Control lost

chapter 12 - Nicole

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Something seemed to be in the water that the men on campus were drinking. When Nicole walked across campus, every time there was always some dude trying to hit on her, with countless others staring at her lustfully. Of course, Nicole was used to getting attention, but this was getting ridiculous. The only thing that had changed in Nicole's mind was that she was now officially off the market. Maybe that was why guys seemed to desire her more than usual? This surge of attention made it incredibly hard for Nicole not to have thoughts about going back to her promiscuous ways. As someone who loved the spotlight, Nicole felt wholly in her element, flaunting her assets, leaning into it.

There was so much temptation dangling in front of her, day by day. The most Nicole ever managed was some playful flirting, even though her body wanted more. Ruining things with her boyfriend wasn't something Nicole wanted, so she kept her thoughts to herself and didn't succumb. If she couldn't sleep with any of these suitors who were lining up, the least they could do was think about her when they went home to bust a nut.

Another strange but welcome update in Nicole's life was her clothes. Weirdly, there were a few outfits in her closet and drawers that she didn't have a memory of buying. That was in addition to some of her existing clothes appearing newer and fresher then they had been. It was certainly odd that her clothes were magically rearranging themselves in her closet, but Nicole knew she sometimes was forgetful when she drank. That could've been it. Possibly the weirdest part was the lack of tags on her outfits. Nicole had inquisitively wondered where many of the new and replacement clothes had come from, trying to remember when she had gotten them. Yet, there was no tag to be found. Very strange. However, not something that Nicole used too much brainpower to worry about. A few of her outfits were fitting her more properly then when the dryer shrank them, and that was all that mattered.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Montana 1 year
I love this story, the pace, where it appears to be heading. Great work!
ConJohn 1 year
Thank you! Slow and steady
Makeme300 1 year
Can’t wait to hear about how the costume fits. Love this story
ConJohn 1 year
Those chapters are up smiley
Fatowl 1 year
It would be fun drama to see Nicole sleeping with all of her admirers and reveling in their attention. Then see the consequences of these dalliances as Carl and the others fight over her!
ConJohn 1 year
Right now, I'm sure she could pull that off.
Makeme300 1 year
Great story. It helped me to climax so thanks. Needed that
ConJohn 1 year
Happy to hear
FTMfatty 1 year
Greatly looking forward to how this evolves.
ConJohn 1 year
Thanks! Evolve it will
Jazzman 1 year
Point well taken. It is fantasy after all. I think in real life there are few women who don't know they gained.I remember a gorgeous girl in high school at the beach bemoaning Four Pounds. Lol
ConJohn 1 year
Agreed. Some people are more in tuned than others or some people just want to avoid what's right in front of them.
Jazzman 1 year
This is nice. However I hope the " shrunk in the wash denial" doesn't go on forever. You have great pacing and a lot of talent.
ConJohn 1 year
Thanks. If I'm going to be honest, Denial is a trope I want to play with a bit here, and given I'm writing a bit of a ditz main character, I think you can see where this may be going.
Jazzman 1 year
This chapter has me really digging this story! Awesome twist.
ConJohn 1 year
Thanks! More fun ahead.
Nickp72 1 year
Just finished chapter 4, looks like this is going to start to get really good! Hope that Nicole starts to lose that perfect body of her’s and replaces her abs with some nice layers of pureblubberyfat!
ConJohn 1 year
I think we can guess where this is going.
Minifan 1 year
Great, now I'm going to be checking this site several times a day for updates 😅
ConJohn 1 year
Lol, I don't think I'll update multiple times a day, but I appreciate the enthusiasm!
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