Control lost

Chapter 7 - Nicole

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Nicole was on the 6th day of a drinking bender, out at one of her favorite clubs. Ever since she had gotten the news about Jess's new relationship, Nicole had fallen into a cycle of partying. The routine was pretty standard. Go out, sleepover at some guys house, go home, eat Kate's cooking all day, and then go out again. Over the bender's course, Nicole had sent a few drunk, embarrassing, and mean texts to Jess that she wished she could take back. Most were pestering her best friend to come out dancing, and then when Jess said she couldn't, Nicole quickly turned to berate Jess's new boyfriend. They were pretty regretful comments, but the liquored up Nicole let her real feeling slip out.

It wasn't as if Nicole didn't have fun without Jess. It just didn't feel the same.

A highlight of the week had been a bakery just off campus Nicole had newly discovered. Kate had heavily recommended it, urging Nicole to try it during specific days when she said, "The baked goods are the freshest." Kate eventually wore Nicole down, and Nicole made a stop between her classes. The bakery didn't seem entirely out of the ordinary, but a super cute guy worked the front counter. After buying one cupcake, Nicole attempted to flirt with him, but she got nothing in response. A pure professional. Something about him not giving her any attention made him rather intriguing to Nicole, who started making the bakery a habit every few days.

Even though she wasn't getting instant satisfaction with bakery boy, her now somewhat consistent fuckbuddy, Carl, came out for two nights during her bender. Those nights, He was attentive, kind, and generally fun to be around. Nicole was very cautious about leading him on, not wanting to get into any serious. Yet, the more time Nicole spent with Carl, the more she started to put him on a pedestal above all the other men she spent time with.


It seemed as the week progressed, Nicole choice of outfit got sluttier and sluttier. Even as September turned into October, she didn't care about the fall weather. Mini Skirts, Hot pants, Heels, Yoga pants, and anything else Nicole could cram her butt into were used with reckless abandon. Even up top, It seemed the hemline of her tops rose higher and higher until she just went out in a cut bra. No one complained about the amount of skin. Nicole was glad they didn't because her dryer was fucking up a ton of her clothes. All of her bras seemed completely fine, at least.

Growing up, Nicole had initially been slightly self-conscious about the size of her chest. Only being an A-cup had caused a ton of jealousy as she watched other girls around her blossom. Yet that jealousy didn't last long. Nicole had been blessed to be born in the age of the 'ass man,' and she had been equally blessed with curves below the waist. Her tiny waist, generous hips, supple thighs, and show stealing ass commanded attention. Wishes about getting a more prominent chest evaporated for Nicole as the boys lined up to tell her she was perfect as she was. Yes, her best friend Jess was blessed with a rack fit for a goddess. Yet in Nicole's mind, that was A-Ok. She'd keep her assets any day and deal without the back pain. Even that butterball Cassidy had what some people would call a rack. However, Nicole had no patience for the whole "At least she has big tits" fat girl trope. If that blob wanted to call those hanging udder sacks tits, she could go right ahead. Nicole felt great about not having that human beach ball blowing up her phone anymore.


Aside from his looks and personality, there was another reason Nicole kept seeing Carl. He was incredible in bed. As Nicole's tastes evolved, she had gotten to a point where she liked a bit of rough play in the bedroom. Light chocking, Brat play, being called a bitch, being overpowered, ropes, having her hair pulled, and spanking were a few of many of the kinks Nicole had developed. She enjoyed guys who were so good they'd make her dig her nails into their strong back while loudly proclaiming her pleasure. Carl often checked all of these boxes, and the two of them were getting good at getting each other off.

Having such a dominant persona outside the bedroom, Nicole brought a lot of that into the bedroom. Depending on her partner, Nicole mostly identified as a switch. If a guy could overpower her, she'd play the sub role in bed. Yet there was a lioness inside that often pounced and took what it wanted. She equally loved being pounded doggy style as the sub and ridding cock as the dom. She was a glutton for pleasure in whatever form.

There was a problem, though. Outside of the bedroom, Carl was a pretty awesome guy. As much as Nicole wanted to avoid this other side of Carl, she found it challenging. She had gotten to a point with him where she had opted to go home after, rather than sleeping over. The pillow talk was so infectious, and Nicole needed to resit it.

Yet try as much as she could to avoid it, Carl eventually asked her if he wanted to get dinner with her. All the times she had played this scenario in her head, she had said no to Carl. It would be a huge mistake to get involved with a guy who had so much relationship appeal. However, at that moment, Nicole couldn't stop herself from saying yes.
30 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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AndiFive 1 year
since all the stories are in the same universe, is there a chronological order?
ConJohn 1 year
Great question! Starting from where each story starts.. here is the chronological order.

The Model‘s waddle
Control Lost
Haley’s Gain
Secretary‘s Spread
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I have a good feeling about this one smiley
ConJohn 1 year
It's only getting better from here.
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