Bad influence

Chapter 20

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Mel juggled the keys sloppily in the dark. The vodka was still in her system, despite her nearly dozen hot dogs.

Kennedy shifted her weight uneasily. "You're sure this isn't like...illegal?"

Mel chuckled under her breath. "This isn't the first time I've done this. It's just the first time you've been invited."

Kennedy cocked one of her wide, blubbery hips. "...bitch, what."

The door sprang open and Melissa scrambled to the alarm pad, entering the disarm code. It was dark, but it smelled of sweet batter and cleaning products. "Don't just stand there, come on!"

Entering from the alleyway, Kennedy crossed the threshold and felt her hips brush either side of the doorway. Jesus, had she put on inches in the last hour??

The fluorescent lights hummed to life, and Mel turned with a grandiose pose and proclaimed, "Welcome to my workshop!"

The Dunkin' Donuts had closed hours before, but the ballooning brunette had insisted on making an after hours stop before calling it a night on their Town Fair gorging escapades. Friers and huge boxes of unopened product sat, waiting for the picking.

"I guess this is one of the perks of being made Assistant Manager...but, like, what about the cameras?" Kennedy's voiced quivered.

"Literally, Ken, they don't work. They told me that on the first day. Haven't worked for years apparently. No one is stealing from Dunkin'."

"Yeah...except us, literally, right now."

Mel laughed and started pulling product. She didn't turn the fryer on, instead, began passing Kennedy large cardboard boxes of food. She rearranged the storeroom so that nothing looked amiss and then ushered her into the kitchen.

As soon as they arrived, Mel stripped off her summer dress. It had been a while since Kennedy had seen her unclothed, and now with the knowledge that she was tipping the scales at 272lbs, she was engrossed. The weight sat so differently on her than it had Kennedy, filling up her belly, boobs, and arms with gusto. Her thighs had finally widened and thickened out, giving her ass something to grab. Her big chubby belly was the star of the show though, as she lugged herself up onto the counter top and ripped open the box. She began tossing Kennedy bags of goodies.

"Eat one of these, and then we'll start."

Start what? Kennedy wondered. The two sat in silence, just chomping away at muffins and cookies.

"I can't believe I've put on 70lbs since September." Kennedy cooed as she touched her exposed stomach.

"I can." Mel said. "You haven't exactly been watching your waistline. But to your point, I've literally put on twice as much. Like...140lbs. What the fuck. That's 100% on you and your bad influence."

She smacked her gut for emphasis and a slight moan escaped her lips. She kneaded her flesh as she packed away the final of her pre-baked goodness.

"Okay, let's start. You might want to lose the clothes. It's gonna get messy."

Mel leaned over the counter and into the coldstore fridge. Kennedy stared at her wide back profile, her fast food hips and jiggled lovehandles cascading over her waistband and almost touching the metallic countertop...

She returned with a pair of 2L batter bags. "These are donut batter. We shape them and bake them and serve them. But I've been eating them raw for like the past month because...they are fucking incredible."

She tossed one to Kennedy, and then sat down on the floor, her oodles of fat screaming in protest. She was so bulky.

Ripping it open with her teeth, Mel lifted the bag to her lips and began sucking away at the thick paste. The batter poured down her lips and onto her hips, like some insane fat fantasy. Kennedy just stood there and watched. With a massive sigh, she stopped and moaned and touched her belly.

"Are you just gonna stand there?"

Kennedy dropped her pants and shirt, and joined Mel on the floor. The two sat in suckling silence, guzzling down the thousands of calories of ooey-gooey goodness. Kennedy thought she might throw up, it was so rich, it was so fattening...

When they had finished, Mel was speckled in spots of batter. She tossed the bag aside and played with her belly.

"Am I fat enough yet, Kennedy?"

Kennedy's eyes shot up and found Mel. The tiniest pout from her plump lips, the wide chubby face, the enormous belly and chunky thighs.

"You're getting there."

"I just want to be fat enough for you."

Kennedy's innards lit ablaze. Slowly standing and reaching over Mel's head, she pulled the third and final bag from the coldstore fridge.

"What are you doing?"

Kennedy stood over Mel, her thighs trapping her against the cupboard door and giving her nowhere to squirm.

"Open your mouth."

Mel looked up at her obese friend, her belly hanging out, her dimpled thighs and hips blocking the light of the fluorescent bulbs from her view. She looked like a massive giantess in this form.

With a small whimper, Mel opened her mouth and Kennedy began to pour batter into her besties gullet. She suckled and squeezed and then --

Reaching up, Mel grabbed a hold of Kennedy's belly from her seated position. She squirmed and moaned and shook her friend's belly and caused her whole body to jiggle.

She was reaching her tipping was going to happen.

As she drained the bag and played with Kennedy's stomach, she climaxed right there and then on the cold ceramic floor. In a loud gasp for air, Mel smacked the empty bag aside and sat up on her sitbones. With great force and intention, she grabbed Kennedy's ass with one hand and her underwear with the other and pulled her lips to her own face. Pushing the panties aside, Melissa wrapped her lips and tongue around Kennedy's clitoris and sucked on her in the way she had just done the batter.

Kennedy doubled over, leaning on the counter top and screaming in delight. Her belly hung so deeply over her waistband that it almost touched Mel's face. With a great convulsion and cry, she came as Mel ate her out. To stable her, Mel held onto her big fat belly.

The room spun, the air thickened, and their stomachs growled with extreme fullness. They panted in the empty night air, not sure of what to do next.
23 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Mizark04 1 year
Incredible conclusion! Cannot wait for the sequel!
Fatpeter 1 year
Your stories just keep getting better. Chapter 20 the best chapter yet. I was hoping that was going to happen eventually
CoffeeMug 1 year
Uh oh, hope the fair doesn't run out of corndogs or have an eating contest!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Randomuserna... 1 year
Excited to see where this goes!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Super hot! Can't see where they gain from here!!
SilverLining24 1 year
So... this is an awesome story. Can not wait for more!
Leuco 1 year
I m in love with this story
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! πŸ˜† Love ya story πŸ™‚
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! πŸ˜† Love ya story πŸ™‚
Fatpeter 1 year
Love this! Can’t wait for more
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Ghostrunnersfan 1 year
Amazing work
Mclovinnit 1 year
Great start! Cant wait for what lies ahead of the girls
Angelhoney 1 year
so hot, i love their dynamic together
Karenjenk 1 year
4 the dynamic duo. love how they are friends.
CoffeeMug 1 year
Keep it up! Can't wait for these two to end up as roommates in college
J Miles 1 year
Like this story :3 wanna see more
Syntactical 1 year
Great start! Eager to see where this one goes. True to the title, Kennedy's gonna be a *terrible* influence on Melissa's waistline... but it seems like Melissa might be a bad influence on Kennedy too!