Control lost

Chapter 6a - Nicole

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Nicole stood on the front porch of the frat house, waiting for her best friend. The party was bumping away inside, but Nicole knew she wouldn't have half as much fun without Jess. A slight breeze nipped at Nicole, causing her to shiver. It wasn't often she felt underdressed when going out, but her favorite pair of jeans had suddenly shrunk in the wash. After struggling to get the material over her ass, she found the effort of buttoning them fruitless. Nicole had pulled on a pair of pink Victoria secret yoga pants and a top to match in pure frustration. Not her typical party attire, but the amount of skin she was showing and how her pants hugged her behind caused many heads to turn on her way over to the party.

Nicole saw a large figure lumbering up the pathway towards the party out of the corner of her eye. Once she could make out who it was, Nicole ducked out of sight. That ***, Cassidy. Jess's freshman year roommate. Woah, the tub of lard looked like she put on a good 50 pounds over the summer. Cassidy had always been an unwelcome thorn in Jess and Nicole's side. Trying to hang out with them, using them to get into parties, and generally worshiping the ground Jess and Nicole walked on. On the other hand, Nicole and Jess had used Cassidy as their favorite punching bag. Making fun of her, putting her into awkward situations at parties, and making sure she knew her place.

It wouldn't be any stretch of the imagination to call Nicole and Jess fat phobic. Nicole especially found fat people (particularly girls) to be utterly repulsive, lazy, greedy, bottom feeders of society. Ever since her high school days, she had found bullying fat girls to be a fun pastime. They were always an easy target, and Nicole had no patience for anyone that looked so unhealthy. The superiority complex Nicole felt, in contrast, was strong.

Cassidy had been the one exception for Nicole to at least pretend to be nice to. Nicole and Jess had always found it hilarious that a girl like Cassie would think she could be friends with the two hottest girls on campus. They let Cassie think they were her friend while they used her to be the expense of plenty of jokes.

As the obese college-sophomore waddled up the steps, a fraternity brother held up a hand, stopping her from entering. "Sorry, party is full." Nicole looked on from the shadows, averting her eyes from the embarrassing display of lard. Cassidy was wearing a tight dark blue bodycon dress that looked like it used to fit her several dozen pounds ago. 'Why did she have to wear a dress like that? Doesn't she know it's way too tight for her? Eww, you can see her fat folds through the material.'

Cassidy tried to argue that her friends were at the party, but it was no dice. The frat boy confidently stated, "Sorry I don't make the rules," he tapped his shirt. "I just enforce them." He was wearing a shirt that said, "No fat chicks." Nicole had to stifle laughter as she watched Cassidy register what was written on his shirt. Blushing, Cassidy turned and tried to put as much space between her and the frat party as she could.

Just as Cassidy was leaving, Nicole saw Jess pull up and get out of an car that dropped her off. Nicole ran down to greet her best friend and heard a meek Cassidy call out to her, "Nicole? Hey Nicole!!". Nicole chose to ignore the shouts, hug her friend, and then head to the party as Cassidy tried to get their attention, unsuccessfully. A few missed texts and calls after entering the party, the girls ignored all communication from the fatty they pretended to be friends with their freshman year.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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AndiFive 1 year
since all the stories are in the same universe, is there a chronological order?
ConJohn 1 year
Great question! Starting from where each story starts.. here is the chronological order.

The Model‘s waddle
Control Lost
Haley’s Gain
Secretary‘s Spread
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I have a good feeling about this one smiley
ConJohn 1 year
It's only getting better from here.
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