The fattest sister

Chapter 8 - Big and Bossy

Casey's belly hung far in front of her, pushing out close to my face. I could see how tight the seams of her dress were being pulled, as her new, larger form struggled to fit into its confines.

Looking up, her face, squishy but stern, glared at me over her chubby cheeks and bulging boobs.

“You did this to me,” her deep voice mumbled through slerps of her shake. With her free hand, she grabbed the girth of her belly, shaking it. It jiggled in waves. There was so much fat on this girl. The previously skinny, tiny Casey, is now trapped under layers and layers of unhealthy fat. Her hips spread wide around her like a spare tire, her busty boobs squeezed up against her chin. Meanwhile, her big ole belly growled, begging for more shake… so the big, bitchy, blimp wrapped her overfilled, bloated lips around the straw… and she sucked up the thick substance. She sucked with power, guzzling the fattening mixture into her mouth, filling out her cheeks before chugging it down her throat.

“You can't blame this on me,” I smiled. “You turned yourself into a fat ass. I didn't force you to drink the shakes.” I recalled how I HAD forced her to drink the shakes. It was on the night where everything changed, the night where I'd started to balloon… and so it seemed, had she.

“You got me hooked,” the bimbo retaliated. “If it wasn't for you, I'd still be a twig, working out with Teigan and Ash.”

“What a shame,” I muttered.

After slurping down the remainder of her shake, Casey turned to her fit friends. They were a stark comparison to us; their bodies golden, toned, glistening with the sweat of their workout… I had been their workout… Damn, that was hot. I started to feel all tingly between the legs again.

“Bring that barrel in,” she demanded, chins jiggling.

The barrel?! My eyes opened wide. What on Earth were they about to do to me? And why was I going to let it happen?

The skinny girls disappeared into a storage room at the back of the office, usually reserved for workout supplements.

My stomach growled, anxious in anticipation of what was to come. Casey was here for revenge.

“I'm happy to see the rumours were true,” Casey stepped one massive, fat foot onto my belly, sinking deep into it as she applied her immense weight. Fuck she was heavy. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets with the added pressure from above me, pressing against the pressure from within.

“You have blown up,” she continued, “You're impossibly big and yet we find you here at the gym, desperately attempting to undo the damage you've done to yourself. Well, spoiler alert girl, you're way too big for that, and you're just going to keep on growing and growing, getting bigger and bigger. I'm gonna make you pop Izzy. You made me fat, so I'm here to return the favour.”

Fuck, she seemed legit. She was determined to blow me up even more… My poor skinny body, completely gone now, stretched out into a mass of gurgling fat that will continue to grow around me.. and I wasn't about to make it stop. There was no turning back now, I was beyond redeemable, destined for a short life filled with gluttony, high cholesterol, heart pains and diabetes.

I was ready for it. I accepted my fate.

Suddenly an ominous rumble… followed by a sloshing sound…

The girls returned, rolling a massive barrel, the size used to store wine or gunpowder.

“Time for you to try your shake,” Casey backed away as the girls heaved the barrel up onto a desk. It was heavy, the grunts from them implied so. And it was all about to be consumed by me.

“Trust me, girl, I've had plenty,” I chuckled, rubbing my big, sexy belly. Really? A joke? I wasn't even going to try and resist.

The girls hooked a thick funnel up to the barrel.

Here we go.

Time to grow.

Time to blow.

Now the tube’s other end was shoved down my throat as I lay back, my already monstrous belly rising high above me.

Another grunt from the girls as they began to tilt the barrel… the shake began to flow…

The shake began to flow down the tube, speeding towards my open mouth.

I began to feel myself filling out within, as though every inch of free space inside of me was being filled. Arteries clogging. Blood thickening.

And then my belly began to rise, expand, grow. It began to creak, and growl and moan. I was angry that I was letting this happen. My abs hid under layers and layers of fat. The Izzy I once was, the Izzy with no body fat, a toned figure, boney chest and shoulders, was now completely gone forever. There was no reversing this now.

I sucked on the shake, so tasty! So rich! So fattening!

I could feel my chest thickening, rising to join with my double chin. My clogged heart raced beneath them. They were growing so big, the straps of my sports bra were beginning to fray.

Ashleigh and Teigan watched on, jaws to the floor, completely in awe of how much I was consuming. As was I.

Casey's eyes were wide, well as wide as they could be buried beneath her fat, fat face. Was there a hint of jealousy within her? Did she want this too?


The elastic of my leggings snapped! I could feel holes beginning to form at the seams, splitting off and widening, my fat oozing out. I was becoming a blob.

More shake. Chug. Chug. Chug.

Swell me up girls, blimp me up, blow me up. I will drink this entire barrel if it's the last thing I do.

The fit girls grew fitter, holding the barrel high. Whilst the fat girl grew fatter, swelling out, becoming more and more unhealthy.

But before I knew it, the feeding stopped. The barrel was empty.

No way. No fucking way. I'd drunk it all.

Casey stomped her way over to me, her thick thighs straddling me. I thought I might pop.

With a fat hand, she grabbed my even fatter face, squeezing my cheeks.

“Maybe we can do this again if you dare?” She whispered. Was this an offer? She'd get the satisfaction of watching me blow, whilst I got the satisfaction of fattening myself to oblivion.

“Now get out.” She clicked her fingers. Her girls, so tired and exhausted already, grabbed an arm each, their hands sinking deep into my fat, fat arms. Hoisting me up, they groaned in pain, in complete and utter agony. What satisfaction it gave me to see them suffer for the litres and litres of shake they'd funnelled into me, for the pies, they encouraged me to stuff myself with.

But now on two feet, my true weight sunk in.

My belly hung to my knees, hard as a rock, angry stretch marks threatening to split open. Above them, my swollen tits jiggled, barely covered by the restraints of my sports bra. My face, my pretty little face, unrecognisable under layers and layers of swollen fat. My ass and hips, a spare tyre flowing out all around me, so big that it wouldn't stop jiggling. Parts of flesh peaked out from large rips in my tattered leggings. And my thighs, oh god my thighs… as I began to walk, well waddle, I struggle to shift one meaty tree trunk in front of the other. The pressure of my extreme and sudden weight gain pushing hard on my joints, the pain was excruciating, but I fucking loved it.

Then, exiting the office, I heard a thud. My hips jammed the doorway. I shifted, jiggle and tried to push my way through, but I was stuck tight.

The fit girl’s hands buried deep into my ass cheeks as they pushed, groaning again. It was such a turn-on, my heart racing, painfully so, clenching tight. I was sweating, and getting dizzy. Was this the end?

Bang! I flew out the office door into the main gym, all eyes on me as my mass plummeted to the floor, burping at the pressure on my stomach as I belly flopped to the floor.

The girls looked at each other again, rolling their eyes.

I felt them lift me again, before watching me shift my bulk across the gym towards the exit. Each thudding step shakes the surrounding equipment.

Every member of the gym watched on, gawking at the sight of me. My flesh oozed everywhere, jiggling, far from the girl I used to be.

Through the double doors, I stared at my car. This was gonna be a squeeze. Not to mention the fact that I had no chance of getting the seatbelt around me. I supposed I didn't need one with such flush pillows in front of me.

The path ahead grew shorter, I wondered how much more my body could take. Growing this big, this fast was not remotely healthy. I could feel myself consistently bordering on a heart attack, but I was going to embrace it. Bring it on. This was my life, and this 19-year-old was gonna live it on her terms.

Now, I just needed the girls to help squeeze me into my car…
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Cablegurue 11 months
Please continue
Cablegurue 11 months
Please continue
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I think chapter 7 is perfect. 😇 I love your focus on her intention, you moved to her mistake then you transitioned to everyone's view of her mistake. I love the perfect growth. Love this 🥰
Cablegurue 1 year
Please continue
Cablegurue 1 year
Please continue
Blubear 1 year
I hope this continues! Its great!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Working on it 👌👌
Nickp72 1 year
Such a good story. Would be so hot if ashleigh and tiegan started to gain too!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Oooooh for sure! I'm enjoying the size comparison between them at the moment, but who knows what could happen in the future! Feel free to DM any other story suggestions! 👊
Nickp72 1 year
Such a good story. Would be so hot if ashleigh and tiegan started to gain too!
Nyarlep 1 year
Wonderfully devilish story, I really adore your writing style though it could use a quick proofread. There's quite a few typos and out of place words but overall, I'm a big fan of it!
Fatterandfat... 1 year
Thanks! Yeah Dyslexia is my worst enemy despite proof reading haha, but I'll continue to work on getting better at it! Glad you're enjoying the story, feel free to DM me any story suggestions smiley
Tom123 1 year
this is great. Please continue
Cablegurue 1 year
Please continue soon
Kexickus 1 year
Awesome story! I like how you chose just the right unrealistic speed of gaining to keep it enjoyable.
CoffeeMug 1 year
Keep up the good work!
ZAGuy 1 year
I really enjoyed this. I loved the idea of the skinny sister fighting the temptation of just fattening a little.
Could you show us some pictures of them
Could you show us some pictures of them
Could you show us some pictures of them
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