Max and nica

chapter 5

Max lay on the bed. Nica had gone downstairs to get the food at the door. His stomach was growling and cramping from hunger. His wife had been unable to get her hand under his gut to help with his hard on, so he was still painfully hard. 200kg? He hated to admit it, but he liked the thought. She called for him and he rolled off the bed with difficulty. She motioned him to the table and he sat down with difficulty. Then he saw the table. His eyes widened and he stared at her. She looked more excited than he had ever seen her. There was so much food, he thought it was too much, even for him. But he was starving. He started with whatever was closest. Burgers, fries, milkshakes. He ate until his gut was sagging between his knees. Nica helped him up and he realized he had cleared the table. Easily enough food for eight people. Nica helped him drag his aching belly to bed. She sat next to him and started rubbing and massaging his bloated belly.

He groaned, it felt so good. Then she lifted his gut and freed his aching hard on. She shimmied in under his flab and settled down on him. then she let his heavy gut fall back down onto her thighs. He had never felt her so aroused, as his gut hit her legs she climaxed. But she didn't move. Instead she reached over and lifted something onto his gut. It was a pizza box.

She started feeding him pizza with one hand while rubbing his fat with the other. She came repetitively and he found himself doing the same, over and over again. By the time he was exhausted and worn out, he realized his gut had swollen so tight that it wasn't covering her thighs anymore. It was the best night of his life.

It took Nica 2 months to feed him to 200kg. Max spent more time on the couch and the bed than anywhere else. The new way of eating was effecting Nica too. She had filled out nicely and his fat fingers disappeared into her pudgy flesh no matter where he grabbed her. Her underwear vanished into her rolls and Max had a permanent hard on when he watched her waddle around the house in her too tight jeans with her gut pouring over the top.

He had started insisting she stuff herself to bursting before he would drink the weight gain shake she handed him. He chuckled, determined to have her hit 180 before he hit 250kg. His gut covered his lap almost completely now and his ass had outgrown all but the three-seater couch and the bed. But he didn't mind. He could still eat enough to bloat his massive belly tight and round. He looked over at Nica just in time to watch her bend and see her fat ass split her jeans. He called her over and she knew he needed release after seeing that, so did she. But his gut was too big to squeeze under. So she started feeding him, pizza after pizza until it was gorged enough for her to fit her fat thighs under his massive stomach. Max felt her wide ass settle on his fat thighs and watched in the mirror as she rode him, slapping into his gut, her whole body jiggling and wobbling and he was in heaven. So what if he could hardly move, his little fatty of a wife moved just fine.
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Built4com4t 1 year
Most excellent. Very arousing.