A little too big

chapter 3

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The 10am alarm you had set the night before went off. This was the earliest you’d woken up in months. Your boyfriend snoozed your phone for another 10 minutes before settling back into his position spooning you. His right hand rested on your lower belly while his left was engulfed by your inner thighs. As he returned to his spot behind you, you nuzzled your thick ass back into his pelvis. His morning wood tempted your lower cheeks just like it did every morning. Just as you were about to drift back asleep, your alarm went off again. Groggily you started to wake up. Still feeling heavy and bloated from the previous night, you struggled to sit up. You didn’t want to leave the comfort of your bed and boyfriend’s body, but today was the first day of the Fall semester. Unfortunately, you had to get up. As you sat on the edge of the bed, your boyfriend gently took both of your hands and helped you to your feet. The wooden floor boards creaked under your weight as he helped you up, something that they had only started to do a couple weeks ago. Despite being quite full, your belly growled with hunger pangs. It wasn’t used to being kept waiting. With heavy feet you slowly made your way to the bathroom. On the way there, your boyfriend handed you a large cookies n cream milkshake he had grabbed from the fridge. You greedily began to gulp down the thick shake, feeling each sip ease your hungry tummy. After reaching the bathroom, you began heating up the water for your shower. As you undressed, the edge of your boyfriends scale caught your eye. It was tucked away in the corner of the bathroom behind the door. Your boyfriend hadn’t weighed you in over two months now. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you began to notice how much your body had expanded during that time. Red stretch marks now covered several areas of your body. They started around your upper side breasts and continue to your upper arms. Your under arms had started to hang down prominently when you lifted them indicating just how sedentary you had been. The stretch marks resumed around your middle back where you had grown a plump extra roll on both sides, in addition to the thickening of your existing back fat rolls. Your corpulent love handles had gotten out of control, as they now hung over the sides of your waist just like your belly. Except now your belly hung several inches lower than it had in the past. Stretch marks surrounded your belly button which drew light to how deep it had grown. Your boyfriend now liked to stick the tip of his dick into your belly button, teasing you that soon it would be deep enough for his full cock. The thought alone would get you wet. Your thighs and ass were now covered with cellulite and stretch marks. Despite sitting on it all day, your butt had gotten absolutely enormous. It was very close to taking up the space of two fit girl’s asses. When you’d place it in your boyfriends lap, both of your cheeks would overflow over the sides of his legs. Overall, everything about your body screamed extremely over fed. You finished up the last few sips of your 1100 calorie shake before letting out a long loud burp. Your body jiggled uncontrollably as a result, turning you on deeply as you watched it ripple in the mirror. As the water finally reached your desired temperature, you stepped into the tub and sat in the shower chair your boyfriend had gotten you. He didn’t want you straining yourself by standing for long periods of time. You lathered your long shower brush with soap and began to scrub under and between all of your lard filled rolls and folds. You now needed much more body wash to coat your entire body. As you washed the shampoo out of your hair and soap off your body, you started to get hungry again. That shake was only going to last a growing girl like you so long. You turned off the water and grabbed the shower railing to help yourself to your feet. It took you a few seconds, but through grunts of effort you were able to stand up on your own. You reached for the closest towel to you and began to dry off. Your boyfriend’s towels no longer wrapped around your whole body. The recent growth of your ass, belly, and love handles proved to be too much for the striped piece of fabric to cover. Your boyfriend walked in to help you finish drying off. There were some rolls around your back and rear you couldn’t reach anymore. With him he brought a large plate of freshly cooked bacon strips along with a box of a dozen glazed doughnuts. He moved the shower chair out of the tub and infront of the bathroom sink mirror. You plopped yourself down and started gorging yourself on the bacon as he dried up the last few areas of your body you couldn’t. Your belly hung between your thighs as you did. You moaned quietly between bites as your boyfriend fondled your back rolls with the towel. You couldn’t help yourself when he touched you like that, especially when you were eating. He finished up just as you were licking the last of the bacon grease from the plate. You started to put on your foundation and makeup for the day as he hand fed you the box of doughnuts. Your boyfriend played with your double chin as you chewed each bite, teasing you about how big it was getting. It was true though, your extra chin hung down substantially now. You did your best to stay focused while applying your makeup despite how turned on you were getting. Finally you finished putting on your make up.

Your boyfriend then helped you to your feet so that you could pick out your output for the day. It was the first day of the semester so you wanted to wear something cute. However both you and your boyfriend 100% knew that you had outgrown any and all clothes that had fit you the year prior. You’d have to settle for sweatpants and an oversized hoodie for today. You and your boyfriend could go shopping for cute clothes in your size another time. You opened the closet and pulled out your largest pair of elastic sweat pants. Your boyfriend had gotten these for you after you after you had ripped two back to back pairs of sweatpants just 5 weeks ago while he was feeding you. Those were a medium, but the new ones he bought you were an XL. That way you’d have some extra room to fatten into. However, you both noticed that even this XL pair of elastic sweatpants was starting to get snug. Your boyfriend helped you into them on by tucking your ass cheeks into the back, your belly into the front, and your love handles into the sides. You were slightly out of breath despite your boyfriend doing all the heavy lifting. Your belly and ass were very clearly visible through the grey fabric as they firmly stretch the front and rear of the elastic pants. Then your boyfriend grabbed one of his large hoodies and slid it over your head. You most definitely needed an XL or 2XL, but his hoodies were the largest that any of you had currently. The hoodie’s sleeves strained around your arms as he pulled them through. The same happened around your breasts. Atleast he had bought you bigger bras last week so your breasts were comfy despite the squeeze. However, it soon became clear that the hoodie was not at all long enough. Fortunately, the sweatpants were just barely big enough to still cover your belly up to above your belly button, so the outfit had exactly enough fabric to do it’s job. But it looked painfully tight. Your boyfriend crammed the last 3 doughnuts past your lips before handing you your backpack for the day. You opened it up to see what he had packed for you. Aside from your laptop, notebook, and a few pens, the backpack was crammed full of family sized bags of cookies, chocolates, and chips. He then handed you a massive 128oz big gulp filled with cream soda. Your boyfriend moved behind you, pulling your ass into his pelvis. He reached around your decadent body and firmly grasped your belly. Your boyfriend whispered that he wanted his piggy gorging herself the whole day while she was in class and that he wanted all the food gone by the time she got home. You moaned out in agreement.

Fortunately for you, all of your classes this semester were in 2 buildings that were directly across from each other. Considering the fact that the buildings were only 6 blocks away from your boyfriends apartment on campus, you figured you’d just walk there everyday you had class. Your boyfriend insisted on driving you to and from your classes, but you said that you could just walk. Besides, he was already doing everything else for you. It was the least you could do, right? However, aside from the few nights you and your boyfriend spent at your place you had practically been living inside your boyfriend’s apartment for the past 2.5 months. And even when you did occasionally leave, it was always with your boyfriend at your side. As you made your way down the apartment stairs, you felt unsteady not having your boyfriend to lean your weight onto. Every time you had come up or down these steps, your boyfriends hands had been there for support. By the time you made it down the steps you had broken a sweat, something you hadn’t done in months. You took a few large gulps of your cream soda to regain your composure and catch your breath. You could see the campus building you were walking to in the distance, no more than a couple hundred feet away. Slowly you labored your way down the street. Other students passed you at nearly twice the speed. You started to sweat more and more. You started breathing harder and walking even slower. Your hoodie started to ride up to just below your bra while your sweat pants slowly rolled lower and lower down your belly. Your calves started to ache, struggling to carry all of the weight you had put on so quickly. All that time you spent sitting on your boyfriends couch and lap hadn’t prepared them at all for the extra weight they had to carry now. In fact, it had only made them weaker than they already were. Atleast before, your legs were used to walking a few miles a day at a much lower body weight. But after months of inactivity they’d even struggle to do that with last year’s figure, let alone now with a body that reflected your corpulent eating habits and feeder boyfriend. At this point, your belly and love handles had jiggled their way free of your sweatpants. Your recent decadence and couch time was on full display. People stared and scoffed at you as they passed you by. Several made comments about how you needed a gym membership and a diet. You were so unbelievably embarrassed by everyone seeing you like this. You even recognized a few people from previous classes you had shared with them, praying that they didn’t recognize you back. Your heart was pounding at this point. It hadn’t had to work this hard since you had last played high school soccer over 4 years ago. You spotted a bench a few feet away and waddled your way to it, collapsing onto it as soon as you were within reach. Gasping for air you began to glup down your huge cream soda in an effort to cool down. Sweat beaded your forehead as some of it started to roll down your cheeks. A few drops dripped from your double chin onto your exposed belly which now hung between your thighs off the bench. You were too tired to retuck your belly and love handles back into your sweatpants, despite people staring with disgust and disbelief as they walked by you. After your heartbeat had lowered and you had regained enough breath to speak, you looked back towards your boyfriend’s apartment to see how much ground you had covered. You had to double take what you saw, as his apartment was still in plain view just two and a half blocks away. Then you turned the other way to see that you were still hundreds of feet away from the campus building you had to get to. There was absolutely no way you were going to be able carry yourself the rest of the way. Even more embarrassed and defeated, you called your boyfriend to explain everything that had happened. You told him about how exhausted you were from walking such a short distance and how everyone was watching you as you struggled and jiggled out of your clothes. You cried out to him that he needed to come pick you up asap. He agreed and quickly got in his car. While you waited for him, you pulled out the family sized box of Oreos your boyfriend had packed for you that day. All that exercise had made you hungry and you needed a couple sleeves of cookies to refuel. A couple minutes later, your boyfriend pulled up in his black sedan. He hopped out the car and ran over to where you were seated on the bench a few feet away. After making sure you were ok and dabbing any remaining sweat off your forehead, he handed you another 128oz big gulp knowing that you had nearly finished the previous one given how much exercise you had just done. You gushed at how thoughtful and considerate he was. Slowly he helped you to your feet. Your exposed belly jiggled from the effort. You leaned most of your weight onto him as he waddled you over to the passenger side of his car. Your boyfriend opened the door for you and slowly lowered you into the seat. People started as he buckled your seat belt and fed you a few of the Oreos. After getting back into the car, your boyfriend went into a whole speal about how he knew that this would happen and how he was so worried you would hurt yourself. You agreed with him, saying that you’d never try to walk anywhere without his help ever again. He placed his right hand on your overflowing belly and told you how good of a piggy you were. He then began to recount how embarrassed you must have been with all those people watching you struggle like that. Your boyfriend began to finger your belly button while recounting the story you told him about your walk. Your embarrassment from remembering the event started to make you immensely horny. You gulped down several sips of your soda and moaned with pleasure as your boyfriend teased you for how obese and out of shape he had made you. He slid his fingers deep into your belly button every few sentences. Your pussy was dripping as he pulled up to the buildings your classes were in. You quickly tried to regain your composure as he got out of the car to help you. He unbuckled your seatbelt while feeding you several more Oreos. Then your boyfriend helped you out of the car. People stared as he crammed your exposed belly and fatty love handles back into your sweatpants. You weren’t sure how to feel, oscillating between embarrassment and hornyness as people watched the whole ordeal intently. Finally, he held your hand and led you inside the building to the elevators. Your class was on the third floor, but there was no way he was going to have his big growing girl struggle up 2 flights of stairs, especially with what had happened this morning. Your boyfriend was risking an expensive parking ticket right now, but he wanted to make sure you didn’t strain yourself while out of his presence. After leading you inside the elevator, he gave you a long passionate kiss while groping your dump truck of an ass. He then pressed the third floor button for you and slipped out of the elevator doors just as they were closing. God he was such a perfect boyfriend, you thought.
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Patotonto 1 year
please continue this. so amazing
Curiousicey 1 year
For the love of.. Its a great detailed hot story that has some elements that could happen in reality. Continueee when ur recovered lol
Karenjenk 1 year
HE is totally going to make fun of her.
Fluffylove 1 year
Great start, hope the story continues. Any plans to continue "More than a few pounds" or is this story a continuation of that story but from the girl friends perspective instead of the boy friend?
Whoaskedforme 1 year
I’ll continue both of these stories soon. Writing them is physically and mentally exhausting because I have to be turned on for the hours it takes to create them. My dick is still burnt out lol
Jktab 1 year
great start more please
Prylo 1 year
Holy shit this is great, woud love a continuation