Control lost

Chapter 3B - Kate

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Kate was having the worst week in recent memory. Having just broken up with her boyfriend, she was wallowing in a sea of abject misery. The college Junior couldn't believe how easy it was for everything to be thrown away in an instant. Kate and her now ex-boyfriend had dated for the entirety of their Sophomore years... and now.. everything was over. He was her first boyfriend too. Well.. her first normal boyfriend. Kate had an ex her age still at the college, but she didn't consider whatever their relationship had been, real. Her first ex had used her and made her feel used, like a piece of meat. That first relationship had been uncomfortable and Kate had been happy when she ended it. Now, yet another relationship ended, Kate had two exes on campus to avoid. A creep and a cheater. It fucking sucked to live in that reality, but here she was trying to deal with it.

Sanding at a short 5ft 1, Kate stripped and looked at herself in front of the mirror and wondered to herself. Was she that much less attractive than her younger stupid blonde roommate, Nicole? Kate hadn't always been the 105-pound petite thing she was today. Kate had grown up as an unpopular fat girl and hated every minute of it. After following her high school boyfriend (now her first ex) to this college, she had severed that toxic relationship a month into her Freshman year. Back then, it had been scary to leave him. She had been just over twice the size she was now and had felt incredibly self-conscious about her body. Seizing upon her independence, Kate had managed to lose 70 pounds her Freshman year, and then another 40 pounds her Sophomore year. She had met a handsome guy too, who wasn't weird like her first ex. She was finally starting to feel confident about herself, her body, everything. Yet Nicole happened, and everything seemed ruined.

Nicole.. what to do about Nicole? How did she ever get paired up with a roommate this terrible? One of the biggest minxs on campus, strutting her body around and turning heads left and right. Kate knew Nicole would be nothing without her body. At that thought, Kate's lips curled into a smile.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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AndiFive 1 year
since all the stories are in the same universe, is there a chronological order?
ConJohn 1 year
Great question! Starting from where each story starts.. here is the chronological order.

The Model‘s waddle
Control Lost
Haley’s Gain
Secretary‘s Spread
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I have a good feeling about this one smiley
ConJohn 1 year
It's only getting better from here.
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