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Chapter 11B - Carl

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Carl looked down at his girlfriend as she crawled across the floor towards his naked lower half. The glazed look over eyes made him smirk. He loved seeing how this kinky stuff Nicole was into got her excited. It was almost as if her brain shifted into a completely different gear, prepared and ready to maximize the pleasure that both were trying to share. She wrapped her lips around his shaft and started to bob her head, greedily sucking and moaning.

Just looking down, Carl couldn't help but be impressed by how gorgeous his girlfriend was. He felt incredibly lucky to have one of the most smoking hot babes on campus all to himself. His closest friends couldn't shut up about hot Nicole was, which made Carl feel proud of the girl he had bagged. This wasn't his first serious girlfriend by any means, but she probably edged out all of his exes as the most attractive yet the least bright. Carl didn't mind that he was a year ahead of her. He had to admit, Nicole wasn't exactly his intellectual match regardless. She was a little bit dim sometimes, but she surely made up for that shortcoming with how unbelievably hot she was and how crazy she was in the sack. Her sexual intelligence with through the roof.

Since her brains had nothing to do with Carl's investment in his girlfriend, something else about Nicole had drawn Carl towards her like a magnet. That something was most certainly her ass. Seeing her moving on the dance floor that first time he saw her had him hypnotized. Now, it was by no means a stretch of the imagination that that ass was even bigger then it was when he first saw it. In general, Nicole seemed a little curvier. But to Carl, Nicole looked and felt even better than before. The sex appeal she possessed now was unreal. Her ass felt a little wider, heftier, softer, and yet still retained some firmness. Her hips looked fertile, broader, and had a way of curving in to meet her thighs that just screamed femininity. She was perfect, and Carl couldn't be happier.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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FTMfatty 6 months
This story is fire ๐Ÿ”ฅ!

Take your time writing more. Just know there are fans who love it.

You're really gifted with dialogue and descriptions. 10/10 amazing writing talent.
ConJohn 3 months
Cheers! I've already got the outline ready to go for the rest of the story, and fully intend on getting back into it.
Limeicecream27 7 months
Nicole is going to be so mad when/ if she figures out what Kate is doing! This story is fire!!
ConJohn 6 months
Oh, definitely a question of when.
4funnow 7 months
Donโ€™t rush Her Humiliation
ConJohn 6 months
Yeah, it'll be the next project I wrap before returning to this.
Wafflel554 8 months
It's a great read, seeing if it's still going?
ConJohn 8 months
I'm going to pick this up as soon as I finish my current project. I already have more written, just need to edit.
Booty450 11 months
Is this still going
ConJohn 11 months
Taking a break from writing to recharge, then will be back with more of this.
Tttfeeder 1 year
Awesome job my favourite story in a long time! Is the story finished here?
ConJohn 1 year
Nope! Far from finished. Gonna wrap up Haley's gain and then get back to this.
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Honestly blown away with this story! I tried making a story of my own but I don't think I have it in me. I love the progression and multiple perspectives. They make the experience more immersive. ๐Ÿ˜Š
ConJohn 1 year
Multiple perspectives are hard to do, so I don't blame you. Checked out your latest story and it's pretty interesting.
Scootergirl 1 year
How much do we reckon she weighs at this point?
ConJohn 1 year
Though Nicole avoiding stepping on a scale (for now).. if she did, she'd be somewhere between 155-160 pounds at this point in the story.
Clock 1 year
two chapters on the same night? nice.
ConJohn 1 year
Totally! I think from this point, If I have a multi-pov point of the story, I may end up posting all those POVs at the same time.
Ao01 1 year
really good story. But is Nicole still not aware of her weight gain? If so, that doesn't make much sense. Also, more descriptions of the changes in Nicole's body would make the story better.
ConJohn 1 year
Yeah, I'm leaning pretty hard on Nicole's lack of awareness/inelegance/introspection with this story. Agreed, but since a lot of the story is told from the POV of someone in denial, it's a choice.
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