A little too big

chapter 2

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That night you stayed at your new boyfriends place. The next morning, as soon as you had woken up, he led you to the bathroom. Once there he pointed to the scale on the ground and explained that he wanted to get some baseline measurements. Sheepishly you began to undress and step onto the scale. The dial wooshed past 50, than 100, than 150, before firmly settling on 178. All you could do was blush at the sight of the number, embarrassingly glancing over to your boyfriend as he stared at you and the number with awe. When you had visited the doctor just 5 months back you had been over 25lbs lighter. All that recent indulging had really started to catch up with you. You could see your boyfriends boner through his basketball shorts and started to get wet as well. You glanced over to the mirror on your left. On your short 5’2 frame, the extra weight was really starting to show. Your face had grown round and full. Your cheek and jaw bones had sunken further into your chubby face, leaving plump cheeks that smoothly swooped out and down to a burgeoning double chin. The extra fat around your neck had started to hang over your chocker. Your boyfriend slowly made his way besides you. He towered over you as you innocently looked up at his bearded face. His hands found their way to your back as he began to gently caress it’s rolls. Warm fingers massaged their way between your folds of lard. One of his hands grazed your thickening love handles before it began to grope your lower belly. You moaned with ecstasy as he griped and regriped the newly added flesh. After a few minutes, he reached into his closet and withdrew a pair of leggings and a Tshirt. It was the outfit you had worn and left the first time you had slept at his place.

As soon as you went to put on the leggings you could feel that they were fitting differently. You started to feel resistance once they were half way up your thick thighs. You tugged and tugged at them with all you could muster letting out high pitched squeals as you did. The leggings had moved a few inches but had gotten stuck at the base of your ass. Both cheeks hung over the waist band, jiggling from your efforts. Your boyfriend stepped in to help, tightly tucking each one in to the upper parts of your leggings. His strong arms finally pulled your leggings to your waist as the fabric cut deep into your sides. Your corpulent love handles muffin topped over the sides as your belly hung and jiggled over the waistband. He then slid your white tshirt over your thickening neck. The sleeves wrapped tightly around your upper arms like sausages in casing. He tugged at the top to get it over your breasts which were starting to overflow from your bras now. But for some reason, the fabric seemed to end right around your belly button. No matter how much your boyfriend pulled the top over your belly, it just kept riding up. Your hanging lower belly peeped helplessly out the bottom of the shirt. Just as he began to grope your lower belly again, your stomach growled in frustration. Your boyfriend immediately hoisted you into his arms, tightly against his abdomen. Your wrapped your thick thighs around his thin waist as he carried you to the couch. Your growing belly pressed heavily against his defined abs, jiggling with every step he took. Your fat ass engulfed his large hands as they supported your full weight. Your boyfriend gently laid you down on the couch before making his way to the front door. Right before you had woken up he had ordered you food from 3 different restaurants. He hauled in 3 huge bags of food, one from McDonald’s, one from Kroger, the third from the Cheesecake Factory. His dark eyes met yours with pure lust, melting you deeper into the couch. He placed the bags by your feet and sat down right next to you on the couch. Your boyfriend pulled you onto his lap. You could feel his dick throbbing at the base of your thighs. You spread your legs slightly and arched your back as much as you could. Your fat fupa rested heavily on your boyfriend’s dick as it pulsed harder. For the next four and a half hours he hand fed you all the food in the 3 bags. From McDonald’s, he got you 4 sausage and bacon McGriddles. You greedily ate every bite, making sure to frequently lick all the bacon grease from his fingers. After this he fed you the remaining 3 hash browns. Similarly to the McGriddles, you made quick work of the deep fried fatty breakfast treats. After these you were starting to get full. Your boyfriend had noticed and began to deeply massage your lower and middle belly. After a few minutes of this followed by several hefty burps you started to get hungry again. Your boyfriend put on a movie as he began to feed you a bag of tortilla chips. He’d cover each chip with a thick layer of queso before bringing it to your mouth. You’d wash down the chips every few bites with a large liter of sprite he’d hand to you. Once you were nearly done with the chips, he pulled out a pint of peanut butter fudge ice cream along with a straw. While he had been feeding you all that other fattening food, the ice cream had almost entirely melted leaving only the concoction in your hands. You gulped down the rich liquid, almost feeling the calories from each sip settling around your waist as pure lard. Your boyfriend squeezed your love handles as you finished your ice cream. You moaned and burped with ecstasy. Finally he opened the third bag, slowly pulling out an entire variety cheesecake. You nearly orgasmed at the sight of the 2000 calorie indulgence. All those extra calories were going to further weigh you down with useless fat. His dick pushed deeper into your chunky fupa as your pussy began to drip. Bite by bite he slid the first few slices past your lips with zero resistance. As he did, he pulled your already tight leggings up and over your love handles and belly. The fabric and it’s seams groaned and complained as he did, threatening to rip with every jiggle. The leggings dug deep into your belly and waist which would surely leave behind angry red marks. But by the time you had finished nearly half the cheesecake, you could tell you were very close to your limit. To full to move, you laid back into his chest and let out a long burp. He patted your belly as you readjusted yourself on his lap. After some words of encouragement, he began to hand feed you the last couple slices of fattening goodness. You slowly finished the cheesecake like the good piggy you were, moaning with both pleasure and discomfort as you did. Just as he was feeding you the last slice, your leggings gave out. A large ripping sound erupted from the front of them. Your belly flowed out of a newly formed gash straight down the middle of your leggings. Unable to help himself, your boyfriend came and orgasmed as your fupa and now belly rested heavily on his dick. He rolled you to your side so that he could go clean himself and then you up. You sleepily let him before he carried you to the bed where you passed out.

This continued almost everyday (minus the weigh in) for the rest of the summer. College was out for you two, so during all of July and August, he would stuff 8-13 thousand calories past your greedy lips while your growing ass overflowed over the sides of his lap. To say that all of this hedonism began to show on your body would be an understatement. You began to balloon, just in time for your senior year of college.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Patotonto 1 year
please continue this. so amazing
Curiousicey 1 year
For the love of.. Its a great detailed hot story that has some elements that could happen in reality. Continueee when ur recovered lol
Karenjenk 1 year
HE is totally going to make fun of her.
Fluffylove 1 year
Great start, hope the story continues. Any plans to continue "More than a few pounds" or is this story a continuation of that story but from the girl friends perspective instead of the boy friend?
Whoaskedforme 1 year
I’ll continue both of these stories soon. Writing them is physically and mentally exhausting because I have to be turned on for the hours it takes to create them. My dick is still burnt out lol
Jktab 1 year
great start more please
Prylo 1 year
Holy shit this is great, woud love a continuation