Emma's priced piggy

chapter 3

"Wow this reality series is really bad. Still way to entertaining though."

I sat on Emma's way to comfy couch snacking away when I heard someone fumbling with the front door. My heart fluttered, as I quickly finished my bag of potato chips I sprinted towards the front door.

"Hey honey I'm home!"

"Hi mommy, I've missed you."

We walked towards the living room, Emma was holding 2 seemingly heavy bags filled with groceries. I felt myself getting aroused. Ofcourse they will be pakked with lots of calorie dense food for a piggy like me.

"Do you want me to help you carry one of those heavy bags?"

"Oh definetly not baby, you're supposed to grow fat not muscle. You better get that cute ass back on the couch!"

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry."

As I sat down on the couch she handed me a small bag from the local bakery.

"I promised I would bring you back some snacks."

I greedily open the bag. I take a curious peek inside and see 5 of my favorite type of cream filled donuts. I was always scared to eat these, they are an easy way to get fat with how delicious and calorie rich they are.

"I don't want you to get hungry while I'm preparing an amzing dinner."

"Oh mommy they're my favorite, I will definetly enjoy eating these."

"So will I honey, I love seeing you enjoy your food. Now eat up honey."

Emma gives me a kiss on my forehead. I feel myself getting hot and turned on. I get the first donut out of the bag and start greedily eating. She takes all the empty snacks from around me.

"I see someone found the secret stash of snacks. Lets see what you shoved in that pretty face of yours. 2 boxes of oreo's, 2 large bags of potato chips and a chocolate bar. Such a naughty piggy huh."

I felt my face getting red and my girlcock got hard. But I'm gonna be a good girl foor mommy and eat my donuts. Emma cleans up a bit and enters the kitchen. A while later she calls me.

"Sweetie, dinner is ready. Get that pretty body of yours over here."

"Yes mommy, on my way."

As I enter the kitchen I see a huge pile of spaghetti bolognese on a large plate. Emma also put some on her own plate, only she took it from a different pan.

"I know you're always so hungry for food. If you eat your entire plate, you can get a delicious dessert."

"Okay mommy."

My belly rumbled. My body adapted shockingly fast to this new lifestyle. Before I would have never been this hungry but now I was craving food. I sat down and started shoving the most tasty spaghetti I ever tasted in my mouth. When Emma finished her plate I was nowhere near finished with my pile of food. She just started smiling at me.

"You must have been really hungry huh."
"I know small girls like you need a lot of food, you still have so much growing to do."
"I love watching you eat."

She moved her chair so she could sit next to me. She put her hand on the inside of my thigh. This really turned me on, I started eating a lot quicker and a lot sooner than I expected I finished my plate. I looked down at my body. My belly was swollen beyond what I had ever experienced before. It made me incredibly horny, I can only utter 2 words in between my laboured breaths.

"Take me."

"Ofcourse little piggy, I still got some dessert for you. How about you start eating while I fuck you and massage your enlarged belly. Take those pants of right now"

I knod and quickly take my pants off. She hands me a tub of ice cream, I open the lid as Emma puts on a strap-on.

"Now, you're only allowed to cum if your master says so. And if you dare stop eating I wil stop fucking and massaging you. Do you understand piggy?"

"Yes master"

She replies with an evil smirk on her face.
"Excellent now start eating!"

I start putting large spoons full of the delicious creamy ice cream in my mouth. As soon as I'm a few spoons in she starts slowly sticking her strap-on in my little hole. I start whimpering in between the spoons of ice cream.

"I love how you whimper. But I think you can definetely get a bit louder."
"Imagine what this bucket of ice cream is gonna do to that small little pathethic body of yours."

She quickens her pace, I start eating the ice cream faster. My stomach is really starting to hurt right now. I never experienced being so full before but the pain was turning me on even more. She was touching my belly more agressively. Suddenly she slaps me on my belly. I let out a loud moan and ice cream falls out of my mouth on my shirt.

"What a waste of ice cream! You're going to be punishes for that behavior."

She takes the spoon out of my hands ans commands:

"Now you're gonna eat with your hands, like all piggies have to."

I start taking large scoops of ice cream. With my fingers I can feel the bottom of the container. Emma notices I'm almost finished and quickens up the pace once again and starts rubbing my rockhard gilcock.

"Now don't you dare cum before I say so."

"Finished!" I yell loudly. I throw the empty tub behind me and move my hands automatically to my little cock. Emma immediatelty slaps my hand away.

"Nuh uh, you don't get to touch. You just lay there and think about how I'm gonna ruin that small body of yours."

I hold in my orgasm as she is edging me for a solid few mimutes now. I start moaning louder and louder when finally.

"Now cum for me like the pig you are."

As soon as those words escape her lips I almost shoot out of the chair. My body is shakin uncontrollably for 2 minutes before I finally come down again.

"You're such a good girl for me. I'm very proud of you baby. Why dont you come snuggle with me on the couch while I massage that sexy belly of yours."

I struggle to get up with my overstuffed belly. I slowly make it towards the couch and immediately collapse into her strong soft arms. She starts softly rubbing my swollen stomach.

"You did really good today honey. Your body is freakishly with that belly. I can't wait for it to be permanent."

"Neither can I."

"You're sush a good girl."

"Something completely different but I noticed you took your dinner from another pan."

"Because your food gets a special ingredient added in the end."

"What special ingrediƫnt?"


& quot;Oh I know, it's weigh gain powder, isn't it?"

"Hmm and now I know why they call pigs such smart animals."

"You're so sneaky, putting even more calories in my food."

"A growing girl like you needs her calories honey, no better way than to add some healthy supplements to your daily food intake. By the way, I have good news for us. The reason I had to get to work today is because our boss was fired. Now they want to promote me, which means I will be earning a lot more money."

"Where are you going with this?"

"Well, I'm gonna make enough money that you can move in here and quit your job. If you want, you can be the most amzing pet anyone could ever hope for."

"I would love that. Today was amazing. I want all my days to be like this."

"Wow you're already addicted to being lazy and stuffing your cute face all day huh?"

"I'm just letting my inner self finally escape. I was always so afraid of gaining weight and getting fat because I knew deep down that I really like being someones piggy."

"You're gonna be the best piggy ever. I know that. I hoped you would say yes. To make sure I never lose you, I got a gift for you. "

Emma hands me a small gift. I remove the wrapping paper and slowly open the box. My heart flutters as I get a peek inside. It was a black collar with a very cute heart at the front. I immediately put it on.

"You look so cute. Now remember, only take it off when mommy allows it. This way you will always remember whose little piggy you are."

She puts her finger under the collar and pulls me in for a kiss.

"I will promise to always try to be the best little pet I can."

"Good girl."

I start leaning against her a bit more and she starts softly massaging my painfully swollen belly again. After a while there is one thing I've been wondering about all day.

"I'm really afraid to ask, but why is it that I had to sleep in the guestroom last night? I really want to share a bed with you. Being your overfed little spoon sounds like a perfect night."

"Hmmm, I only share my bed with fat girls. If you keep up the good work I might consider it."

'You really know how to encourage your pet, don't you?"

"Ofcourse, I love seeing a pretty girl like you eating her way to fat heaven. Now lets get some sleep, I might have hidden a few snacks in your bedroom if you suddenly get hungry."

"You're so considerate of my eating needs."

I struggled to get up the stairs with my heavy belly. I felt myself getting turned on by my future as a piggy. I fell vast asleep with sweet weight gain dreams. I'm probably gonna make a mess of the bed again.
15 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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GrowingLoveH... 1 year
Great job. I really love this one.
Aliceisfat2022 1 year
GREAT writing! It's like all my fantasies have been written down in one story. Also love to see trans characters and autors as a trans girl myself
CuteChubbyTGirl 1 year
That's so sweet of you. It's my first story so I was pretty nervous publishing it. Especially since I didn't see a lot of other trans stories.
Growing Bigger 1 year
Very interesting im intrique where this could go