The swallowing gene

chapter 5

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Ijah slowly sucked Ben into her mouth. Her lips glided effortlessly past his now *** and now there was no obstacle to sending all of him into her stomach. Tiffany watched proudly as her daughter swallowed her first man. Yes there were a few speed bumps but this wasn’t bad for a first time. She got down on her knees with her daughter rubbing her slowly extending belly as Ben slid into it.
“Good girl” Tiffany said, feeling bens shoulders slide into the bottom of her belly. “Take your time, he isn’t going nowhere. We got him right where we want him. Enjoy him, he’s all yours.”
Ijah had swallowed him up to his knees and his lower legs were all that was left outside of her mouth. She paused for moment as if having second thoughts. Tiffany looked at her daughter puzzled and realized what was going own.
“Ohhh no you don`t” Tiffany said, grabbing Ijah by her hair. “Don`t you back out now. We are almost there. Here let me help.”
Tiffany grabbed Ben’s feet and slowly pushed them into Ijahs mouth. Ijah could hardly gasp with such a full mouth. She was horrified at she was being forced to do to her friend.
“There you go.” Tiffany said, preparing to shove him down her daughter’s throat. “Just like a mother bird feeding her babies.”
Tiffany pushed the last of his toes into Ijahs mouth.
“Good job” Tiffany said, letting go of Ijahs hair putting one hand on her back and the other on her growing belly. “Now you know what to do.”
Ijah closed her eyes and then her mouth. She mustered the courage and strength, then swallowed as hard as she could. Taken the weakened Ben quickly down her throat into her belly where he curled up again.
Ben was still overcome by post orgasm euphoria. There he was curled up like a little ball in Ijahs belly. This felt different. In her mother’s belly he felt captured, and conquered, as if her stomach was his prison. Ijahs belly felt safe, loving even, like he was in there because she cared for him. He didn`t know what would happen to him next but if he had to be in anyone’s belly he was glad it was Ijahs.
Tiffany sat there rubbing her daughters belly full beyond capacity. She had enjoyed swallowing Ben herself but spitting him out was worthwhile to see this. Ijahs face was wet, she didn’t know if it was from tears, saliva, or Bens cum. She was proud of her daughter swallowing her first man. She knew Ben was somewhere she couldn’t hurt her. Ijah had to learn quickly that men don’t belong in your heart they belong in your belly. Tiffany learned this tough lesson years ago. She learned it with Ijahs father.
“I am so proud of you” Tiffany said, patting Ijahs belly. “I know you may not feel good about this right now, but you will understand it soon. All men are going to do is try to get inside you so they can shot that same baby batter he shot all over your face into your lady parts. You can always put them inside you completely. He wants his babies in your belly put him in your belly until you ready to have kids. Go lay down on your bed and momma will rub your belly until you go to sleep. I know he’s probably kicking around in there. Rubbing your belly will put you to sleep.”
Ijah struggled to get off the floor with her mother’s help. Bens cum layered thick and wet on her face. She could’ve washed it off by now but she realized that it was the last part of him she had left of him outside of her stomach. She was going to savor the feeling of his satisfaction on his face for a while. She felt bad about doing IT but she knew it was the best option for him. Still he was in her belly and he didn`t kick or fight. She could feel him in there but he was at peace. She felt one with him, he belonged to her now completely. No one else would ever have him. They were together forever.
Ijah laid down on her bed. Tiffany sat on the edge of the bed pulling her daughters shirt up exposing her massive belly. She smiled with pride as her daughter closed her eyes. She rubbed her hand over the big mound belly with the horny boy within. The taste of his cum still in her mouth.

This is the end of the story. If you enjoyed let me know in the comments. If you are interested in other BBW vore stories by me check out my two collections of vore stories in the link below: 9KYH2XYY?ref_=dbs_p_mng_rwt_ser_shvlr&storeTyp e=ebooks
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SpecFicScribe 1 year
Gotta say, this is interesting. I haven't seen a premise like this before.
Longpig 1 year
That was an awesome story and a typical vore story as I feel that it had a very unique twist and an oddly romantic ending .. thank you for a great read 🙂