Control lost

Chapter 4 - Nicole

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To celebrate the last official day of summer, Nicole headed out clubbing with her best friend Jess and some of the girls on the cheer squad. It felt so right to be with the girls, running things like they normally had. The drama between Nicole and her roommate Kate had dialed down much quicker then Nicole had expected. Kate had confronted Nicole and apologized for cursing her out. It was a little odd to see Kate be so apologetic when Nicole had been anticipating that she'd have to force an apology herself. Even the days after that, Kate had acted super friendly to Nicole. Nicer than usual. Nicole just figured Kate finally realized her place in the pecking order. Nicole was used to people worshiping the ground she walked on, so this was nothing new.

When the girls arrived at the club, Jess led the way, cutting straight to the line's front. The bouncer took one look at them and let them all in without checking IDs. If they had looked at Nicole's ID, they would have seen she was under the legal limit to drink (20 years old), 5ft 4inches, eyes Green, and weight 120 pounds. Ever since puberty. Nicole had never gone over 122 pounds and knew there was no way in hell she'd ever have a problem with her weight. As they walked in, there was a fat girl at the front of the line who looked annoyed with the whole situation. Nicole made sure to childishly stick her tongue out as she passed, to rub it in.

Once inside, drinks, dancing, and fun conversations filled the atmosphere. Of the dozens of guys that asked Nicole to dance, she said yes to four. Even though it felt good to grind against a strong body, Nicole spent far more time dancing with her best friend, Jess. The two were a sight that could sate any man's deepest fantasy, dancing against each other in a very comfortable fashion. Neither Nicole nor Jess were truly Bisexual. They had found that out one night early in their Freshman year when they had drunkenly experimented with each other. After that night, they came to a mutual understanding that the physical affection they showed each other was primarily for getting attention from guys. Both girls had kissed each other several times at parties in the past for that very draw.

Spending time with Jess felt incredibly refreshing. Despite Nicole's hopes and wishes, the two previously inseparable friends had fallen well short of their usual hang out quota. There were some days where Nicole didn't see Jess or even get a text from her, which was sad. Now that they had some time together, It just made Nicole realize how strong their friendship had been, chatting away, getting drunker and drunker as the moon rose higher. Jess caught Nicole up on all the drama with the cheer squad and stalked the new Freshman squad members' Instagram pages with the rest of the girls. Nicole caught Jess up on the recent drama with her roommate. The whole story got snorts of laughter from everyone in their group.

The most interesting new development was some boy toy that Jess could not shut up about. Nicole had done everything she could to imprint her 'no boyfriends allowed' philosophy on Jess their entire Freshman year. Since the two spent so much time together, neither girl had gotten too serious with anyone. Now that there was more space between the two, Nicole felt her power to control Jess's love life was becoming more challenging to manage. Nicole just politely nodded as Jess described some guy that Nicole pictured as just another douche bag. Jabbing at the idea of him whenever she could, encouraging Jess to pay him no mind. When it came to boys, Nicole had always been in charge. When it came to everything else, Jess was in charge. The dynamic was being tested, and Nicole was worried.

By the night's end, Nicole had found two sturdy-looking frat boys for Jess and herself to sleep with. Just like old times.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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AndiFive 1 year
since all the stories are in the same universe, is there a chronological order?
ConJohn 1 year
Great question! Starting from where each story starts.. here is the chronological order.

The Model‘s waddle
Control Lost
Haley’s Gain
Secretary‘s Spread
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I have a good feeling about this one smiley
ConJohn 1 year
It's only getting better from here.
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