Max and nica

chapter 4

Nica was holding her breath in anticipation. She had missed Max more than she could bear. She hadn't been away from him since they got married. Luckily he would be working from home now, so she would see him all day. She thought about the photos and video calls he had sent and felt a shiver go down her spine. She had watched his face get fatter and fatter while he was away. She was dying to ask for a full body photo but decided to wait. In five years she had only managed to get him to gain 30kg. He was a solid 100kg when he left. She felt herself get wet at the thought of how much he weighed now. She loved her men fat. The fatter the better. She had just never told him that, she had hinted but never said it outright. She would rub his belly and grab his love handles during sex, but she was just imaging them being bigger.

She would imagine having to lift his gut to find his hard on and put his stomach on her legs while she rode him, to the point where she would climax alone in the shower. She loved the man more than she could say, but oh how she wished there was more of him to love. She had almost resorted to putting weight gain powder in all his food. She chuckled and scanned the crowd. Her eyes fell on a big chunky guy waddling along with his wheely bag. She eyed him appreciatively, until he walked over to her. Her eyes widened as she took him all in. He was nervously trying to pull his too-small t-shirt over his stomach that was sticking out. It took her a few minutes to recognize her husband. He was apologizing in embarrassment and she was hoping she didn't wet through her jeans.

she leaned over his massive gut to kiss him and grabbed his bag. "You must be hungry, airline food sucks." He followed her, looking like he was waiting for her to react. At the car she quickly pushed the passenger seat backwards. She saw him blush and kissed his fat cheek again. He climbed in with difficulty, he gut touching the dashboard. He was bright red in the face, from exertion and embarrassment.

Nica placed the food order for delivery before they left. "I missed you so much." Max sighed. "Nica, I am so sorry." "For what?" "Embarrassing you by looking like a whale." Nica chuckled. "you still have a way to go before you become a whale dear. But, just so you know, a whale is my favorite animal." He stared at her incredulously. "so you don't mind this?" he lifted his gut and let it drop back down with a thud. Nica shivered. "Don't do that while I'm driving, just now I cum on the seat." Max stared at her the whole way home.

Nica sent him to the bathroom with strict instructions to get out of his dirty clothes. She came back and sucked in her breath. Seeing him naked was even better than seeing him burst out of his clothes. every inch of him was soft and massive. Except one part. She smiled, that part was rock hard as he stared at his gut in the mirror. "good thing we have such a big shower." She pushed the scale towards him. "let's check the damage. He blushed, "you will have to read it, I can't see it."

Nica stood for a good few minutes, wondering if the scale was broken. "into the shower." Max was blushing so bright he seemed to be glowing. "how bad is it?" he asked as he climbed in. Nica dropped her clothes to the floor and climbed in with him. She started to wash every inch of his massive body and explore it with her fingers. "How did you manage to gain 70kg in 2 months?" she purred. He froze. "you can't be serious, that much?" she nodded. "I think we can get you to an even 200 though, it took me forever to get you to 100." Max froze. "You like this?" Nica nodded, "are you mad at me?" Max shook his head. "are you serious though, 200?" Nica took his hand and led his chubby fingers down to feel just how much she liked the idea.
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Built4com4t 1 year
Most excellent. Very arousing.