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Chapter 5 - Nicole

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Walking away from her sleeping conquest, Nicole felt an air of conflict. Against her better judgment, she was again spending the night at a boy named Carl's house. It wasn't often that Nicole made repeat one night stands, but this guy had a persuasive demeanor (And body).

Carl.. how dare he occupy her mind and attention like he was. Funny, smart, popular.. he was perfect.. for anyone looking for a boyfriend. He was like a bad habit that Nicole kept coming back to. Nicole had had plans with Jess the previous night, yet those plans fell apart, and Carl had been looking to fool around.

Nicole would never admit it to herself, but Jess had been ditching her more and more lately as September came to a close. It was very easy to forgive her friend and accept her excuses, but Nicole knew there was another factor at play. Undoubtedly the guy Jess hadn't been able to shut up about.

Trying to put the thoughts of her increasingly wayward friend and the new fuck buddy she was trying to fill that empty void with, Nicole walked naked through Carl's nicely furnished apartment searching for a bathroom with a shower. As much as she didn't want to give Carl credit, he had one of the more pleasant places she had stayed the night at. He was a Junior at her college and acted with every bit of the maturity and confidence the one year age gap had put between them.

As Nicole found the bathroom door, she rubbed a strain on her lower calf before entering. If she had been paying any attention as she was rubbing the pain away from a night of bouncing on cock, she would have felt the lack of muscle definition in her leg. It wasn't incredibly noticeable, but the fitness that once radiated off of Nicole's body had slowly evaporated from her body throughout a lazy summer and party filled September.

As Nicole found her way to a shower to freshen up, her mind flicked away from Carl and Jess and onto Kate. Something about that girl was growing on Nicole. The term 'Midwestern Nice' had been a term Nicole had once heard before, and Kate was proving her heritage right. Now that Kate had become single, she was warming up to Nicole in ways Nicole hadn't expected. Kate asked a lot of questions and made quite an effort to be friendly to Nicole. It wasn't annoying at all, more flattering. Even though Kate seemed to be interested in learning about Nicole, Nicole, in turn, got to find out about Kate.

Kate was a food science major. Something Nicole could've guessed. Kate often was cooking something or baking something in the dormitory suite for her classes. At first, Nicole had found the constant banging and ruckus of cooking annoying, but it wasn't long until she found the kitchen sounds mouth-watering. Now that Kate and Nicole were starting to get along, Kate often had Nicole try out some of her creations, wanting feedback. Nicole had to hand it to Kate.. she was good. Extraordinarily good. It was super considerate of her to leave a ton of food around as "fair game" too.

Even though Kate wasn't popular around campus, Nicole thought she was cute enough and could clean up if she applied herself. Nicole made a mental note to invite Kate out to party one of these nights.. but this weekend was out of the question. There was a massive party at Phi Delta Theta to celebrate the end of rush week. Being friends with some of the frat boys (and being one of the hottest girls on campus) naturally got her an invitation. However, Nicole was much more excited about Jess being there. They hadn't been able to hang out since they had both gone clubbing the previous week, so Nicole was expecting some serious girl time.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Montana 1 year
I love this story, the pace, where it appears to be heading. Great work!
ConJohn 1 year
Thank you! Slow and steady
Makeme300 1 year
Can’t wait to hear about how the costume fits. Love this story
ConJohn 1 year
Those chapters are up smiley
Fatowl 1 year
It would be fun drama to see Nicole sleeping with all of her admirers and reveling in their attention. Then see the consequences of these dalliances as Carl and the others fight over her!
ConJohn 1 year
Right now, I'm sure she could pull that off.
Makeme300 1 year
Great story. It helped me to climax so thanks. Needed that
ConJohn 1 year
Happy to hear
FTMfatty 1 year
Greatly looking forward to how this evolves.
ConJohn 1 year
Thanks! Evolve it will
Jazzman 1 year
Point well taken. It is fantasy after all. I think in real life there are few women who don't know they gained.I remember a gorgeous girl in high school at the beach bemoaning Four Pounds. Lol
ConJohn 1 year
Agreed. Some people are more in tuned than others or some people just want to avoid what's right in front of them.
Jazzman 1 year
This is nice. However I hope the " shrunk in the wash denial" doesn't go on forever. You have great pacing and a lot of talent.
ConJohn 1 year
Thanks. If I'm going to be honest, Denial is a trope I want to play with a bit here, and given I'm writing a bit of a ditz main character, I think you can see where this may be going.
Jazzman 1 year
This chapter has me really digging this story! Awesome twist.
ConJohn 1 year
Thanks! More fun ahead.
Nickp72 1 year
Just finished chapter 4, looks like this is going to start to get really good! Hope that Nicole starts to lose that perfect body of her’s and replaces her abs with some nice layers of pureblubberyfat!
ConJohn 1 year
I think we can guess where this is going.
Minifan 1 year
Great, now I'm going to be checking this site several times a day for updates 😅
ConJohn 1 year
Lol, I don't think I'll update multiple times a day, but I appreciate the enthusiasm!
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