A bevy of issues

chapter 4

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“We’re trapped. Oh God!”

Valerie began to hyperventilate, she closed her eyes to not see her increasingly claustrophobic surroundings. A hand rested on her shoulder as Denise spoke.

“It’s going to be ok, we’ll get out of this”

Valerie kept her eyes shut, her face screwed up in agitation.

“Sure, and be escorted out in front of all the people I work with AND Derrick like some kind of parade float.”

“At least you won’t be alone”

Her eyes opened and she looked sideways at Denise. Her eyes widened as she took in her ripening form. While not as big as Valerie, she had graduated to plus-size territory with a rounded potbelly and double chin.

Valerie turned towards her stall mate, the dress twisted up her hips and exposed more and more of her luscious thighs. Once again she felt the embrace of the encroaching walls.

“What if we don’t stop growing?”

Denise frowned and looked around for a way out. She spied the gap between the wall and the floor and pointed with a chubby finger.

“Maybe we can squeeze through”

“But we’d have to get on the floor”

Valerie’s face filled with a look of disgust. As she eyed the floor below.

“Well we don’t have many alternatives and our outfits are already ruined.”

As Denise continued to look down, her double chin deepened.

“I’ll go first and try to see if it's easier to open the door outside.”

A skeptical look passed over Valerie's visage as she estimated the height of the gap and both of their chunky bodies. She thought about voicing her concerns, but Denise’s words remained true.

The brunette’s face brushed against Valerie’s doughy middle and her shoulder rubbed against a dimpled thigh as she got down on her knees. She went prone and hissed as the cold tile pressed into her breasts which squished against her neck.
Denise pulled herself forward, her thick upper arms wobbled as they scraped against the bottom of the wall. Her skin created a squeaking sound as it pulled against the smooth tiles. All of her torso made it to the otherside without incident, then she felt a tug as her butt got caught on the wall.

“Oh shit”

She tugged and wriggled, more seams in the dressing popping under the additional strain. Her legs kicked feebly hoping for any kind of leverage. Hands pressed down on her bountiful cheeks as Valerie attempted to help by pushing. Inch by inch Denise shimmied her bottom through the gap and an audible pop sounded as she passed through.


As the brunette stood she discovered that the popping sound was her dress giving up the ghost. The seams along the sides had completely torn open. She could spread her legs now at least, though her thighs still rubbed together.

“Ok, your turn!”

“No way. We may have been able to squeeze your *** through, but no way I’m making it”

While the comment was accurate, it still stung. Denise maneuvered to the door and shook it, trying to open it. Valerie turned back to the door. She had to angle herself, as she couldn’t face it head on with how wide she had become.

The straps of her bra were digging into her back and shoulder, she could see and feel the way her breasts bulged over and under the cups. Her fingers had grown round and even her wrists had a small roll on them now. Valerie felt the hot tears fall onto the swell of her chest and she closed her eyes in despair.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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AthleteTurne... 1 year
I really love this story I’m always eagerly waiting for more