Control lost

Chapter 14C - Kate

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Kate stood in her room, holding the tail in her hands. How many times had she pulled it out from the back of her underwear drawer to play with? Now she was about to do the unthinkable. She was going to wear it out in public. Her pulse quickened just at the very thought. Her secret wouldn't be revealed, but she had always wanted to do this, and Halloween was a perfectly acceptable excuse.

It was hard to say when Kate had developed an obsession with cows, but it probably had to do with her first crush back in school. Having grown up fat all her life, Kate never felt confident pursuing anyone she was interested in. There was one boy that she had always been secretly sweet on who was on her bus route. Whenever he got dropped off, Kate longingly would watch as he'd walk down his gravel dirt road toward the farmhouse his family lived in. On several occasions, he would stop and pet some of the dairy cows that greeted him. Deep down, Kate knew he was out of her league, yet that didn't stop her from fantasizing. If only she were one of his cows, then she could be close to him and know what his touch felt like. After that moment, Kate slowly developed an embarrassing fetish. Kate fantasied about transforming into a dairy cow.

No one ever knew what Kate secretly wanted to become. It was hard to keep that secret part of her sexual identity hidden from both of her ex-boyfriends, but Kate had managed. With her first ex, Kate kept it from him out of fear. Fear that he'd exploit it and use it against her. He was, in Kate's mind, just as weird as she was sexually. Yet, his vindictive and controlling nature made Kate terrified of revealing this vulnerable part of her. With Kate's last ex (the one Nicole had fucked), Kate kept it from him to make herself appear normal. She wished she could wake up one day and not get off on the strange and disgusting thoughts she had. Willing herself to be ordinary almost worked too. With her last boyfriend, life had gotten more and more normal for her. She could appreciate vanilla sex and push the strangest thoughts she had away. To shake her old identity, she had crash dieted and worked out, removing every ounce of fat from her body. Everything seemed to be going in the right direction for Kate. That was until Nicole fucked her boyfriend.

Now Kate could feel these temping thoughts creeping back, edging her on, and wanting her to explore this scary side of her. She was going to do this. She was going to go out in public, dressed as a cow.

Kate grabbed the rest of her outfit, nearly shaking, and started to put it on. There was a knock on the door, and Kate nearly jumped out of her skin. Nicole was shouting about how it was time to go, and Kate nervously told her she'd meet up with her later. This gave Kate time to apply makeup, put on her dress, and get on her tail, ears, and nose. Kate spent a while looking at herself in the mirror she had hidden in her bedroom closet. She could feel herself getting turned on, legs squirming as she turned and looked at herself from all angles. Biting her lip, Kate walked out of her bedroom, took a deep breath, and walked out to meet Nicole.

As she walked, she thought about how her plans were going against Nicole. The effects were apparent, but the impact was not where Kate wanted things. Nicole still seemed popular, with a hot boyfriend and a ton of confidence. Even though Kate felt her plan was coming along rather well, she knew she'd need to kick things up a notch. There were parts of her plan that were totally out of control. Mainly, the bakery.. the cruelest part of her plan.. Yet Kate kept seeing discarded pasty boxes from "Dream Puffs," so Kate hoped it would only be a matter of time. This was a long term plan, after all. It was straining Kate's budget to slowly up size Nicole's wardrobe, but Kate felt putting her funds toward that was a necessary piece of the overall plan.

By the time Kate got to the party, Nicole was well on her way to getting drunk. Kate's heart was beating out of her chest as she got compliments on her "Sexy" and "Cute" cow outfit from Nicole, Nicole's boyfriend, and several other strangers. After a couple of beers, Kate had a buzz, and her nerves were gone. She spent a lot of the party talking to Nicole's boyfriend, Carl. The two hadn't had many chances to talk other than the usual polite greeting, but they both found each other to be rather enjoyable company. Kate was surprised by how intelligent he was. What an impressive contrast to Nicole.

As the night went on, the naturally shy Kate found some confidence when some random hot guy asked Kate to dance. She just about lost it when he grabbed at her tail and commented on it. It only escalated from there, as Kate found herself making out with the stranger sometime later in a side room. Kate was by no means promiscuous, but on this night, she was feeling incredibly aroused. She went back to his place and kept her costume on, asking him to take her from behind. As she got pounded, Kate lost herself in her thoughts, imagining her body changing and becoming more cowlike. At her peak, she didn't stop herself from letting out a moan mixed with a moo, melting into the strongest orgasm she'd had with someone else. The guy was confused at first but just assumed she was role-playing in character.

Kate woke up the next morning in his bed, still in the costume. With no alcohol to build her confidence, Kate quickly ran to the bathroom, removing her makeup and accessories as swiftly as possible. Very slowly, she snuck out, trying not to wake her first ever one night stand. When Kate got home, she hid her cow accessories deep in her panty drawer again and deeply sighed. It would be a whole year before she could do this again.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Montana 1 year
I love this story, the pace, where it appears to be heading. Great work!
ConJohn 1 year
Thank you! Slow and steady
Makeme300 1 year
Can’t wait to hear about how the costume fits. Love this story
ConJohn 1 year
Those chapters are up smiley
Fatowl 1 year
It would be fun drama to see Nicole sleeping with all of her admirers and reveling in their attention. Then see the consequences of these dalliances as Carl and the others fight over her!
ConJohn 1 year
Right now, I'm sure she could pull that off.
Makeme300 1 year
Great story. It helped me to climax so thanks. Needed that
ConJohn 1 year
Happy to hear
FTMfatty 1 year
Greatly looking forward to how this evolves.
ConJohn 1 year
Thanks! Evolve it will
Jazzman 1 year
Point well taken. It is fantasy after all. I think in real life there are few women who don't know they gained.I remember a gorgeous girl in high school at the beach bemoaning Four Pounds. Lol
ConJohn 1 year
Agreed. Some people are more in tuned than others or some people just want to avoid what's right in front of them.
Jazzman 1 year
This is nice. However I hope the " shrunk in the wash denial" doesn't go on forever. You have great pacing and a lot of talent.
ConJohn 1 year
Thanks. If I'm going to be honest, Denial is a trope I want to play with a bit here, and given I'm writing a bit of a ditz main character, I think you can see where this may be going.
Jazzman 1 year
This chapter has me really digging this story! Awesome twist.
ConJohn 1 year
Thanks! More fun ahead.
Nickp72 1 year
Just finished chapter 4, looks like this is going to start to get really good! Hope that Nicole starts to lose that perfect body of her’s and replaces her abs with some nice layers of pureblubberyfat!
ConJohn 1 year
I think we can guess where this is going.
Minifan 1 year
Great, now I'm going to be checking this site several times a day for updates 😅
ConJohn 1 year
Lol, I don't think I'll update multiple times a day, but I appreciate the enthusiasm!
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