The fattest sister

Chapter 7 - rolling around the gym

“Come on fatty, try harder!”

Teigan yelled at me as I struggled to push myself up off the ground for yet another attempt. I was sweating like a pig, my struggling heart pounding, my entire body jiggling.


My arms gave way again, my heavy, juicy body flopping back to the ground. Other members of the gym watched on.

“I can’t…” I mumbled, through a shaky voice. My huge, flustered, chipmunk cheeks jiggling.

“You can’t do a single push up?” Teigan mocked, hands on hips. She looked down on me, my fat ass raising high into the air and my bulging belly, hips and love hands squishing out beside me. “How did this even happen to you?”

I couldn’t tell Teigan the truth, so I laid in silence.

Why was I enjoying this?

Footsteps behind me…

Ashleigh returned, with four MASSIVE pies on a trolly in front of her. Over her perfectly toned shoulder was a number of straps. What were they about to do to me?

“Sit on the trolly fat ass,” Teigan demanded, poking my juicy ass with her toe. It dug deep into my flesh, her foot almost completely disappearing into it.

I looked back at her, terrified but excited. I began to heave myself up from the ground, one big tree truck thigh after the other, ass swaying.

Finally on my feet, I stepped towards the trolly, thighs completely rubbing. Obediently, I sat back onto it, the trollies base pressing hard against its wheels… It creaked under my weight.

“Fasten her up Ash,” Teigan demanded. Ashleigh was Teigan’s minion, consistently doing whatever she was told, fearful of what may come of her should she refuse.

Ashleigh crouched down to my level and began wrapping the straps around my big belly and boobs. She pulled them painfully tight, the hard fabric digging into my fleshy, flabby, fat body. Fuck, this felt good. Whatever was coming, I was about to let it happen.

Ashleigh handed the end of one strap to Teigan, keeping one to herself.

“Now eat!” Teigan demanded. “You’re gonna serve as an example for what eating too much sugar will do to you.” And with that, the two tanned, muscely gym junkies threw the straps over their shoulders and began to march. Their strong legs working hard, muscles flexing as the straps grew tight. I felt the pull of them, the trolly wanting to role forward but was weighed down by me. I could hear the swears from in front of me as they heaved harder and harder, trying desperately to get the trolly moving… slowly it began to role.

It was taking the two fittest people I knew to move me and even then, it was at a snails pace. The trolly creaked. I jiggled. The pressure within in me was immense as the tension from the ropes dug into me, squeezing fat roles out over the top of them. I began to feel all warm and wet between my legs. All that was left… was for me to eat.

Pie number one.

Blueberry. So sugar filled and massive. Cream on top. Eat, eat, eat. The trolly continued to role. The fit girls pulled with all their might, working out as I pigged out. The contrast made be eat faster. Bight. Another bight. Blueberry dripped down my fat, jiggling chin. I couldn’t eat fast enough. My jaw was a chomping machine. My cheaks jiggling. Eat, eat, eat. Fill me up, up, up. The straps grew tighter as I grew bigger.

Onto the next. Pie number two.

Strawberries and Cream. So thick and juicy, perfect for me. Surely I couldn’t eat all four of these right? I’m not that far gone. Eat. Eat. EAT. It’s half gone. My belly rumbles, I’m so hungry. I’m ravenous. As I jiggle, bursting from the seams on my trolly, the glowing, sweaty, fit girls begin to pass a busy section of the gym. A mix of strong men and women in perfect, glowing bodies jaw’s drop as they see me… the blob on the trolly. The wheels creak, even the fabric of the straps look to be fraying… Shit, I must be pretty damn heavy!

“Get a good look everyone!” Teigan bellows, stopping in the middle of the crowd. “This is what happens when you eat too much sugar! It’s what happens when you give into your hunger.” She pokes my belly. “You begin to grow. You get bigger and bigger, bursting out of all your clothes. You’ll start to struggle to walk, to stand, even to breathe. But still, you’ll be so addicted to sugar, that you’ll continue to eat.”

I shouveled the last of the pie into my mouth, licking the plate clean, desperate for every crumb… every calorie.

“As you grow, as your health deteriorates, turning you into a massive blob, you’ll continue to eat, doing anything for a bite.”

At this, Teigan nodded to her accomplice, who picked up another strap, grabbed my fat swollen arms and pulled them behind my back. She began to tie them together, whilst Teigan placed the third pie right in front of me. Ashleigh pulled my restraints tight, nodding to Teigan, who walked around my massive body, shaking her head.

“You end up, as a fat pig, with only one goal… to eat.”

Violently, Teigan kicked me in the back forcing me face first into pie number three.

Moving around to my head, she pulled my head up by my blonde ponytail.

“Eat fatty, eat,” She whispered seductively.
And with that, I followed, like the obedient piggy I was.

The pie had been filled with a creamy chocolate, clearly homemade with some fattening substance. Eat. Eat. Eat. I HAD to eat it all, I had to be a good piggy. My gut grew heavier, pressing down against the cold trolly.

My face was becoming smeared with chocolate, splattering up my cheeks and oozing down my fat tits. I used to have no tits, now they were massive, hanging heavily, jiggling as my fat chin chomped away. More. More. MORE.

Gym junkies took out their phones, beginning to film and laugh. Teigan grabbed my ass from behind, pushing into it, causing it to jiggle like two wrecking balls. My belly grew tight, the straps fraying. By eyes were beginning to burst from my face from the immense pressure within, only being contained by my fat, fat cheeks. I was starting to get worried, very worried. I was licking the tin now, licking up every last drop.

“Once you get this fat theirs no turning back,” Teigan and Ashleigh heaved me up onto my knees, my stuffed belly bloating far in front of me. The tin was empty. I was scared. Even after months of drinking endless weight gain shakes, this was beginning to feel excessive. Would I I pop? I felt like it. My heart raced, a small pain within.

“Once you’re this fat, you’re just going to keep eating and eating, growing bigger, juicier and fatter,” Teigan continued, “You’re destined to a short life, so let this be a lesson to all. Don’t let yourself get this fucking fat, or you’ll turn into this blob, who was once just as fit as you. Now, room for more?” Teigan raised pie number four to my face. This was my turning point. If I ever wanted my old life back, it was now or never.

“More please,” I mumbled through my fat, swollen lips.

Teigan turned giving her audience a knowing luck. “You’d have to be so addicted to food to eat this. I warn you that this special pie has a weight gain mixture, more explosive then any you’ve ever seen in it that will blow you up. Are you sure you want this Izzy? Are you sure you want to let yourself get even bigger?”

“Just give me the pie… please…”

“And the rest was history,” Teigan dropped the pie in front of me. “Let your wish be my command. Enjoy growing bigger and bigger, whilst we grow fitter and fitter.”

I dove head first into the pie, my belling growling, begging for no more. I ate ravenously with no hands. Meanwhile, Teigan and Ashleigh picked up the straps, put their backs into it and began to heave. The trolly creaked and the wheels began to move. People continued to film as my trolly began to role away.

I couldn’t stop. I had to finish the pie. Every crumb. There was no turning back now. My heart beat faster, whilst I sweated immensely, my chins jiggling as I chewed and chewed and chewed. More please. Feed me more. Nothing will fill me.

Almost done now. I could feel the weight gain mixture gurgling within me, beginning to swell up. My belly pressed oh-so-tight against my leggings, flopping out on top of them. My boobs were pushing my crop top to its limits. My skin felt so tight, my eyes being swallowed by my massive cheeks. The pains grew tighter within me, tight, tight, tight! Suddenly-


The straps which Teigan and Ashleigh were pulling ripped off, sending them flying forward. Still somehow they landed with grace, their athletic bodies used to fast reflexes.

I fell back from the release, the straps loosening around me as they fell to the floor. My belly rose up, mountainous, higher in front of me than ever before.

“Oh fatty, you’ve grown too fat for even these straps,” Teigan mocked. Ashleigh laughed. The two of them moved to the back of the trolly, beginning to push, giving it every last bit of strength. For a moment it began to move… until…


The trolly completely cracked, crashing to the floor sending its wheels spiralling across the gym.

“You are such a mess fatty,” Teigan mocked. “I think you’re gonna have to walk.”

There was no way. I was beyond full, my belly was so, so heavy.

“I c- c- can’t,” I mumbled between exhausted breaths.

“You’re too fat to walk?” Teigan jumped onto my belly, her ankles engulfed by my immense mass. As her muscly weight pressed down onto me, my eyes widened, surely I was about to pop. Ashleigh went to retrieve something from her locker.

“P- P- Please, just let me go,” I was really scared now.

“Izzy, sweetie, fatty,” Teigan crouched down in front of me, grabbing my fat cheeks, “We’re just getting started.” Ashleigh passed her something she’d retrieved from her locker. “I’ve got someone who wants to see you.”

And with that, Teigan shoved a doughnut into my mouth, filling my cheeks to bursting.
“Come on Ashleigh, let's role the bitch,” Teigan dismounted me, joining Ashleigh by my side.

They pushed, their strong fingers digging deep into me and slowly but surely I began to role on my side like Violet Beauregarde. I could feel my weight shift, sloshing around as I rolled. They began to build up momentum. I wanted to scream, unable to by the creamy doughnut lodged in my mouth, too scared to swallow for fear I’d burst.. I was terrified… but excited. I was round.

They continued to role me past the gaze of onlookers her either mocked or shuck their heads - how could someone do this to themselves?

I was starting to get dizzy. As they rolled me I tried desperately to free my hands from their restraints, but to no use. I was helpless. They were going to do whatever they liked to me.
I continued rolling… and rolling… and rolling as I began to chew the doughnut, desperate to cry for help. Finally I swallowed, pressure grew even more immense within me. I opened my mouth, moments away from screaming for help… but too late, another doughnut was shoved into me. Chocolate covered… it tasted so good, so I began to chew.

Doughnut after doughnut was shoved in as I grew rounder and rounder. They continued to role me, faster and faster. I chewed faster, desperate to cry for help… but also desperate for the next doughnut. Doughnut. Chew. Role. Swallow. Doughnut. Chew. Role. Swallow. The cycle continued until…

I stopped rolling. My belly jiggled as I lay on my back, catching my breath - Jesus, all that eating sure had been a work out.

As I came to my senses, I looked around, my vision impaired by my chubby cheeks. I appeared to be in an office.

“Sit her up,” a deep voice muttered. It was familiar… but way deeper than usual…

Ashleigh and Teigan grabbed a fat arm each and pulled with all their might, screaming in pain at the weight of me. I was completely helpless now. Slowly, but surely they sat me up, my belly squishing up against my thighs. My ass was so big that even on the floor I felt as though I was sat at a chair.

“Thanks for doing that girls,” the voice muttered. Out of the darkness, a round, large figure began to emerge. Stomping out. Thud. Thud. The figure had wide hips, stretching the limits of her flowery dress. Her belly hang, causing a role, stretching far in front of her. The girls tits were massive, pushing plumply out of her clothes. Down below, her thighs were thick, massive and chunky. Her ass stuck out far behind her. This was a big girl, not quite as big as me, but enormous either way. Her blonde hair with brown highlights framed her fat, bossy face.

Standing tall in front of me was Casey, impossibly big and bloated. In her fat hand was massive shake which she sucked on - was that my weight gain mixture?

“Time to get my revenge,” Casey’s now deep voice bellowed.

8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Cablegurue 11 months
Please continue
Cablegurue 11 months
Please continue
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I think chapter 7 is perfect. 😇 I love your focus on her intention, you moved to her mistake then you transitioned to everyone's view of her mistake. I love the perfect growth. Love this 🥰
Cablegurue 1 year
Please continue
Cablegurue 1 year
Please continue
Blubear 1 year
I hope this continues! Its great!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Working on it 👌👌
Nickp72 1 year
Such a good story. Would be so hot if ashleigh and tiegan started to gain too!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Oooooh for sure! I'm enjoying the size comparison between them at the moment, but who knows what could happen in the future! Feel free to DM any other story suggestions! 👊
Nickp72 1 year
Such a good story. Would be so hot if ashleigh and tiegan started to gain too!
Nyarlep 1 year
Wonderfully devilish story, I really adore your writing style though it could use a quick proofread. There's quite a few typos and out of place words but overall, I'm a big fan of it!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Thanks! Yeah Dyslexia is my worst enemy despite proof reading haha, but I'll continue to work on getting better at it! Glad you're enjoying the story, feel free to DM me any story suggestions smiley
Tom123 1 year
this is great. Please continue
Cablegurue 1 year
Please continue soon
Kexickus 1 year
Awesome story! I like how you chose just the right unrealistic speed of gaining to keep it enjoyable.
CoffeeMug 1 year
Keep up the good work!
ZAGuy 1 year
I really enjoyed this. I loved the idea of the skinny sister fighting the temptation of just fattening a little.
Could you show us some pictures of them
Could you show us some pictures of them
Could you show us some pictures of them
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