Control lost

Chapter 18B - Carl

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The Holidays are relaxing for most people—a time to refresh, reset, and look back on the past year. Carl, unfortunately, hadn't been so lucky. Ever since Thanksgiving, he had decided to help his parents tend to his ailing Grandfather. Though it had been great to spend more time with his family and get to know his Grandfather in the final years of his life, It was overall a stressful period for Carl. On top of caring for his Grandfather, Carl had to keep on top of his classes and try to maintain a long-distance relationship with a girlfriend who he could tell was getting increasingly frustrated. Carl felt like he was missing out on his college experience, not being on campus. So when he was slated to return for the spring semester, he was beyond thrilled.

It had been over six weeks since Carl had last seen Nicole, and he couldn't wait to have her in his arms and his bed again. The way her curves had developed throughout their relationship was nothing short of a miracle to Carl. Hips, thighs, breasts, and especially ass were all things that had improved in Carl's eyes. Even though Carl did think Nicole needed to tone up in a few areas, he had been enjoying almost everything about her. As long as she kept everything under control, he couldn't be happier. He had been meaning to talk to her about going to the gym more, but that conversation could wait. Especially since he knew his girlfriend was probably a bit mad at him for being away for so long.

Carl had just gotten back the day classes resumed and immediately headed to his first class. He had plans to meet with Nicole at her dorm afterward, so his mind was a little distracted during his lecture. To add to that, Nicole was blowing up his phone with suggestive messages.

Walking out of his first class, Carl had every intention of heading straight to Nicole's dorm. He could almost already hear her voice.. wait.. was someone saying his name?


Carl turned and locked eyes with his girlfriend, walking towards him from an adjacent hallway. Simply seeing her smiling face and those radiant eyes melted Carl's heart. All he wanted to do was kiss those beautiful full lips. Obviously, she seemed to have been anticipating the reunion as well, wearing eye shadow, lipstick, eyeliner, and blush. She looked like a goddess. It was so sweet of her to surprise him like this. Just the sight of her beautiful face triggered instant arousal in Carl.

The glow that surrounded Nicole fell to pieces as Carl looked at the rest of his girlfriend. As Nicole drew closer, her entire frame came into view. Carl's smile turned into an unexpected grimace. It honestly looked like she had been eating non-stop since they'd seen each other last. Even though they had skyped, Carl hadn't noticed what had been happening to his girlfriend until he saw her right in front of him. Nicole was wearing a pair of yoga pants that dug into her oversized lower half, giving every stitch a workout. They were so tight that her camel toe was embarrassingly on full display. Even worse was what stuck out between the pants and her blouse. Nicole's love handles poked out from either side, practically fighting to get free of the confines of her too tight clothes. Up top, Nicole was wearing a very tight white blouse. Carl could hardly believe that Nicole had a belly now. She had been a bit soft around the middle when he had seen her last.. but now.. this was a full-on spare tire. With each of her steps, it was wobbling while her love handles jiggled uncontrollably. No longer could she be labeled as "thick" or "Curvy." Nicole was a grade-A chunker, and that was being generous. For the first time, Carl felt a feeling he had never felt towards Nicole. Disgust.

Before Carl had time to collect himself, Nicole closed the distance, embracing Carl so he could feel all of her pressing into him. Her body squished against his. Most notably, her tummy, softly shoving into his hard body. Carl shuddered, having troubling processing the new and undesirable situation he was dealing with.

Nicole pulled away from the embrace. "I've missed you." She smiled and looked down at his jeans. "I can see you've missed me too."

She was referring to his declining boner, which she must have felt a moment ago. By the time Carl found a response, he was completely flaccid, having nothing to be excited about anymore. Carl realized he hadn't said anything for quite a while after that comment, as Nicole's eyes searched his face for a response. Finally managing to pull himself together, he managed to mumble out, "It's been too long, baby." A part of Carl wanted to confront the obvious head-on, yet now didn't seem like the time or the place.

Without warning, Nicole leaned in and started kissing Carl. He was caught off guard at first, losing his footing for only a moment as Nicole pressed more bulk against him. Yet Carl reciprocated his girlfriend's PDA all the same. Seconds later, Carl could hear a few people snickering as they passed the kissing couple. Carl shifted his eyes over to the passersby. Two guys were softly laughing to themselves as one pointed down at the space between Carl and Nicole. Carl shifted his eyes downward without breaking away and saw Nicole's shirt had ridden up past her belly button. His eyes bulged. Her bare belly was on full display in public. Carl also noticed tiny pink lines where the bottom of her tummy rounded out. Those were new. Slyly, Carl reached his hand down and grabbed the hem of Nicole's blouse. Slowly, he pulled it down, attempting to cover her shame. His hand lightly grazed the curve of her tummy as Carl pulled, making him wince. Once he successfully pulled the shirt down past the bottom of her protruding belly, Carl pulled away. Why did she have to wear clothes that showed off so much of her figure? It was almost like she was proud of it.

"Ready to walk me back to my suite? I don't think I can stand another day without you inside of me." Nicole softly spoke with a wink.

Though Carl had been on the same page just moments ago, Carl honestly wasn't ready for this. Despite having had gone weeks without sex, Carl wasn't sure he could go through with fucking Nicole just yet. His mind was still taking everything in. Bluntly, She was now too big for him. That line had been crossed, and Carl didn't know how to process it.

Carl prepared to deliver Nicole a lie as he grabbed her hips and held her close. In doing so, Carl realized that his girlfriend was almost wider than he was. He didn't like that. Not one bit. Sure he was taller than her, and (to the best of his knowledge) he still outweighed her. Her horizontal spread was not appealing to him.

"Listen, babe, I'm sorry, but we're going to need to hold off another day."

Nicole pouted and whined. "No, Carl, I need you now. Like right this second if that's what it takes. I've been wait...."

Carl put a finger to her lips, and she was silent. "I've been waiting too, but I'm completely swamped today and exhausted from my flight. I have to be at an advisory meeting in five minutes" (a lie) "I have cross-training right after that" (another lie) "Then class again right after that. Tomorrow though.. maybe we both meet at the gym? Then I take you back to my place to finish the workout?"

That seemed to bring Nicole out of her funk slightly. "Well.. I'm not happy. I have to keep waiting, which is ridiculous. But if you're tired... ugg fine! Can't I come over a cuddle with you tonight?

Fidgeting slightly, Carl didn't know how to lie his way out of that last request.

"uh.. yea.. but I should warn you, I'm probably going to fall asleep right away."

Nicole smiled. "That's, okay! Just being with you is enough for me!" She leaned in and kissed him, giving his muscles a quick feel to hold her over. "I'll see you tonight! And tomorrow.. you'll be seeing me in the sexist workout outfit you've ever seen. I'm gonna make you wish you didn't wait."

They said their last goodbyes and parted ways. As she walked away, Carl watched the wide wobbling spheres of fat that had taken over his favorite part of Nicole. The very spankable toned bubble butt had somehow turned into the ass of a slightly overweight girl who spent more time sitting on it then moving it. Yes, it still had plenty of appeal for an ass guy like Carl, yet it was now moving away from his ideal booty. Why she had stuffed that chubby thing into yoga pants she unquestionably outgrew was beyond him.

Carl made a mental note to convince Nicole to wear something that wasn't revealing for the gym. Yet, In the end, he felt that at least getting her to go to the gym was enough. That being said, one session at the gym could not fix what Nicole had done to herself. There was no part of him looking forward to what was going to come after the gym.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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AndiFive 1 year
since all the stories are in the same universe, is there a chronological order?
ConJohn 1 year
Great question! Starting from where each story starts.. here is the chronological order.

The Model‘s waddle
Control Lost
Haley’s Gain
Secretary‘s Spread
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I have a good feeling about this one smiley
ConJohn 1 year
It's only getting better from here.
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