Bad influence

chapter 2

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"So, this is the first floor vending machine. Perfect for a drive-by between classes."

Melissa laughed.

"Second floor only has water fountains, BOO. Skip it."

Melissa booed along.

"Third floor! Third floor, if you can stomach the stairs, is paradise. Two vending machines. They are too lazy to lug them out so they've just left them up there and keep them in service. They're a cash cow anyway. There's a Coke machine and then your run of the mill snack vending. And you've already seen the caf. Tuesdays is two-for-one Big Belly Cookies, Wednesday is always pizza or pasta, and Friday is usually some kind of special fries - loaded cheese, nacho, poutine. End of the week, they want to use up the old oil I guess. And I can confirm that the local Papa John's, Wendy's, and Burger King all will UberEats here. Oh! And the Thai place does too. But you have to meet them in the parking lot. Questions?"

The titanic blonde had run herself silent and out of breath.

Melissa smiled, her little nose scrunching up in an adorable bunny-like way. Her brown eyes shone. "Nope! Do you buy food every day?"

Kennedy scoffed. "Ya, duh. I'm not lugging a lunch box to school every day. What am I, a preschooler? That shit gets gross. I eat and dump the trash and head home without remorse."

"Sounds like a brilliant plan. I don't know if I can afford to keep up with you though!" Melissa faintly blushed.

Kennedy smiled a too toothy smile. "For the first week, as part of your welcoming committee, I will buy you lunch every day! OMG! I love it. So cute."

Melissa immediately and politely stammered a no.

"I won't hear a no. I insist!" Kennedy stomped her foot and put her hand on her shoulder.

Melissa smiled and nodded in thanks. "I'll get you back!"

"Please, honestly. Don't even worry. My parents are loaded and I've had my own credit card since I was like...9. Money is not a concern."

Somehow, Melissa blushed deeper. "Oh. That's nice."

Kennedy stood in awkward silence, feeling her stomach turn. Was this a sore subject?

Pivoting quickly, she fired back up. "Anywho! Let's scout your classes. Lemme see your timetable -- I wanna see how close we are."

Melissa poured over her new fat friend as Kennedy rifled through the schedule. Climbing up to the third floor had really done a number on the wide load. Melissa stared at the ball of flesh that was pouring out over the girl's too tight jeans -- but her titanic ass is what caught her attention. So bulbous, so round, so fat, but so hypnotizing. Her thighs must be screaming in that denim.

Melissa absent mindedly felt her fingers trace down to her own bottom half. She was a flat girl beneath the equator - a cute little perky shelf had disappeared over her years of dieting and keeping meals at a bare minimum. It wasn't a disorder per se, but Melissa was very aware of how her body filled out when she first entered high school. She lived off yogurt, red peppers, and fish for dinner for a long time - after all, that's what the influencers recommended, right?

Her chest had no such luck. She had always sported strong chesticles, needing a pushup at all times to feel supported. Her thick tits and skinny waist were definitely an appeal to a certain clientele. But she had done her time with bad boys. Melissa strayed far away from dating these days, preferring to go outside of the school pool to find romance.

She felt how twiggy her legs were, and how loose her leggings sat on her. Kennedy stood before her, in exact opposition: bursting out almost everywhere.

"Let's go talk to guidance and see if we can switch your morning math. If you can be in mine, then we can have pre-lunch class together, and then last period together! I can drive you home whenever you need, by the way. " Kennedy's babbling brought Melissa back.

"Really?" Melissa said in astonishment.

"Hells ya! We'll be breakfast lunch and dinner dates! I'll meet you before class and I'll drive you home. It's gonna be great. I can already tell we're gonna be best friends."

Melissa smiled. "That would be nice. Why are you doing this for me?"

Kennedy stopped at this question. She genuinely didn't know.

"I think I just like you. Not a lot of likeable people around here, but I think you're one of them. And I could use a good influence on my life."

Melissa stuck her tongue out at Kennedy. "Oh, you don't know the kind of influence I can have! Just wait till you see where I'm gonna drag you out to on Friday night."

Kennedy's jaw dropped. "No shot. Are you a party girl?"

Melissa shrugged coyly. "Guess you'll just have to find out!"

Kennedy hugged her in a giggle. "Okay. I'm so excited. Let's get to guidance and get to class. This week is gonna be incredible. But first, I gotta hit a Coke and a croissant from the caf. I'm famished."

Melissa looked over her.

"You want one too?" Kennedy asked.

Melissa scrunched her face in a classic, "are you joking?"

"Fuck ya I do! Senior year, here I come!"
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mizark04 1 year
Incredible conclusion! Cannot wait for the sequel!
Fatpeter 1 year
Your stories just keep getting better. Chapter 20 the best chapter yet. I was hoping that was going to happen eventually
CoffeeMug 1 year
Uh oh, hope the fair doesn't run out of corndogs or have an eating contest!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Randomuserna... 1 year
Excited to see where this goes!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Super hot! Can't see where they gain from here!!
SilverLining24 1 year
So... this is an awesome story. Can not wait for more!
Leuco 1 year
I m in love with this story
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! πŸ˜† Love ya story πŸ™‚
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! πŸ˜† Love ya story πŸ™‚
Fatpeter 1 year
Love this! Can’t wait for more
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Ghostrunnersfan 1 year
Amazing work
Mclovinnit 1 year
Great start! Cant wait for what lies ahead of the girls
Angelhoney 1 year
so hot, i love their dynamic together
Karenjenk 1 year
4 the dynamic duo. love how they are friends.
CoffeeMug 1 year
Keep it up! Can't wait for these two to end up as roommates in college
J Miles 1 year
Like this story :3 wanna see more
Syntactical 1 year
Great start! Eager to see where this one goes. True to the title, Kennedy's gonna be a *terrible* influence on Melissa's waistline... but it seems like Melissa might be a bad influence on Kennedy too!