Max and nica

chapter 2

Max found himself in a clothing store. Usually his wife bought his clothes, so he just went on guess work. He asked for the sizes he was looking for, picked a few items from the salespersons offered selection and went back to his hotel.

The last two weeks had been a rush of training and despite Max's promises, eating. All his clothing was holding on for dear life. his shirt buttons strained and opened up to show his pudgy belly every time he exhaled. He was terrified that they would give up their hold at dinner and he would have to walk to his room with his gut hanging out. His jeans were in even worse condition, one of the pairs had ripped all the way across his expanding backside when he sat down to struggle with his shoes that morning and what a struggle it had become.

He didn't have a scale but Max felt twice the size he had been when he arrived. He was permanently full. He missed home and he missed his wife and he filled the gap with food. He missed her a lot. So it was a big gap to fill. He huffed and puffed and groaned trying to get around his gut to tie his laces. He had taken to only sending Nica photos from the neck up, hoping his beard would hide how chubby his cheeks had gotten.

Max had a belly yes, but he had always been more stocky than fat, with a tight ass and more muscle than fat on his cheat and arms. That was no longer the case. His chest was comfortably resting on top of his belly now. If he squeezed his moobs he could almost imagine squeezing his wife's breasts. His belly was just as comfortably resting on his lap now, the weight of it, combined with his thickening thighs made for a very interesting feeling on certain areas when he was naked. He spent most of his alone time naked and hard. He grinned when he felt how much bigger his ass was. Nica always mentioned that his ass was tight but a bit small. Its was definitely neither of the two any more.

Max tried on his new clothes. He had bought just one size bigger but it seemed the cut around here was big to begin with. The new clothes were baggy on him. After 2 weeks of seminars he was now left with 2 weeks of remote work and study on his own in his hotel room. He wouldn't be needing the clothes yet, so he packed them away.

Instead he wore the sweat pants and massive t-shirts he had bought to lounge around in. The next two weeks he would eat less and go on walks and lose at least some of the weight before he went home. He did not expect what came next. Breakfast rolled around on the first seminar free day and Max opened the door to a trolley full of food and a smiling waiter. He was told to just leave the trolley outside when it was empty.

So much for dieting. The trolley was empty much sooner than expected and not too long after that it was replaced with another one and another and another. Max didn't sleep much as he was busy with his work and further training but that only meant he was eating more. If his eyes were open, his mouth was moving. He avoided the mirror but could not ignore how tight his oversized t-shirt and sweat pants were getting.

By the time the 2 weeks were up, Max could have worn his wife's bras easily. His gut was creeping its way across his thighs and his double chin had a chin. There was no way that Nica hadn't noticed how fat his cheeks were, but she didn't say anything. She was just missing him. He missed her so much it hurt sometimes. So he ate more. He ordered a large pizza from room service. Where before he ate half and felt over full, he finished the pizza and ordered another. And then another, and...

Max groaned and tried to move, but it was impossible. He shoved at the six empty boxes and tried to pipe the grease off his distended belly, but it was impossible. He was stuck sitting on the floor against the bed. his heavy stomach pinning him down with his hard on poked the bottom of his gut. Luckily his stomach was so swollen it had lifted a bit so he could squeeze his hand underneath. His fat fingers touched the hardness and he stroked himself slowly. He was too full and heavy to go faster. But it felt so good. He caught sight of himself in the mirror through the open bathroom door and he didn't recognize himself. He was a bloated, flowing, mass of flesh and he loved it. He watched how even the smallest movement made his fat shudder and roll. He sat there for quite some time before he found the strength to pull himself up and drag himself to the shower.
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Built4com4t 1 year
Most excellent. Very arousing.