Max and nica

chapter 3

Max breathed a sigh of relief. His rapid weight gain seemed to have slowed. The clothing he had purchased that originally had a lot of extra space now only had adequate breathing room. Max figured the next 2 weeks of seminars wouldn't be too bad. He was used to eating that way now. Unfortunately, after the pizza incident, Max had been dreaming about doing something similar again. He tried to behave himself. Telling himself that his wife would be upset if he came home looking like a whale. She always said she preferred fat people. But how fat was too fat? The thought of finding out made him hard again. He didn't worry though, it was hidden by his growing stomach which was squeezed in under the table. He ate as much as he could at the seminar and waddled back to his room. Where he ordered another 6 pizzas. He figured he would eat the rest before he went to the morning seminar the next day.

Max sat down on the floor, so he could see himself in the bathroom mirror. His gut was covered in stretchmarks and it was swollen tight after dinner. He opened the first pizza box and started to eat. He watched his gargantuan gut swell in the mirror and shoved the food into his face as fast as he could. Eventually he felt as if he couldn't breathe. His legs were spread wide and his stomach was resting on the floor, swollen and massive. Touching it hurt. Max looked around and realized there was no pizza for the morning. He marveled at what he had just done. Though he knew he should be disgusted with himself. But it just felt so good. He rubbed his belly and wished his wife was there to do it for him.

By the time the 2 weeks of seminars were up, Max had bought himself clothing two sizes up. Baggy sweat pants and t-shirts. He had 2 weeks left of training in the hotel and then he would be going home. He was determined to lose weight before he got home. But, as with all his promises, he failed miserably. Instead of eating less, he just managed to increase his appetite. He could easily eat seconds of all 6 courses the hotel offered, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In fact, he moved his laptop to a corner of the dining hall and sat there all day, only leaving at midnight when they closed and then ordering deserts for after.

Max filled out his new clothing faster than expected. But he didn't have time to get more before he had to go home. He started panicking after he had to pay for a second seat on the plane. What would Nica say? While he panicked his stomach growled like a beast to be fed. He was so hungry, he spent the rest of the flight dreaming of everything he would love to eat. When the plane landed he started to panic again.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Built4com4t 1 year
Most excellent. Very arousing.