Control lost

Chapter 14A - Nicole

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The Night of Halloween came, and Nicole spent half the day getting ready. Tonight, she had finally convinced Kate to come out with her, which was highly unusual for the shy introverted Kate. Though Nicole had wanted Kate to get ready with her, Kate instead spent most of the day locked inside her room. This would have been an issue for Nicole's consistently ravenous appetite. However, Kate had thought ahead, making plenty of food in the morning, to keep Nicole sated throughout the day.

Easily the biggest letdown of the afternoon was how the costume company had sent her the wrong size outfit. It took her nearly 20 minutes of struggling before she shoved herself fully into her playboy bunny costume, but even then, it pinched against her lower body. Once Nicole started to pre-game with some beer, the buzz helped her forget about the discomfort. The rest of the makeup was relatively easy for Nicole to apply.

Carl came to pick Nicole up at 7 PM, and the hot young bunny knocked on Kate's door, wondering if she was ready. All she got was a squeaky response from inside.

"I.. I'm not ready yet.. just go on without me.. I'll meet you there." Nicole just shrugged and left with Carl. Kate just being weird again.

For the past few days, Nicole had been asking Kate what she would dress up as for Halloween. It was always the same. Kate would blush profusely, clearly showing her embarrassment through her pale white skin. The answer repeatedly flicked back between "You'll see.." or "I'm not sure yet." It wasn't that big of a deal, though. It was a Halloween costume. Girls had it easy. Pick anything and add "Sexy" before it. Done.

After asking Carl to take a few pictures before they departed, the couple made off towards the Rugby house. Nicole texted Kate the address and didn't get a response. It hurt to walk in her outfit, wishing their destination wasn't so far away. Yea, it was six blocks, but still.. She half wanted to get an Uber. The Halloween candy she had brought along was more than enough to keep her content. As she chewed into a tootsie roll, she saw two massive green figures walking towards her. Once Nicole realized what they were dressed up as, Nicole put her hand to her mouth, stiffing laughter.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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AndiFive 1 year
since all the stories are in the same universe, is there a chronological order?
ConJohn 1 year
Great question! Starting from where each story starts.. here is the chronological order.

The Model‘s waddle
Control Lost
Haley’s Gain
Secretary‘s Spread
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I have a good feeling about this one smiley
ConJohn 1 year
It's only getting better from here.
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