Control lost

Chapter 19C - Carl

The moment Carl and Nicole had parted earlier that day, Carl pretended to walk towards the advisory building before doubling back. Despite what he had told Nicole, he had nothing planned for the rest of the day. Though he had thought he'd be spending the rest of the day and evening with Nicole in a marathon lovemaking session, seeing her earlier had made Carl panic and waiver at that idea.

His mind was a kludge of doubt and worry. There was no doubt he still had strong feelings for Nicole. That much hadn't changed. Carl couldn't put his thoughts together as he walked into his apartment and laid on his bed. Was it shallow for him to think Nicole had gotten too big? His pursuit of her from the very beginning had been entirely physical. Would he have pursued her as hard or at all if she looked like she did now? Carl knew the answer to that question, and it hurt. No chance.

Nicole's body above the waist was still spot on. Angelic face, small frame, slim arms, delicate chest. It was what was happening below the equator that troubled Carl. Chubby middle, flabby thighs, a roll here and there. The hips were okay. A little too wide for Carl's taste, but serviceable. The ass was a conflict. It was just over the line of what Carl perceived as "Too big". Especially for Nicole's frame. There was still plenty to admire about Nicole's body.. yet there seemed to be an equal amount of things to criticize.

For the rest of the morning, Carl battled his inner thoughts as they waffled on how to confront Nicole about his concern. Carl had never been that confrontational of a guy. Despite him playing sports, having many macho friends, and being a dom in the sheets, Carl often struggled to convey his true feelings towards women when he had a problem.

There had to be someone he could talk to about this. He knew what all of his guy friends would say about it. They didn't hold back on commenting on his girlfriend's body and how hot she was. He knew they wouldn't hold back if they saw her now. To be fair, he was sure almost all of them would take a shot at Nicole, even now, if Carl hadn't gotten there first. Yea, the guys were not an option here. Only one person really seemed to come to mind. Kate.

Carl: Hey Kate, got a question for you.

Kate: Hey Carl, What's up? You back on camps?

Carl: Yea, just got back this morning, you?

Kate: Literally Just got back like an hour ago. So happy to be back too. I swear, I grew up in BoringTown USA.

Carl: From the pics you sent me, it seems like it's got some charm...

Carl: Can't be that bad.

Kate: It is.

Kate: It sucks.

Kate: Wait.. you said you have a question for me?

Carl: Oh yea, maybe not so much a question but.. Is everything okay with Nicole? I just saw her today and.. Idk.. she seemed off.

Kate: What do you mean "off"? I still haven't seen her yet.

Carl: uhh.. promise not to judge me Kate?

Kate: Jeeze.. you're not often one for drama, lol

Kate: Okay okay! Spill. I promise not the judge. Scouts honor.

Carl: Okay.. It's just.. Nicole.. she's been looking a lot thicker lately. Right?

Kate: OoOo!!! Aren't you Mr Shallow Hal ;) You calling your gf.. fat lol.

Carl: C'mon you promised not to judge. AND I never said she was fat.. just thicker

Kate: Oh please.. I can read between the lines.

Kate: Relax, dude. I agree. She's been ballooning hardcore.

Carl: Right!? I feel crazy, but it's like she's out of control and doesn't care or something.

Carl: Kate?

Kate: Sorry, got distracted with you know who.

Kate: Geeze, she looks like she didn't skip a meal over the holidays. No wonder you're up in arms.

Carl: Right?! Thank you!

Carl: What the heck am I supposed to do here? She's coming over tonight.. and it's just.. yea.. I don't know. Help!

Kate: I don't think she'll be coming over tonight.. I just talked to her.

Carl: Wait what? Why? Talked to her about what?

Kate: About her weight gain.

Carl: Oh.. and?

Kate: I think she's more aware of it than anyone..

Kate: It's just she's too prideful to acknowledge it. You know how she is. We just had a heart to heart, and she knows her weight is getting out of control and really wants to do something about it.

Carl: Oh.. Yea, that's a relief. I'm glad she aware and wants to take action.

Carl: She just texted me and told me she's having a girl's night with you and will see me tomorrow.

Kate: Your welcome?

Carl: Oh, thank you! I'm happy you talked to her about everything. Nicole and I will be hitting the gym hard tomorrow to get things rolling.

Kate: About that. No offense, but I think Nicole's going to be gym buddies with me.

Carl: None taken. Just curious why we all can't be gym buddies.

Kate: We can be eventually!

Kate: Nicole's a little self-conscious about her body right now.. I don't think she wants you to see how.. out of shape she's gotten. idk, We girls are weird sometimes.

Carl: I understand.

Kate: Will probably be helping Nicole with her diet and workout plan myself too. She wants to improve! But actions speak louder than words.

Kate: Don't worry, I'll do my best to whip that butt back into shape.

Carl: Kate, you rock. Seriously! I'm glad Nicole has you as a friend.

Kate: Aww, thanks!

Kate: Just promise to go easy on Nicole while she adjusts to everything. As I said, she's really self-conscious about her body, so just be supportive.

Kate: Plus.. don't tell her we talked about all of this.. she'd kill me.

Carl: haha, Can do! That's easy.

Carl: You're seriously the best, Kate. Thank you so much!

Kate: My pleasure ;)
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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AndiFive 1 year
since all the stories are in the same universe, is there a chronological order?
ConJohn 1 year
Great question! Starting from where each story starts.. here is the chronological order.

The Model‘s waddle
Control Lost
Haley’s Gain
Secretary‘s Spread
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I have a good feeling about this one smiley
ConJohn 1 year
It's only getting better from here.
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