Bad influence

Chapter 23

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Mel sat in the parking lot, noshing down the last few bites of her Wendy’s. She was inhaling in a hurry, her eyes darting between the greasy paper and the digital timeclock. The Walters’ had definitely landed by now, and she had to make her way to the gate with her homemade sign.

But, the night before, the dreaded monthly mail coupons had arrived. And Mel couldn’t deprive herself of the mouthwatering, savoury deals that awaited her.

She had ultimately settled on a family of four value pack: four cheeseburgers, fries, and a Frosty each. In her bored waiting period, the obese young girl had shovelled all of it away. She had barely eaten today, as the pristine house was now devoid of all food for the returning family.

Her phone pinged in a cheery tri-tone. “WASSUP BIIIIIIIITCH” the text read, followed by three lines of hearts and food emojis.

With a gurgle and a lurch, Mel lugged herself out of the car and swept all the fast food wrappers into her arms. Dumping them in a trashcan, she waddled toward the entrance of the airport, her heart pounding to see her best friend. She couldn’t wait to see just how big she had gotten, nor could she stand keeping her own obese secret hidden any longer.

Mel felt her thunderous thighs squashing together in the summer heat, rubbing raw as her fat pounded against itself. She had decided to flaunt her changes today, strapping herself into the California state shirt once again (although this might be her final time – it was cutting off circulation at every opening) and a pair of Kennedy’s jean shorts that barely buttoned around her belly. She jiggled her XL iced coffee as she wobbled toward her reunion.

Damn, she thought, I need a ride or something. She was working up a sweat covering this much ground!

Mel texted that she was moments away, and threw in a “let’s get a bite for the road, I’m starving” for good measure. Kennedy did not respond.

Holding her sign aloft and her coffee to her lips, Mel stood there, physique on full display:

If you were to place a photo from a year ago side by side with a snapshot of this moment, you would argue you were staring at two people. The before side would feature an adorable, chocolate eyed brunette beauty with big breasts and a cutesie smile. Her dimples would melt your heart, and her lean physique would only highlight the grandeur of her chest capacity. The definition of a buttondrop, a cutie-patootie.

The other side would show a massive, fat, gluttonous girl devoid of any bounds. Huge fat shoulders and arms, tits that barely could be contained, and a belly that entered a room seconds before the rest of her. Her face was still attractive, despite being nearly 200lbs heavier than the year previous. No one would have, for a moment, assumed that this girl was one image a year earlier, and this icon of idle gluttony the next.
The crowd slowly spilled out into the bright, sunlight atrium. Mel was on edge, feeling her ecstasy racing through her veins. For her own tense pleasure, she undid the top button on her shorts and pushed the zipper lower with her gut. Thank goodness she was wearing her Calvin Klein’s underneath.

Where were they? Usually, when Kennedy strode through a crowded public place like this, she parted the sea of people with her wide waist and loud voice. People kept her at an arms length to allow her fat ass to make its way through a hallway, but today, she couldn’t spot her?

Mel nervously sucked on her coffee, finding the sugary base. Then – she saw them.

It was Mr. Walters she laid eyes on first, all brown and head buried back in his phone. Kennedy’s mousey mother stumbled alongside, dressed in fancy Italian designer names and looking extremely hungover.

Then, Mel saw her. Her best friend – her … wait?

What the fuck?

Kennedy strode towards Mel, her arms extended and a big beam on her face. Her jeans hung off her, her midsection flat, and her arms severely shrunken. Her ass had tightened with her waist, giving her pants a crinkled “overworn”. When she had left, those jeans were as tight as a drum on her. She basically had to be cemented into them.

Kennedy must have been 70lbs lighter. Maybe even 75lbs.

How? What? Mel felt everything wash away from beneath her. She suddenly felt aware of the plushness of her skin, the ridiculousness of her exposed belly, the soreness in her stomach from her overindulgence.

Kennedy grabbed Mel in a sunny hug. “Oh. My. God. LOOK at you! Did you have a good summer or what?”

Kennedy slipped her fingers through Melissa’s exposed back and side roll. She then grabbed her waistband and wiggled her jeans up and off her severely smaller hips.

Mr. Walters walked over and gave Mel an awkward side hug, saying how good it was to see her. Mel passed him the keys as Kennedy’s mother kissed her on both cheeks, pinching her arm fat quickly as the two adults headed off towards the car.

The obese brunette and less than fat blonde friend fell in line behind.

“What the actual fuck happened?” Mel breathed.

Kennedy linked her arms and pulled her friend to confidentially close distance. “I got this really bad flu. I don’t know what happened, Mel. The food there is different too. The locals say people always slim down when they’re there that long because it’s not full of preservatives and additives and sugars like here. There’s some law that bans them or something. I tried, I really did. But when I got sick, I basically just sat in my bed and wasted away.”

Mel felt tears in her eyes, but she pushed them down. “I can see that.”

Kennedy reached over with one hand and grabbed the bottom line of Mel’s belly. “You had the opposite experience, eh?”

Mel stopped in her tracks and wheeled on her friend in anger. “Yeah, I fucking did. I packed on god-damned near 40lbs this summer, thinking you’d come back the size of a whale. I had it in my mind you’d be like 400lbs or something.”

Kennedy stared at her friend. Her pupils dilated quickly. “Are you over 300lbs?”

Mel crossed her arms, shamefully. “Yeah. Yeah, I am. I thought we both would be. I thought we were moving in together and that it would be funny if we got a place on the third floor. 300s in the 300s.”

For the first time, Mel was bigger than her friend. Kennedy was in no way skinny, but her bloated blubbery bimbo look had disappeared. The sheer oversizeness of her clothes made her look skinny and lean. In reality, she was probably still 260s.

“You’re…over 300lbs?” Kennedy stammered, staring at Mel’s body in the hallway, as people plodded past.

She put her hands on either side of Melissa’s big belly and pulled her in, kissing her lusciously on the lips. Her hands slid up to the side of her fat face, and she squeezed.

Mel melted into the embrace, unsure of how to respond. She kissed back.

When they parted, Kennedy was staring at Mel in a way that the brunette had never seen.

“You did this, for me?”

“Well,” Mel sighed in a broken voice. “I mean, I couldn’t really control myself.”

Kennedy caught her breath. Mel knew her words were having an impact. She carried on, laying a wreath of seductive tease for her.

“Yeah. I mean, you basically turned me into a girl with a big fat appetite and growing body that can’t be satiated. I just can’t stop eating. It’s like you’ve made me addicted to being full. My body can barely keep up with my habits, you should see my stretch marks. But I guess I’ll have to stop now –”

Kennedy grabbed her hand and wrapped an arm around her waist, pinching her fat. “No.”


“No. I think this is who you are forever now.”

Mel bit her lip. “I think so too.”

“I mean, you’ll never be this skinny again.” Kennedy said, reaching down and grabbing a handful of her now meaty backside.

Mel’s heart started to race again.

“This time last year, when I met you, you were this tiny little doe-eyed brunette waif. I was a brassy, fat, blonde bombshell –“

“—was? –“

“Alright, alright. I am. But if this is what I can do to you in a year…and if this is what you can do to yourself in two months…?”

The two made eye contact. At the sliding doors of the airport, they stood on the precipice of the rest of their lives together.

“Are you hungry, Melissa?”

“Almost always, Ken.”

“Good,” the skinny friend said to her fat pal. “Because I gotta get reacquainted with American food. I’m thinking Chinese buffet tonight, and diner breakfast tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” Mel said, shoving a hand between Kennedy’s loose waistband and flattened stomach. “We gotta fill you back into your wardrobe again, too.”

“My mouth is already watering. Glutfest has officially kicked off – the hottest festival in town, now until September 1st!”

With a loud smack on her belly drum, Kennedy punctuated her point. Mel giggled, her chins bobbing in joy.

“Next week, you and I are going apartment hunting. Then, when we’re roommates, we’ll have nothing else to do but sit around, work, eat, feed each other, and outgrow our wardrobe.”

Mel’s crotch throbbed as Kennedy painted the picture.

“I can’t believe I’m the fat friend now. We’re going to have to change that.”

Kennedy smiled, and pulled out Mel’s belly as they crossed the parking lot. It wobbled side to side as they crossed the pavement. “We’ll just have to see about that.”


Kennedy and Melissa will return in … “A PERSUASIVE PAIR”
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Mizark04 1 year
Incredible conclusion! Cannot wait for the sequel!
Fatpeter 1 year
Your stories just keep getting better. Chapter 20 the best chapter yet. I was hoping that was going to happen eventually
CoffeeMug 1 year
Uh oh, hope the fair doesn't run out of corndogs or have an eating contest!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Randomuserna... 1 year
Excited to see where this goes!
CoffeeMug 1 year
Super hot! Can't see where they gain from here!!
SilverLining24 1 year
So... this is an awesome story. Can not wait for more!
Leuco 1 year
I m in love with this story
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! 😆 Love ya story 🙂
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I love the word "chesticles"! 😆 Love ya story 🙂
Fatpeter 1 year
Love this! Can’t wait for more
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Jazzman 1 year
Tremendous story
Ghostrunnersfan 1 year
Amazing work
Mclovinnit 1 year
Great start! Cant wait for what lies ahead of the girls
Angelhoney 1 year
so hot, i love their dynamic together
Karenjenk 1 year
4 the dynamic duo. love how they are friends.
CoffeeMug 1 year
Keep it up! Can't wait for these two to end up as roommates in college
J Miles 1 year
Like this story :3 wanna see more
Syntactical 1 year
Great start! Eager to see where this one goes. True to the title, Kennedy's gonna be a *terrible* influence on Melissa's waistline... but it seems like Melissa might be a bad influence on Kennedy too!