A little too big

chapter 4

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As the elevator doors opened you slowly shuffled out and down the hallway to your class. Your sweatpants were starting to roll down your belly again. You tugged them back up the best your weak fatty arms could before entering the classroom. You were nearly 10 minutes late at this point, so your plan was to quickly find a place to sit in the back of the class as to not draw too much attention to yourself and your helplessly fattened body. As you made your way to the back of the classroom, your thick wide bulbous ass bumped into several students and even knocked a few items over on their desks as you passed. You quietly apologized as you embarrassingly squeezed your girthy body to the back of the class. But as you decided on a seat to settle into, you remembered something about these college chairs. Towards the end of the last semester you had noticed that your butt was starting to feel pretty snug when you lowered it past the arm rests. Once they were past the arm rests though, you were usually able to sit quite comfortably. However, now that your ass cheeks had grown substantially in size, you knew it was going to be a struggle get it past the arm rests. You grabbed the empty seat in front of you for support as you slowly lowered yourself into the seat. Just as you had predicted, your ass wouldn’t budge past the side arm rests. You were starting to breathe heavier and draw attention to yourself again. If an effort to cram your ass into the seat as quickly as possible, you shifted your enormous ass at an angle and dropped your full body weight onto the chair. The arm rests began to bend loudly as your ass forced itself past them via the full weight of your body. Everyone turned around to witness your ass bending and contorting the arm rests of the chair. Even the professor paused his lecture to investigate what the loud crushing noise stemming from the back of his classroom was. The whole class witnessed you as your ass cheeks overflowed from the sides of the chair. The arm rests continued to cry out in agony as your butt and love handles bent them further outwards. Finally the chair stopped its complaints as your ass settled firmly at the bottom of the chair, both cheeks generously hanging over the ends of the seat. You recognized several of the faces looking at you as either classmates from previous years or as people that witnessed your walking attempt this morning. The class began to converse among its subgroups. Eyes darted from conversations with their peers, to your overfed body, to your face, and back. Your cheeks flashed red as you hung your head as to not allow too many people to see your face. After what felt like an eternity, the professor reorganized the class’s attention and continued on with his lecture. You were obviously unbelievably embarrassed. Words couldn’t really articulate how you felt in those moments as everyone witnessed the results of your gluttony as it crushed and mangled that poor chair. Out of habit, you began sipping on your big gulp. But slowly all that embarrassment started to turn you on. Your ass overflowing out the sides of the chair felt just like you sitting on your boyfriends lap. You spread your legs slightly to let your belly hang through them off the chair. Shortly after you pulled out the rest of family sized Oreo package and began to scoff it down. Each bite tasted like heaven. As your lecture continued for the next 2 hours, you did nothing but stuff your face. You made quick work of the Oreos before moving onto the family sized bags of Doritos and unwrapped mini Reese’s. Several students looked back at you throughout the class to witness you gorging yourself on the thousands of calories of junk food. You were trying to be a quite as possible, but some bites of food were just too good as to not let out a muffled grunt or moan. As the lecture was wrapping up, you were finishing up a 16oz container of Pillsbury vanilla frosting your boyfriend had packed for you. Finally the lecture ended and you were completely stuffed. You laid back in the chair to rub your belly. Instinctually you accidentally let out a large burp. Fortunately only a few students heard it through the noises to conversation and movement as everyone got up to leave. Containers of empty food surrounded you. You tried to quickly grab all of them from your chair and cram them into your backpack before anyone else could see how much you had eaten. You then held onto the chair in front of you for support and tried to stand up. However, your ass wouldn’t budge. You desperately tried again and again and again to get out of the chair, but it seemed that your dump truck rear had forced its way stuck. Even though it had bent the arm rests to the sides, someone would need to either break them or bend them much further in order for your corpulent ass and obese body to get unstuck. Your classmates turned to watch you struggling as they got up to leave. Your professors next lecture was going to start in 15 minutes. Students for the next class were already starting to enter the lecture hall. Even though you still had another class before your boyfriend came to pick you up from the front, you needed to get unstuck asap. You desperately called your boyfriend for help.
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Patotonto 1 year
please continue this. so amazing
Curiousicey 1 year
For the love of.. Its a great detailed hot story that has some elements that could happen in reality. Continueee when ur recovered lol
Karenjenk 1 year
HE is totally going to make fun of her.
Fluffylove 1 year
Great start, hope the story continues. Any plans to continue "More than a few pounds" or is this story a continuation of that story but from the girl friends perspective instead of the boy friend?
Whoaskedforme 1 year
I’ll continue both of these stories soon. Writing them is physically and mentally exhausting because I have to be turned on for the hours it takes to create them. My dick is still burnt out lol
Jktab 1 year
great start more please
Prylo 1 year
Holy shit this is great, woud love a continuation