The fattest sister

Chapter 6 - to the gym

I lay back on my bed, its wooden structure creaking beneath me. I’d had another all night long eating session and this one had done a real number on my already swollen body.

3 months had passed since the night that changed everything, the night where I walked in on my sister Sammy, pleasuring herself on her own gluttony and unhealthy size. It was that same night where I’d discovered what I’d really wanted in life. I convinced myself that I was going to fatten up, getting carried away in my head that I would become impossibly huge. Realistically, I was only ever going to chub myself up, I’d never actually let myself get as big as Sammy, right?

As the months past I swelled up and up, spending each day and night eating and eating and eating, growing chubbier and chubbier. Now I lay flat on my back, my body spreading accross my bed. I looked down at my body. My boobs, once fitting roomily into a B cup bra, now threatening to burst from my Double D’s, were covered in crumbs from a night full of stuffing. Beyond them, my belly heaved up high, crushing my lungs as I struggled to breath, so tight I felt I might pop. Over the peak of it, I could see the warmth of a new dawn breaking through my bedroom window. A new day. Could today be the day I’d finally put down the fork and work myself back to my once tiny size?

It had to be, this was getting out of control.

Time to check the scales.

I heaved myself up out of bed, it’s supports creaking, my heart pumping. As I slowly got to my feet, I felt my belly dropping down infront of my thighs, my boobs jiggling ontop of it. I began to waddle myself to the bathroom, my now massive thighs chaffing, jiggling as I struggled to put one leg infront of the next. As I stepped through my bedroom door, I felt my widened hips and love handles brush the door frame. Jesus, I really had thickened out.

Behind me, I could feel my gigantic ass swaying. It had gotten so big that it would give Sammys’ a run for its money. It jiggled and swayed whilst the floorboards creaked as I walked. I was short on breath, I’d barely left my bed in 3 months, purely focused on eating and swelling rounder and rounder, completely addicted to my own growing fat.

Into the bathroom, god this place felt smaller every day, I could barely move around in it without bumping my gigantic dump truck into things.

Onto the scales. The needle flung up… and up… and up…

I could suddenly feel my weight, as though these months of gluttony suddenly sank in. I could feel my heavy belly, my blimping behind and ballooning boobs. My over used jaw opened wide and my fattened cheeks turned Rosey red as the needle came to a stop.

123kg. Fuck.

I'd somehow gained around 60kg in 3 months. Was that even possible?

I looked myself up and down in the mirror. I was unrecognisable. This was impossible. I was a blimp, obese in every sense of the word. My hot, thin, skinny girl form was long gone, now replaced by a complete and utter fatty.
This had to stop. I'd gone too far. I was so turned on.

But no, it was time to get my life back. I was supposed to be the skinny one.

It was time to go to the gym.

As I approached the gym, I felt my thighs rubbing. God, they'd gotten so fat. I could barely walk with how much they rubbed, completely throwing me off balance. Not to mention how out of breath I was from the short walk across the car park.

I'd stopped off at a plus sized store on the way and squeezed myself into the hottest work out clothes I could find. The high waisted leggings hugged my ass and thighs so sexily, threatening to burst open at the seams. The sexy work out bra covered my boobs, squeezing them tightly against my fat ridden chest. Between the bra and my leggings, a tummy role stuck out and jiggled as I walked.

Entering the gym, I was by far the fattest there.

Heads turned as I waddled my wide load down across the building. Usually people my size were beyond hope, they'd never even bother with the gym. But here I was, a hot, fat mess, ready to turn my life around.

I clocked a free treadmill. Running had always been a favourite pass time of mine. Up until three months ago that is…

Time to get this blobby body moving again.
I stepped one thick, fatty thigh onto the machine. It creaked as I began to put my body weight onto it. I could feel the plastic bending.

Was this even going to hold me?

I moved my second leg on- a loud CRACK!!

I braced myself for the worst but thankfully it seemed to hold. I looked down to my thick, bloated hips to find them pressed tight against the machines arm rests. My love handles spilled out over the top of them and my wide ass curved out beneath them. I'd gotten so fat, so ridiculously fat. So unhealthily big. Ugh!

Why was I getting so turned on?!

I raised a fat bloated hand and pushed a round, stubby sausage finger against the start button.

Nothing happened. I pressed it again. Still nothing.

Suddenly a loud beep, followed by a message.

Fuck. I was too fat for the treadmill. It was going to be impossible to work all of this glorious fat off.

“Excuse me,” a cold voice from behind me said, “ You're going to have to step off of the treadmill, it appears you've maxed it out.”

Great. I now had the attention of an employee.

“Yep, just one second,” I replied. As I'd grown, my high pitch voice had deepened. I was hardly the hot ass girl I used to be.

I stepped back, finding a resistance from my lower body, wedged tightly into the machine. I began to sweat (even more than I already was.) My jiggling, chipmunk cheeks turned bright red. I pushed hard as the treadmill creaked, I could feel the stare of the gym junkie behind me and could see in the corner of my eye, other gym patrons, stopping what they were doing to witness me as I attempted to back myself up. How did I get so wide???

Suddenly, thankfully, I managed to unwedge myself, almost falling backwards as I stepped off. My chest rose up and down as my lugs struggled to breath under layers of fat, my heart beating uncontrollably as it struggled to keep up with my deteriorating health.

I turned on the spot to face the gym junkie. If it wasn't for my spare tire of a double chin, my jaw would have dropped. Staring back at me was not just one gym instructor, but two. It was Ashleigh and Teigan, two of Sammy's friends.
Their jaws, however, did drop. Their skinny, perfect faces were in complete disbelief at what they were seeing.

Infront of them stood a blubbery mess of a girl, so swollen and so far from her old self. My usually hot, well kept hair was messy and damp with sweat. I was a Mammoth.

Looking back at them, I could see their perfectly toned bodies. Raven haired Teigan and blonde Ashleigh both had their hair neatly tied back and were wearing perfectly fitting active wear that showcased their tanned bodies and toned abs.

“Izzy, is that you?” Ashleigh asked innocently.

“Yeah… I porked up a little…” I responded, “Gotta work it off.”

Teigan laughed, she knew I was too far gone. She smiled a devilish smile at Ash, an idea coming to her.

“Why don’t we give her the work out she deserves, Ash?” she asks. “Clearly she’s too big for the treadmill, so we can be her PT’s.”
Ash nods, returning that same smile.

“You go and get the goods Ash, I’ll get Izzy all warmed up.”

I could sense that where this was going was going to be humiliating. I could feel through their devilish smiles that they were going to shame me and take advantage of my fattened form. But just how far was this going to go?

“Let’s get you into the push up position then shall we?”

I nodded, my fat chin jiggling. Whatever this humiliation was going to be, I wanted it. I wanted to feel how fat I’d become. Scared, but completely aroused, I struggled down onto my fat riddled knees and then onto my ballooned hands. My body weight pressed down on them, causing extreme pain. I was so big, but so fat. My body had swollen up so fast that it hadn’t had time to adapt. My muscles were weak, my bones were sore.

As I lifted my fat ass up into the air I had the sexiest, but most embarrassing realisation. My belly and boobs were still touching the floor, not even close to clearing it. Within a second of attempting to push myself up, my body came crashing down, jiggling away, some of the stitches of my work out gear splitting.

I was a beached whale, a blob of lard. My huge behind raising high into the sky and spreading wide across the floor next to me.
Fuck I was fat.

And I had a feeling that Teigan and Ashleigh were about to push my waste line out even further.

“Come on fatty, let's try that again, shall we?”

To be continued…
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Could you show us some pictures of them
Nickp72 1 year
This is great! Chapter 4 was amazing and this story is really gaining some momentum!!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Cheers! Glad you're enjoying it!
Fatpeter 1 year
Loving where this is going now
Fatterandfat... 1 year
I'm glad!
James Lowis 1 year
wow this is getting really good 👏👏👏
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Thanks smiley
Tommmy 1 year
Wow. Great story. I hope Jess gets to be a 400 pounder. Please continue soon
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Plenty of gaining gals to come!
Nickp72 1 year
Ya, the skinny girls getting fat is definitely a solid option and would be very interesting
Nickp72 1 year
Wow this is truly a work of art, amazing story and you way of writing is so good too
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Thanks so much, I've got ideas where I wanna take it, but am always open to DMs of requests
Wifestuffer 1 year
Love the way you describe Sammy as a "project." I feel the same way about my wife. My project, my work of art.

I can't take all the credit, it's a collaborative effort.
Wifestuffer 1 year
I provide the vision, imagination and inspiration. SHE contributes the hard work of stuffing her fat face, carrying all her weight around, and adjusting her lifestyle to how obese she is.
Nickp72 1 year
Amazing first two chapters and I can not wait to read more!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Thanks! Curious where people would like to see this go 👀
Yjpzsd 1 year
This is good! It's a simple but compelling conceit, you write well and you're not taking eight chapters to get to the action. Very sexy, loking forward to reading more!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Thanks! Got a plan ahead but I'm curious where people would like to see this go 👀
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