakes she drinks daily now. She was turning into a blimp, quickly becoming the fat friend, then the fattest in her class, then the fattest in her school. A year later, come graduation, she was unrecognisable, stomping onto the grad stage, its supports just holding on, splintering as she waddled to accept her certificate. Her heart pounding, breaths getting short. I clapped as I watched. I felt accomplished see her like this. She seemed embarrassed of her size and I loved to see it. It proved my progress.
She's grown a lot as a person since then, not just physically. She's now no longer embarrassed, but she's not quite embraced herself yet either… I've continued to bring her food as she's grown more and more unhealthily large. A milestone was when she outgrew our mum, I felt like I'd really accomplished something. It was a step forward, and even now, I have no plans on stopping any time soon.
I placed the thick shake in-front Sammy, her eyes glowing at the prospect of such a tasty treat. I'm sure at some-point she would have caught on to the fact that I've been bringing her food all these years, but never has she brought it up, no matter how big she's ballooned.
Her fat, stumpy fingers grasped the shake and pulled it close. Her swollen lips grasping the straw…. And she sucked, hard, as though she hadn't had a drink in years. The thick substance made its way down her throat and into her belly, filling in any remaining gaps in there. Immediately it hardened, so completely and impossibly full. It creaked and groaned, but still she drank. My perfect project, so hopelessly addicted to food and so impossibly fat.
I was envious of her in a lot of ways, not a care in the world about her image, able to eat what she wants. Even her friends were accepting of them as with age, a few of them had began to expand also. Would it be nice to let loose like that one day? Would I enjoy it? Maybe. But for now I was the skinny sister and she was a massive pear shaped blob of fat.
The shake was empty. She’d finished it. What a blimp. Such a pig. I loved it.
Her chairs creaked and groaned. Her skin tight sweat vamps ready to burst, seams splitting, elastic tearing. Sammy was sweating, out of breath, her struggling heart pounding.
Little did I know this was just the beginning. The situation was about to expand greatly and I was to be its mastermind.
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Could you show us some pictures of them
Nickp72 1 year
This is great! Chapter 4 was amazing and this story is really gaining some momentum!!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Cheers! Glad you're enjoying it!
Fatpeter 1 year
Loving where this is going now
Fatterandfat... 1 year
I'm glad!
James Lowis 1 year
wow this is getting really good 👏👏👏
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Thanks smiley
Tommmy 1 year
Wow. Great story. I hope Jess gets to be a 400 pounder. Please continue soon
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Plenty of gaining gals to come!
Nickp72 1 year
Ya, the skinny girls getting fat is definitely a solid option and would be very interesting
Nickp72 1 year
Wow this is truly a work of art, amazing story and you way of writing is so good too
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Thanks so much, I've got ideas where I wanna take it, but am always open to DMs of requests
Wifestuffer 1 year
Love the way you describe Sammy as a "project." I feel the same way about my wife. My project, my work of art.

I can't take all the credit, it's a collaborative effort.
Wifestuffer 1 year
I provide the vision, imagination and inspiration. SHE contributes the hard work of stuffing her fat face, carrying all her weight around, and adjusting her lifestyle to how obese she is.
Nickp72 1 year
Amazing first two chapters and I can not wait to read more!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Thanks! Curious where people would like to see this go 👀
Yjpzsd 1 year
This is good! It's a simple but compelling conceit, you write well and you're not taking eight chapters to get to the action. Very sexy, loking forward to reading more!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Thanks! Got a plan ahead but I'm curious where people would like to see this go 👀
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